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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2018 in all areas

  1. Often times, there may be 40-60-80 players on, but still not have that much cases/issues flowing in. Without the staff ratio, staff can adapt to the amount of issues/cases coming in. Similarly, if there is only 40 players on but a lot of cases 2 staff can't handle, others can hop on and help. It can also sometimes give staff more incentive to get on staff without having to be constantly reminded/bugged about the ratio.
    2 points
  2. + Support Very Friendly and very good all-around person and would be a good face for support.
    1 point
  3. That Why you bring take the rush rule away so you still have a chance
    1 point
  4. tcoooooooooooooooooooooooooops
    1 point
  5. +Support Active Mature Long time member TCCCOOOOPSS
    1 point
  6. You can minge for 1 second to respawn them. This was suggested months ago when I was low staff member and it was denied.
    1 point
  7. +Support It should be moved back underground
    1 point
  8. +Support new tazer is complete garbage it’s gotten to the point where most Pd don’t even try to use the taser anymore and just hold someone at gunpoint to claim fearrp if they run.
    1 point
  9. Accepted I'll go get the ruler
    1 point
  10. On Thursday, the 26th, I will be hosting a training session for all those currently interested in advancing to Breacher or Sniper. Details: Thursday the 26th 11am EST: Breacher training 12pm EST: Sniper training If you have a chance at making these times, please try to make them. If you can’t, I will host a second session on the 27th after 4:30pm est, preferably attend the first two. CMDR Will Newel
    0 points
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