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  • Birthday May 24

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  1. You can do that with most cars if they are able to get enough speed. Need 4 Speed shit right here man
  2. Link

    penguin warn fix

    +Support The duplicated warns should have a version of each deleted, however the old warns need to stay as that is what the warning system is meant for. (Sorry!)
  3. Multiple spelling errors and "just not ready for the role"? ... Ummm explain please? +Support He has been here a long time and worked as staff for the majority of his stay. I have been gone for 6 months and I am surprised to see him still in action! He has shown that he is capable of being an officer currently, and hopefully it will remain that way. Good luck on your application!
  4. Link

    Link's Return

    Oh USAF, I mean if I somehow haven't been demoted yet than I guess you can say that ( I haven't played in about 5 months so... don't know how that would be possible) Thank you, Thank you. I am glad you're finding humor in my insanity
  5. Link

    Link's Return

    Well I had Soileau demote me due to inactivity so CCM is kinda out the door rn. I do have a perm SSGT rank though so you'll see me there hot stuff IF TEN MILLION FIREFLIES, LIT UP THE WORLD AS I FELL ASLEEP
  6. I do agree that this can be easily abused by many minges in the game. What I instead recommend is we create invincibility for a short period of time for people spawning in to at least help prevent spawn trapping. I'm sure the staff will have control of the rest.
  7. Link

    Link's Return

    Yeah so uh... we are natural born enemies comrade the legendary Russian sniper Link is coming back. Cyka Blyat comrade, Lord Tachanka grant me your power to murder Perry on his own server
  8. *Cozily sitting next to fireplace, with a silk robe on and reading his favorite book - Link and Zelda's Fantasy* *Licks thumb and turns page while sighing in relaxation, shifts body a little bit to hit that G-String of a comfort zone* *Hears a noise and slightly looks up to analyze the culprit* Oh hey! I didn't see you there, what's poppin' home slice? Welcome to MTV Cribs, my names Link and this is my sanctuary of anime tiddies, our lord and savior DBangz, and some more disgusting things that other people would to be ashamed to see. Today I am going to - *cameraman intervenes to inform me that this isn't the MTV Cribs show, but rather a really awkward re-introduction to the GL community* Oh sheet homie sick shitza man! Hey whats up my dudes, my names Link, I used to be a Head Admin for this community, and worked very hard to be the best SA I could at the time. As we all know, someone was recently banned. This person, personally, made staying on GamingLight a pain and difficult. With the news that some of my old friends have been unbanned - such as my Waifu Rangiatea (who I trained into the Marines almost a year and a half now on MilRP) - I have decided that I should try my luck on this community again, and say hello to old friends that I haven't seen in months. Some Facts about me: I don't like people knowing personal things about me so this section will be short for those who don't know who I am. Some Facts about you: I know your home address, your moms number, your dads work phone, and your sisters WeGo number (Children who were born in the 2000's might not understand this reference so now I seem like a legit pedo even though this is 100% sarcastic and a waste of your time to be reading. I don't even know why you're still here this information doesn't intrigue you. New people won't even care because they don't know who I am. WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE SAVE THESE FEW MINUTES THAT IS CURRENTLY BEING STOLEN FROM YOUR ALREADY SHORT LIFE SPAN. IM NOT KIDDING CLICK AWAY) sorry about the little mental crisis I just had... moving on... Im happy to be back, thanks for wasting a solid 60 seconds on this... piece of art... no you can't even call it art, let's tell the truth to ourselves this is complete garbage. Might delete later I looked cute in this pic
  9. Never thought I'd see the day welcome back babe
  10. My favorite kind of music is Red Hot Chili peppers or Guns n' roses. That kind of stuff I guess. I don't really know what Genre that can be but ya' know.
  11. My favorite car was invented by my Ancestors. ΚΑΤΩ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΥΣ ΣΕΠΤΕΡΑΣΤΕΣ
  12. We need to queue up sometime my man.
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