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Ems doa suggestion - Denied


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big doa 

What you want to see? - I would like to see ems have to /roll before reviving someone to determine if they are dead on arrival or not. The way I would like to see this work is when ems gets over your body they /roll,  the numbers from 1-85 you can be revived and 85 - 100 your dead on arrival. They would act like there gonna revive you and say dead on a arrival and you can respawn. If not dead on arrival you would be picked up like normal. 

Why should we add it? - easy way to add rp to the server and would be helpful for mass crim during ems giving you a shot of getting to just respawn 1/7 times. On top of this it gives ems a little more to do and more room for rp /roll can be easily binded and typed so this shouldn’t slow down ems to much.

What are the advantages of having this? - I believe the advantages to this is more rp for everyone and added realism. 

Who is it mainly for? - everyone 

Links to any content - 

additional note: this would also be a good way to help take Barrett’s from player that only use them on gov when ems is online. I didn’t add this above cause it’s not the main idea just something to think about. 

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- Support


/roll is not roleplay, it’s only a tool used to help broken roleplay in which two parties do not know how to solve a solution. I don’t think a lot of people will appreciate them sitting there dead for 5 mins just for ems to come and do /roll to determine if they revive you or not, and if they count you as DOA you are forced to respawn which the servers respawn system is already kinda wonky. There’s a lot of better things that can be suggested but i’m not a fan of this and it sounds terrible in action. 


Just sounds like another required thing that has to be done by EMS as a chore contributing nothing towards their roleplay.

Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

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No just no... Like honestly this is really bad. Reason? If ems did roll and you could not get revived because based on number medic rolled you would have ot wait more time to respawn due to the script not allowing you to respawn until the timer is up. The timer when you die is 4 minutes. Also as is right now for EMS I understand your trying add more "Roleplay" but this honestly removes fun and a lot out of our SOP with FTOs and more. This benefits nobody and if EMS is on and you have barrett then your lucky. Theres better things you can suggest for EMS for more roleplay expect for a rolling suggestion.

If theres a addon that is useful for ems, etc then suggest it or hand it to me and I can see what I can do.


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3 hours ago, MiniEpic said:


No just no... Like honestly this is really bad. Reason? If ems did roll and you could not get revived because based on number medic rolled you would have ot wait more time to respawn due to the script not allowing you to respawn until the timer is up. The timer when you die is 4 minutes. Also as is right now for EMS I understand your trying add more "Roleplay" but this honestly removes fun and a lot out of our SOP with FTOs and more. This benefits nobody and if EMS is on and you have barrett then your lucky. Theres better things you can suggest for EMS for more roleplay expect for a rolling suggestion.

If theres a addon that is useful for ems, etc then suggest it or hand it to me and I can see what I can do.



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4 hours ago, MiniEpic said:


No just no... Like honestly this is really bad. Reason? If ems did roll and you could not get revived because based on number medic rolled you would have ot wait more time to respawn due to the script not allowing you to respawn until the timer is up. The timer when you die is 4 minutes. Also as is right now for EMS I understand your trying add more "Roleplay" but this honestly removes fun and a lot out of our SOP with FTOs and more. This benefits nobody and if EMS is on and you have barrett then your lucky. Theres better things you can suggest for EMS for more roleplay expect for a rolling suggestion.

If theres a addon that is useful for ems, etc then suggest it or hand it to me and I can see what I can do.


EMS Deputy/Assistant Head FTO | Trooper Lieutenant| 


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4 hours ago, MiniEpic said:


No just no... Like honestly this is really bad. Reason? If ems did roll and you could not get revived because based on number medic rolled you would have ot wait more time to respawn due to the script not allowing you to respawn until the timer is up. The timer when you die is 4 minutes. Also as is right now for EMS I understand your trying add more "Roleplay" but this honestly removes fun and a lot out of our SOP with FTOs and more. This benefits nobody and if EMS is on and you have barrett then your lucky. Theres better things you can suggest for EMS for more roleplay expect for a rolling suggestion.

If theres a addon that is useful for ems, etc then suggest it or hand it to me and I can see what I can do.


PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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15 hours ago, The Bats said:

+Support. Only downside i see is that once you click call ems you cant physically respawn for 3 minutes so you'd have to wait a bit anyways.


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2 hours ago, Masterson said:


I feel like this would encourage shootouts, here's why;

I shoot cops, wait for ems, go to jail for 4 minutes. OR I surrender to cops and go to jail for 6 - 8 minutes for a class 3/4.. 

I feel like people would more than likely shoot at cops just because it's shorter than surrendering. 



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