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Stolas' RRH Engineer Application

Lord Stolas

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In Game Name: Stolas

Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427)

Discord ID (Ex. Pinbal#5433): Lord Stolas#8211

Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Engineer

Current RP Ranks Held: Maintenance OS SCS SFTO Jan 2, GENSEC SM Jugg JG

 Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): no

If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here:

How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof):0

Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I want to be the best maintenance personnel there ever was, and I can't possibly do that without joining the Red Right Hand. On top of that, I want to be able to do more in depth RP than just rolling to fix stuff and this server doesn't really offer much of that anywhere other than LVL 4+ personnel. I also want to interact with the Overseer Council more closely than standing around and  calling them "sir" or, if I'm really feeling reckless, "V.I.P's"

Why should we accept you: I may be some low playtime low command upstart, but I didn't get maintenance command in 2 weeks for being mediocre. I am a top tier foundation personnel, I have a good reputation amongst the branches I am in, and I am on the server 7+ hours daily. As the most active member of my main branch, I am often in charge of leading and directing personnel, and my time in GENSEC has given me many hours experience directing combatant personnel. As Mobile Mop force I have proven my combat prowess in disposing of better equipped opponents. I also believe I could make a great addition to the RP on the server. This application may be short, but I am a man of action, not words, and I feel that my actions speak for themselves. Some might call that arrogance, but people have to know their worth, and I am worth having in the Red Right Hand. thank you for your time.


Edited by Lord Stolas

SCPRP: AHOME | Nu-7 Quartermaster | E11 Staff Sergent | Senior Medical Specialist | Experienced Marksman | Junior Combat Engineer | Rapid Response Team | Ranger |
SWRP: Pyke Soldier I | ST SFC | Apprentice IV


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Ton of experience in both medical and Maintenance
Command in Maintenance
Active as hell
General nice person to speak with and mature

~Kilo 2

| EX CI General | | Ex Lead Admin | 
| The best Fruit to exist |

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8 hours ago, K I W I said:

Ton of experience in both medical and Maintenance
Command in Maintenance
Active as hell
General nice person to speak with and mature

~Kilo 2

Yes! the person has been so active latetly and is now in low command! i consider him a fit for RRH

Current: Medical Command (Surgeon)

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9 hours ago, K I W I said:

Ton of experience in both medical and Maintenance
Command in Maintenance
Active as hell
General nice person to speak with and mature



Edited by Gosling

Former: Grand Inquisitor   Lead Admin
sasuke GIF

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Congratulations, this application into the Red Right Hand program has been accepted. Please speak to O5-5 'The Treasurer' to receive initial training into the Red Right Hand program.


Former SCP:RP Event Team Leader (5/15/19 - 12/31/19)

Current SCP:RP Head Administrator

"I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon"

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