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BA6 - Death Trooper Commander Application


Death Trooper Commander Poll  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Allow Daze to become the Death Trooper Commander?

    • Yes. (Please state your reasoning)
    • No. (Please state your reasoning)

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What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

DT Vice Commander BA6


What Regiment are you applying for?

Death Troopers


Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

The day that I was given the right to call myself a Death Trooper, I have been loyal to Death Troopers ever since. I have strived to take on the core values of what it means to be a Death Trooper in all meanings for body, mind and soul. I want to show the rest of High Command, the server and my fellow Death Troopers the experience of a serious RP regiment. During my time in Death Troopers, I have only ever focused on Death Troopers, and I want to bring more fun, exciting and better ideas to the table and help out the people under me. I want to become a commander because I know what it takes from a form of experience and what is expected from me from others and High Command. I want to be a strategic member for both High Command and the members of Death Troopers. I am always wanting to do more for the battalion big or small. All of my hard work, dedication and loyalty to Death Troopers is what keeps me going and allows me to strive to be a better Commander for my troops. All I ever care about is the growth and experience for my troops with Death Troopers in-general from Sub-branches within Death Troopers and other regiments as well. Everything I do for Death Troopers will be the foundation that I use to do better for the battalion, my troops and my growth as well. Every time I would come back from work or get up after sleeping, I get on the server and enjoy my time and experience as a Death Trooper as well as participating and interacting with my other fellow Death Troopers. I want to be a teacher or mentor for the others around me, as well as being the position of an ambassador for the regiment. I always want to have a positive mindset to enforce our standards and to have a positive outlook on Death Troopers. Nothing will stop me from making Death Troopers that they were always meant to be. I want to keep Death Troopers at its peak and allow our members to thrive. No matter what other regiments I play as, Death Troopers will always be my home.


How much game time do you have on the server?

Just about 5 months now with the community. Little over 1 month in-game time.


What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of a commander for a branch is to be the teacher, mentor, leading example, and a role-model. You are in the spotlight and are being judged at any and every moment in nearly every scenario, decision or angle from either High Command member, different regiment members, all the way down to your own enlisted members. You are the top person that everyone in your regiment looks up to or wants to learn from because you received the position for a reason. Being a person that is able to take advantage of this and being able to show your expertise as well as working pass the stress of it all at the same time can be a great tool to utilize. I try to takes this and use it to my advantage as a commander to show off my capabilities and to even shed light on issues in Death Troopers I would like to get fixed or being able to be that person representing Death Troopers. Being a Commander, it is your job to make sure that people are active, including your officers/command officers. Taking charge and leading your officers will allow yourself and for them to grow. With keeping activity in check, making sure your roster updated no later than three days allows real time information between regimental command members and the troopers under them as well. Being able to branch out to other regiments is an important and needed role in being a commander for a regiment. If they aren't working with their own members, they're working with other members from other regiments which allows both regiments to form a sense of camaraderie and allow mission success between regiments smoothly. Being a Commander also consists of thinking of other ideas that could possibly be implemented to allow better ideas and cohesion or little things that make the members in your regiment or other regiments happy as well. All together, your role and responsibilities are to keep activities within your regiment smooth and communicate with other regiments and command your team. Being able to master these skills will allow you to excel as your role as a commander, and will allow others to grow under you.


Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

So far, everything I have learned so far as being a Vice Commander and in general being in Death Troopers and the overall help from my superiors and the people around me has allowed me to excel, grow, learn, and adjust to my new role as a Vice Commander, making my transition to full fledge commander and the responsibilities that come with being a commander a smooth and easy transition. I feel that this time as Vice Commander has gotten me ready for the potential I still have waiting for me to allow me to grow as a member of Death Trooper Command. I see myself as a mature and overall well knowledgeable member of Death Trooper command. I make sure that comes up to me that it is known anyone from my own or other regiments are able to freely come to me with any questions they may have or issues they are experiencing. I keep myself approachable and allow other members to speak freely in a "closed door" environment so they know they are in a safe and protected environment. If they have stressed all means of utilizing every bit of the Chain of Command, I make sure to let people know that I am always willing to help and keep my standards professional and exceptional. Death Troopers is the only regiment I truly enjoy play and completely dedicated and show full loyalty to. There is no doubt in my mind to think why there would be another regiment for me, because Death Troopers is the only regiment for me as it is a home and family for me. I respect the members that take the time to dedicate themselves to the regiment or however many tries it takes them to get into Death Troopers. Being apart of Death Troopers has taught me so much that I want to teach others, and I wouldn't trade that for the world. I want to keep Death Troopers a serious roleplay regiment as seen and announced and to make sure it's solidified. I want to enhance, hone and direct my troops skills and senses into the members that I know that they need be. If they earned the right to call each other and themselves "Death Trooper," then I am going to hold them to the standards a Death Trooper should be and what is required to be one. I will find a way to allow every member within Death Troopers to grow and allow themselves to outshine the others. In times that your troops are showing conduct unbecoming of Imperial standards or your regiments standards, I am fully confident in myself serving justice and keeping my regiment in order so that no mistakes fall through the cracks. No one within Death Troopers has special treatment, and everyone within Death Troopers will be held to the same standard. My time as Vice Commander has readied me for the role as Death Trooper Commander.


How often can you be Online? :

I am active duty in the Air Force and my timezone is UTC Tokyo. I can be active about 4-5 hours a day, and 8+ hours a day on my 2-3 days off.


Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :



Extra :

Thank you for taking the time to consider me for the position of Death Trooper Commander! Thank you for everyone's support for me getting to this point!


-=- Second to None -=-

Edited by Daze
Small edits


Death Trooper Commander/LTCOL/SV02

Assistant Head Gamemaster + Senior Admin

Current: Crunch's Son

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Daze is a great candidate for the DT Commander position. He's shown throughout his time on the server that he is responsible and capable of being a leader. 

As a GM and Senior Mod I see the responsibly Daze takes on and how he handles tough situations. As stated before Daze is a great candidate for the DT Commander position.

Good Luck!

DT UN0 Imperial Commando Enforcer Diabeto | DT LEAN UN0


Ex: [The First] IC 1156 Maroon | IC 3222 Atin | Purge BJL 1LT Diabeto PB39 IC DMOV VCMDR 1262 Scorch | DT F16

Talren's First and Only Personal Lean Trooper

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Daze is a great Candidate for the Commander Position. Ever since I've joined DT he has been there every step of the way helping to mentor me and other DT enlisted-NCO's to grow and become better. I think one of the reasons I am the NCO I am today is because of people like Daze's leadership and teaching. He is always helpful and calm and collected even in stressful situations and brings plenty of experience to the table having been VCMDR. As a plus he is also Admin and GMVII he has done so much for the server and I know he will continue doing so whatever his position! 

Side note: Application very well written and to the point!

Current: DT EX1 | Imperial RP TGM | ImperialRP Trial Mod
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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+ support

-great guy

-in my interactions with him he's been helpful


                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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16 hours ago, Anomaly said:


Daze is a great Candidate for the Commander Position. Ever since I've joined DT he has been there every step of the way helping to mentor me and other DT enlisted-NCO's to grow and become better. I think one of the reasons I am the NCO I am today is because of people like Daze's leadership and teaching. He is always helpful and calm and collected even in stressful situations and brings plenty of experience to the table having been VCMDR. As a plus he is also Admin and GMVII he has done so much for the server and I know he will continue doing so whatever his position! 

Side note: Application very well written and to the point!


| former Shock 1LT, Shock SGT | | Former IQ CPL | | x3 Former IF Agent| 

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8 hours ago, clarence said:

+ support

-great guy

-in my interactions with him he's been helpful


amazing guy to work with, i have worked with him as an SO and its been some fantastic times
He has a great leader ship
Willing to take risks that can make the battalion much better

I hope you the best of luck and would love to work with you even if you are Commander of DT

Now: Naval Captain Wolf|  Mark's Son (<-mom)| Security Directors/Agent Kallus|

Former: Shock VCMDR/Lt Col. IF Moderator X2 | Gamemaster tic 3 and tic 5 | IC Maj Wolf | Naval Lieuenant x2 | Ted's Son| Bon`s favorite | IC Maroon/Volt 

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17 hours ago, Anomaly said:


Daze is a great Candidate for the Commander Position. Ever since I've joined DT he has been there every step of the way helping to mentor me and other DT enlisted-NCO's to grow and become better. I think one of the reasons I am the NCO I am today is because of people like Daze's leadership and teaching. He is always helpful and calm and collected even in stressful situations and brings plenty of experience to the table having been VCMDR. As a plus he is also Admin and GMVII he has done so much for the server and I know he will continue doing so whatever his position! 

Side note: Application very well written and to the point!

Factual Statement 

Ex: RRH Guardian Delta 40 / CI CPT IC Project Ω Overseer VCMDR Fixer Project Ω Squad Lead Niner

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On 7/13/2022 at 7:11 PM, Diabeto said:


Daze is a great candidate for the DT Commander position. He's shown throughout his time on the server that he is responsible and capable of being a leader. 

As a GM and Senior Mod I see the responsibly Daze takes on and how he handles tough situations. As stated before Daze is a great candidate for the DT Commander position.

Good Luck!


+ Amazing GUY

+ Active

Best of Luck!


Rear Admiral Sam

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On 7/14/2022 at 12:25 PM, Anomaly said:


Daze is a great Candidate for the Commander Position. Ever since I've joined DT he has been there every step of the way helping to mentor me and other DT enlisted-NCO's to grow and become better. I think one of the reasons I am the NCO I am today is because of people like Daze's leadership and teaching. He is always helpful and calm and collected even in stressful situations and brings plenty of experience to the table having been VCMDR. As a plus he is also Admin and GMVII he has done so much for the server and I know he will continue doing so whatever his position! 

Side note: Application very well written and to the point!


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On 7/13/2022 at 9:25 PM, Anomaly said:


Daze is a great Candidate for the Commander Position. Ever since I've joined DT he has been there every step of the way helping to mentor me and other DT enlisted-NCO's to grow and become better. I think one of the reasons I am the NCO I am today is because of people like Daze's leadership and teaching. He is always helpful and calm and collected even in stressful situations and brings plenty of experience to the table having been VCMDR. As a plus he is also Admin and GMVII he has done so much for the server and I know he will continue doing so whatever his position! 

Side note: Application very well written and to the point!


Former: | Security Director | | ONE AND ONLY Admiral Antonio Motti | 

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