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Mr Smurk's Staff Application - Accepted

Mr Smurk

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What is your in-game name?: Mr Smurk 

What is your steam name?: [GL] Smurk 

What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:636644417

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (No SIr, i was Staff on PoliceRP Server for about 2 and a half months)

What date did you start playing on the community? (A good 6 months ago)

What date did you make your forums account? March 17 2022

Current rank on server (platinum)

How many warns do you have on the server (i have 8 warns)226801429_4000_screenshots_20220628113629_1help.thumb.jpg.817a9e916299065cf0839790ced3e8f9.jpg

What rank are you applying for? TrailMod 

Are you staff on another community (No Sir)

Have you read the staff guidelines (Yes i have SIr)

Timezone: PST time zone 

Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Well i was a moderator about a month and a half ago i would like to say i was going thru a ruff time i really was not thinking or doing things how they should be done not in the game but in IRL to i should have taken a break honestly  i would like to say before i put in my 48 hours in the time and experience i had with u guys was really fun to get on and help the server out at times but i believe that if u guys give me a second chance to come back in the staff community I would try my best to maintain and keep going so i could climb the ranks if possible i get on thru the day as well at night time i feel as if I have built good ties with people in the GL community i regret not talking to drippy or just in general to anyone before I put in my 48 I was not thinking in general ❤️)

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? 

(Well i would try to deescalate the situation so we could both understand each other if he continues to talk over me i would ask the next higher rank if they could possible help me out then we would go from there but honestly i would keep it professional and try to understand his side of the story before i talk to him about warns or rules)


Edited by Mr Smurk
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Another smurk?.

3 hours ago, Alonzo said:


former staff

never had any bad interactions with you 

great role player 


2 hours ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:




Knowledgable of the rules 


I mean also his name smurk so


-suppirt did not make vote


Im back


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On 6/28/2022 at 7:39 PM, ZoeyPlaysGames said:

+/- support 

+Great interactions with you in game 

+Previous staffing experience on GL

-8 warns in six months seems high to me.

-previous warns for homophobic slurs 

-no poll



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On 6/28/2022 at 4:03 PM, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:




Knowledgable of the rules 


I mean also his name smurk so


PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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Interact with him a lot, and he is 
 a good boi
And a good bonus is previous staff.

Although you have a medium amount of warns
Hefty warn types
didn't follow App lines to the absolute 'T'



Support + 
Pros are better than the cons, warns may have been from ages ago.

State Reserves | DOC Reserves |CERT Reserves 

Ex-SWAT Low Command

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Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team!

You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. 

Thank you, and we look forward to working with you!

~PoliceRP Senior Management Team


PoliceRP - Retired Manager

Retired SWAT Commander | UMC 

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