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Lukas High Inquisitor- Denied

Luke II.

Should i be a High Inquisitor  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that i should become High Inquisitor

    • YES
    • NO

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What is your IGN? (In Game Name)

Why do you want to become the position of High Inquisitor?

I want to become a High Inquisitor because I want to continue my career and I also want to help High Command. When I connected to this server, the first Battalion I was interested in was Purge. I've met a lot of great people all this time I've been in Purge. I managed to get the position of colonel and I also got the rank of Heavy Senior Lead. As soon as I got the Heavy Senior Lead position, our Heavy sub-battalion was the most active. I was one of the few very active officers and I enjoyed the position. I hosted the Sims and Tryouts for fun and to make people in our Battalion feel accepted. But after a few weeks, I had to resign for personal reasons. Right after a few weeks, I was able to rejoin Purge and return from the rank of private to the position of Colonel and again to Heavy Senior Lead. And then I became Purge Vice Commander. I was Vice Commander for only one month and I hosted 20 sims. And this month I plan to host 30 sims. and Next month 40 if its possible. I updated the roster every day to make everything perfect. and I also became the overseer of our Brawler sub-battalion, which in my time when I was Heavy Senior Lead had only 2 Brawler Training Officers and 1 Brawler Assistant lead. As soon as I got overseer of the Brawler sub-battalion, I managed to revive the Brawlers and get people to join the Brawler. And now it is the most active than before. Even more active than the Heavy sub-battalion.

What is the biggest thing you would bring to Inquisitorious High Command?

I would like to help the High Command team with everything they can't handle. I would like to help create storyline events and missions for our battalions. I would also like to create a new sub-battalion Together with our IQ high command team and also help create new models for other battalions


I would like to help the High Command team with everything they can't handle. I would like to help create storyline events and missions for our battalions. Also Update old documents that we have. I would also like to create a new sub-battalion Together with our IQ high command team and also help create new models for other battalions


 Almost the same thing with flag ups. I would like to see more flag-ups from our lords. We also don't just have to host sims where we fight Jedi. But we can go to Medbay for checkups, or visit our engineers who can look at our lightsaber

Royal Guards

from the Royal Guard, I would like to reduce their quota and help them with the problems they have right now. Since they received the quota, their number has dropped a lot. This is a very big problem for their officers who have to do both their work and for NCOs. I would also like to see if we could go  to medbay for checkups or visit visit our engineers who can take a look at our lightsaber

What is the purpose of a High IQ?

The main purpose of the High Inquisitor is to rally the rest of the players and inspire them to want to play on the server, Keep the roster up to date, and also make sure everyone is following the SOP and doing what they are supposed to be doing. Also giving people fun SIMS. and for the hard work of our officers and NCOs give out prizes such as Money, lightsaber parts, and promotions. Another main Purpose of High IQ is to set an example to the Enlisted, NCOs, and Officers and communicate with them. Also to help battalions with anything they need help with, like with any problems/issues within the battalions. The High IQ should also know-how is your each command member does the sims and training to help them with new ideas on how to entertain his command team and especially his battalion so that the people who join here feel welcome .

Why should we trust you to be IQ High Command?

I believe I’ve done a good job as a Vice Commander. I mean I have indeed been a Vice commander for only 2 months but I think I could do an even better job as a High Inquisitor. I have great relations with the current Inquisitorius High Command team and also with the High Command Team and I believe that I could communicate and work with them. I can also communicate as much as I can with any ranks within any Battalion on the server by making them feel welcomed and accepted In this Community. And because of my dedication to Purge, I have spent many hours Guiding all the enlisted and NCOs and Officers, helping out to the best of my capabilities. I have Zero strikes, Zero warnings, Zero bans, or kicks. I am tolerable and have shown good leadership among the troops and as Ground command a few times. I have shown my respect and loyalty and want to continue doing so within Inquisitors as it is my favorite Battalion.

How often can you be active in-game?

Every Day 3-5 hours

Do you have any Warnings? (What for?)

i have no Warnings

Former Purge Commander Luke

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good app


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