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Gerald's 501st Vice Commander Application.- Denied

i like ...stuff

Should I be VCMDR  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Should I become VCMDR? If no please give me a reason

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :
501st HVYL LTCOL Gerald


2. What Regiment are you applying for?
501st Vice Commander


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?
To be quite frank, I love this battalion, and the people who are in it no matter the rank. This has really been the only battalion that I've wanted to focus on, as the other battalions i've joined, i've never gotten past PFC at most due to me focussing on the 501st. Over the past 6 months of my time in this battalion, we've taken some hard blows. And it truley does break my heart to see people leave, so I want to become a Vice Commander in order to reshape our battalion! Make it one hundred times better then it was before, and show others that we aren't just a regular army battalion (of course every battalion is good) but show just how I see it. Another reason is because I want to help our command team with their heafty load they have, and I feel that I would be a helping hand to them. That is why I want to become a Vice Commander


4. How much game time do you have on the server?

 As of the moment, 255 hours on record, and have been of the server for around 6 months now. https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/910512085


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?
The main purpose of a Commander position is to make sure your troopers are having a good time, and making sure your battalion is running smoothly. Because once your battalion has come to disrespect you and the battalion, that's a hard hill to overcome no matter how many people like you. But coming back to troopers having a good time, it's importent to stay active. and more importantly, interact with your peers. No one likes a member of your team to not do anything, as it's just basically pulling dead weight.



6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :
 I should be trusted with the role of Vice Commander due to my experience with leading things. I'm the lead of the heavy battalion, and I also host the sotryline mission within my battalion that do include cross-battalion sometimes. Also with my 6 months on the server I have picked up things that some may have not in their time. Although I have not joined any other battalions other then this one, I feel as if I have a good relationship with most people on Gaminglight. So it's safe to assume that I would have no problems with other battalions.


7. How often can you be Online? :
Weekdays: 4pm est - 10pm est
Weekends: 10am est - 11:30 pm est


8. Do you have any Warnings?


Edited by i like ...stuff

              501st HVYL LTCOL Gerald                            star wars stormtrooper GIF                      

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Great Guy. Would make a great Vice Commander


Heavy Good Heavy Best!

Current  #1 Gaminglight Aussie

Former : Admin | 501st Commander Cammin501st COL ARCL Blitz 01|Nova MM LCPL Odin SF SFL GSC Cammin IC DMS SSE 2LT Cammin | 69th PFC Cammin Shock PFC Cammin | IF Agent  Deez Nuts  | GameMaster I |  DT CPL OB1


                                              "All we want in this life. Is Peace, Prosperity and a Little Paper" -Q Tip

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11 hours ago, Cammin said:


Great Guy. Would make a great Vice Commander


Heavy Good Heavy Best!


                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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  • i like ...stuff changed the title to Gerald's 501st Vice Commander Application.
On 5/15/2022 at 1:18 PM, Cammin said:


Great Guy. Would make a great Vice Commander


Heavy Good Heavy Best!

Very kind and respectful

|| Former: [501st VCMDR] [501st HVYL] [501st HVYAL] [501st COL] [501st 2nd LT] [NCO x3] ||

I'm tired.


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Missing Poll


If you fix this I will change my Support.

Edited by Brand
  • Like 1

Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


High Five Tom Cruise GIF by Hollywood Suite


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On 5/15/2022 at 7:18 PM, Cammin said:


Great Guy. Would make a great Vice Commander


Heavy Good Heavy Best!


| former Shock 1LT, Shock SGT | | Former IQ CPL | | x3 Former IF Agent| 

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Thank you for your interest in joining the Army Command Team.
You may reapply in 2 weeks.

- Advisor Bear -
- = was Darth Vader (fortnite) & killed a lot of people (MRDM)= -
R IC COL 6150 BEAR | R ST COL Barrett 6150

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