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Tactical's Resignation from State Police and CERT.


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So the time has come where its my time to leave both CERT and State Police. Its been a great run as I never thought I would make it to Major and even CERT Commander. I have learnt a lot of skills from a lot of people and I will always remember them, same with the funny moments i will always remember them, its sad I have to leave but I'm not leaving fully, I will still be here to help you guys out with anything you need.
i am truly thankful for all the time and effort people have put towards me in state, I will always cherish this.

@Yobo when i first met u i though damn, better not upset him, turns out i had some of my funniest gaming moments with you from playing battlefield 4 to sinking boats on sea of thieves and of course running around as crim murdering everyone, i wanna thank you for the opportunity you gave me in state.

@Cammy You gave me the opportunity to fully run my own department and i have learnt a lot from that, from being my SCO19 Chief Constable to now my State Colonel, i have had some great times with you and will always remember when i broke the CERT SOP and sitting listening at you moaning about it lmao, thankyou for the opportunity you gave me 

@Recs hate this guy.... on a real we had some good times to but we had our differences that we would often sort by 1 v 1 each other in trainings, keep up the good work with DOC 

@Ajax K. this MF, the most clueless person on the planet, this guy doesn't know what's going on any of the time and trying to watch him drive is even funnier, keep up with the driving school 

@Carrots  Char Char did well as my Co-Commander, almost like you've been a department head before somewhere?!?!? keep up the hard work with state.

@Billy S Scottish 


There are plenty of people i could go on to mention but i would be here until my licence is back, all you guys know who you are and thankyou all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

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jobs a gooden bobs your uncle... It was a pleasure working with you as well don't forget from where you came from lad

Edited by balloonhail4979

SM Balloon 1A98/FBI Deputy Director Balloon RA5/State Major Balloon 1H02/CERT TL Balloon 1TL01/SPMU Head Patrolman Balloon 1HP01

Keep your head up and your eyes straight and everything will be fine

 T MOD Oct 9-15/21  MODERATOR Oct 15 - Nov 5/21 SENIOR MOD Nov 21 - Dec 12/21 Admin Dec 12 - Jan 14/22 Senior Admin Jan 14 - Current

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You Truly will be missed in State and Especially CERT, thank you for all your hard work and dedication to make CERT what it is today.  

                         Current Police RP Positions   

  • C.E.R.T Co-Commander | 1K33
  • Umbrella Corp | LVL 1

               Prior Police RP Positions
  • Retired | Reserve Police Assistant Chief | 1K-9
  • Former | Trooper Major | 1H03
  • Former | C.E.R.T Team Leader x2 | 1TL03
  • Former | Reserve SPMU Head Patrolman | 1HP01
  • Former | Reserve DOC Warden | 1CW33
  • Former | Reserve RRU Director | 8701
  • Former | Reserve EMS Deputy Chief | 8603
  • Former | SCU Co-CMDR | 1K33
  • Former | Secret Service SAIC | XR03
  • Former | UMC Paramilitary | LVL 4  
  • Signed, Ajax Reyes.
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