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XT5's Officer application


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In-Game name:Slasha



How long have you been in your current rank?:1 week


What experiences in leadership do you have?:I have many leadership experiences from other GMOD servers such as ICEFUSES military rp (Not up anymore) ICEFUSE clonewars RP as well as my current semi leadership role in DT. 


Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum)

I want to be an officer because, That's what I've been grinding for since I've gotten into DT I've poured my heart and soul out into DT and I want that work to pay off as well as I want to make DT command and certain people in DT proud of the accomplishment's that I've made along the way I would also like to straighten DT up a bit and hopefully get all the way up to commander or VCMDR and be a star in the DT command one that people look up to I want people to take me as an example and follow in my footsteps and I believe getting to officer is my first step in achieving said goal that is why I want to become a DT officer. 


What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum)

I standout amongst others because of the way I act and carry myself I can have a good time and joke but when it's time to get serious I can which is what separates me from some I also believe that my leadership is competent enough to lead a great DT and shape future DT as well as my personality it's definitely very different compared to most I'd say I have a pretty alright personality as well as I can exceed quota and most of the time I do I always shoot for the stars as a DT to stand out and I say I do a pretty damn fine job at it.


Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position?


Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion?


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+ Good app

+ Always exceeds quota

+ Has goals 

+ Serious when needed 

+ Very active 

+ Past experience

I think Slasha/XT5 would be a great officer. He has set goals for himself and always reaches or exceeds those goals. Quota is always well above the minimum. Knows when he needs to be serious and switches off any jokes to complete the objective or corrective action as needed, definitely one of the best NCO's from what I've seen. The past experience is also a big plus.


- Burrito | DT CPT RX6





DT SV02 | DT SN03 | DT CPT RX6 | 69th CPL Burrito 6297

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8 hours ago, Bobby Boy said:


+ Good app

+ Always exceeds quota

+ Has goals 

+ Serious when needed 

+ Very active 

+ Past experience

I think Slasha/XT5 would be a great officer. He has set goals for himself and always reaches or exceeds those goals. Quota is always well above the minimum. Knows when he needs to be serious and switches off any jokes to complete the objective or corrective action as needed, definitely one of the best NCO's from what I've seen. The past experience is also a big plus.


- Burrito | DT CPT RX6


I think he's of best NCO we have I think he's been in battalion long enough to be an officer. 

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17 hours ago, Bobby Boy said:


+ Good app

+ Always exceeds quota

+ Has goals 

+ Serious when needed 

+ Very active 

+ Past experience

I think Slasha/XT5 would be a great officer. He has set goals for himself and always reaches or exceeds those goals. Quota is always well above the minimum. Knows when he needs to be serious and switches off any jokes to complete the objective or corrective action as needed, definitely one of the best NCO's from what I've seen. The past experience is also a big plus.


- Burrito | DT CPT RX6



Primary Life:
Pyke Henchman I JSR Matrix
Secondary / Former
Admiral Garrick Versio || Nova MMO SFC || SF GSO TP || Lord IV  || 69th MSGT || IC SSS SGT || Senior Moderator

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On 4/3/2022 at 6:37 PM, Bobby Boy said:


+ Good app

+ Always exceeds quota

+ Has goals 

+ Serious when needed 

+ Very active 

+ Past experience

I think Slasha/XT5 would be a great officer. He has set goals for himself and always reaches or exceeds those goals. Quota is always well above the minimum. Knows when he needs to be serious and switches off any jokes to complete the objective or corrective action as needed, definitely one of the best NCO's from what I've seen. The past experience is also a big plus.


- Burrito | DT CPT RX6



Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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On 4/3/2022 at 8:37 PM, Bobby Boy said:


+ Good app

+ Always exceeds quota

+ Has goals 

+ Serious when needed 

+ Very active 

+ Past experience

I think Slasha/XT5 would be a great officer. He has set goals for himself and always reaches or exceeds those goals. Quota is always well above the minimum. Knows when he needs to be serious and switches off any jokes to complete the objective or corrective action as needed, definitely one of the best NCO's from what I've seen. The past experience is also a big plus.


- Burrito | DT CPT RX6



                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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On 4/4/2022 at 4:37 AM, Bobby Boy said:


+ Good app

+ Always exceeds quota

+ Has goals 

+ Serious when needed 

+ Very active 

+ Past experience

I think Slasha/XT5 would be a great officer. He has set goals for himself and always reaches or exceeds those goals. Quota is always well above the minimum. Knows when he needs to be serious and switches off any jokes to complete the objective or corrective action as needed, definitely one of the best NCO's from what I've seen. The past experience is also a big plus.


- Burrito | DT CPT RX6



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On 4/4/2022 at 11:37 AM, Bobby Boy said:


+ Good app

+ Always exceeds quota

+ Has goals 

+ Serious when needed 

+ Very active 

+ Past experience

I think Slasha/XT5 would be a great officer. He has set goals for himself and always reaches or exceeds those goals. Quota is always well above the minimum. Knows when he needs to be serious and switches off any jokes to complete the objective or corrective action as needed, definitely one of the best NCO's from what I've seen. The past experience is also a big plus.


- Burrito | DT CPT RX6



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On 4/3/2022 at 9:37 PM, Bobby Boy said:


+ Good app

+ Always exceeds quota

+ Has goals 

+ Serious when needed 

+ Very active 

+ Past experience

I think Slasha/XT5 would be a great officer. He has set goals for himself and always reaches or exceeds those goals. Quota is always well above the minimum. Knows when he needs to be serious and switches off any jokes to complete the objective or corrective action as needed, definitely one of the best NCO's from what I've seen. The past experience is also a big plus.


- Burrito | DT CPT RX6




30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

Former: Imperial High Command | Deathtrooper Senior CommanderSenior Admin | Senior Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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