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Infinity Boots Resignation/Retirement

Infinity Boot

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Name: Infinity boot
Rank: Supervisor
Date: 2/4/2022 (as of starting)
Update: Resignation from All Branches...AKA Medical 😛

9/1/2022 - 2/5/2022


Sappy Sob story part VVV

Yeah, It sucks that I am leaving on such short notice, many of you may not have known I was even contemplating leaving, But this has been slowly becoming apparent over the past Month or so.

As much as I love the server, Gameplay and Community, I am just not having any fun with The game, I took LOAs but that didn't fix it, I came back, wanting to play with friends, but it is hard to do that when I, AT BEST, can run the server at about 15FPS, most of the time I might as well be doing a slide show. The Glitches and Bugs I encounter are horrible as well, I know these are Client side problems and not server side, JMT, SMTs, Managers, ETC are doing as best they can keeping a 16 year old game running as smoothly as it can. But that doesn't stop my computer from being a depressed potatoes, So Absolute Burn out, Horrible gameplay problems makes it so attempting to even get on the server are just...not worth it. 

Like I said before; not blaming anyone, Y'all are doing great at what you do.

Talking about people.

- New rowphin: Dude, you are the reason I got so high in MR and in Medical, you stopping and being so nice in my early tests helped so much, Seeing you soar through the ranks and now be a Manager is great! Keep it going dude, HOMS and CI CMDR here you come.

- Biggie Cheese: I know you aren't in Medical anymore but, you are worth a good mention...you are pretty cool dude, great miner in Minecraft as well, hope you do great as foreman! 

- Twix: Left Twix is better, lmao.

- Dustin: Working as an MR and then DHMR under you was Awesome, able to write up the long tests and then having you bump up your standards is a highlight of my stay here. *CM FTW*

-  Nefario: you trained me, you got me into this, the amount of relaxed you were in training was pretty cool. Though selling my soul to satan may be a breach of contract.

- Nauda: why you gotta just leave ;-;

- SGT Salvador: it was great working with you when I could, you have Full Rights to the Rasputin scale of Toxic- whatever I called it.

Random or General ones:

- Coltable and Skela: your kidneys will be mine forever.

- Sparkle: The man hunts you did after me for saying "you are the eye candy Equivalent of getting Raisins for Halloween" was really damn fun

- GENSEC: Chill, fun to chat to, and awesome. as I say on a soundboard somewhere "you had me at penis."

- Chaos Insurgency: 60% of you are awesome, 40% are sad sweaty tryhards, Figure out who's who >: )

- MTF: Way less sweaty than the ones on Revival servers, still have no idea how to refer to Cold Sil-[REDACTED]

- Hockey (Kitler): you know who you are, always funny to see your speech bubble and go "oh hey it's Kitler!"

- Fakelamp: Hope you get DHMR, also STOP SMOKING IN MEDBAY DUMBASS! thank you.



Hope you all enjoyed reading that text Dump, It was fun Playing with Y'all! Hope I can be not poor and get a better computer to play again. GLHF - Infinity Boot

Edited by Infinity Boot
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Former Security 1LT and DCHJ "40K"

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Good Luck wherever you go man

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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fuck this is a sad one to see. bro got me into medical and was one of the first very people i met on this server. go far in life and good luck with everything

o7, we will miss you

Edited by new rowphin

FormerCI CPT SFTO Head Of Hotshot | RRH Guardian Juliet 13| Assistant Head Of Medical SCP-RP Senior Moderator


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Bro.... This hurts me in the feels, not only did you leave me out of mentions but
you're also leaving. It's gonna be so sad without you, I really wanted to at least talk to you again man.

Former  E11/R&D Senior Command | Former IMP RP HCMD | Donator | "when you're drunk as fuck, you feel no pain" - Yohan 2022 |

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Damn. You were a great command member. I'm gonna miss you. 

Hope to see you back sometime. 

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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Zad. Gonna miss ya man, good luck out there!

Joined 09/30/2020
Retired 11/12/2022
Former Security SFC || Former MTF Omi9 MSGT || Former CI CPT/MAJ || Former Nu7 LTCOL/VCMDR || Former E11 CPL || Former Maintenance Professional || Former D5 CPT || Former Senior Medic || Former Advanced Researcher |


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