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General Suggestion - Slight Interrogation Change


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What are you suggesting? - In short: Change the current torture roll mechanic

How interrogations work is that initially someone would ask for a piece of information, and someone can either tell the truth, or tell a lie and then roll off to see if that lie passes

The next step, if the person is caught lying, is to try to torture the subject with another roll off. If the person being interrogated wins the roll, no information is given, the interrogators lose one of five torture rolls (Unless cancelled by a medical roll), and the interrogation moves on and the info is essentially "Lost". If the person being interrogated loses the roll, the person must tell the truth but no torture rolls are lost

My suggestion, is to rework how torture rolls work. The first part of this change is making it so that you may initiate a torture roll as many times as possible to try to extract a certain piece of information, but the second part of this suggestion is making it so that, weather the roll is successful or not, it ALWAYS "Injure's" the subject and makes you lose a torture roll, unless a medical agent is able to win the successive roll of, thus nullifying the torture roll. If the interrogator uses their final roll and wins the roll off, the subject must tell information but CANNOT be interrogated AT ALL after the fact, as they would become unconscious soon after due to their injuries. if the roll is lost, the subject dies immediately

How would this change better the server? - It adds more control and thought to interrogations. Are you willing to move on after failing to get information out of someone, or are you willing to press for more information. Are you willing to risk the hostages safety in order to crack them and get the information you wish to receive? it add's more thought and character to interrogations, and can also lead to more RP in interrogations in general. It also encourages more medical to be around during interrogations to save torture rolls.

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None i can think of.

Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anyone that normally does interrogations

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -N/A, Mostly just an MOTD/SOP Change.

Edited by Catalyst
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+ Support

Seems like a fair change, although I still hate that its roll based.

Joined 09/30/2020
Retired 11/12/2022
Former Security SFC || Former MTF Omi9 MSGT || Former CI CPT/MAJ || Former Nu7 LTCOL/VCMDR || Former E11 CPL || Former Maintenance Professional || Former D5 CPT || Former Senior Medic || Former Advanced Researcher |


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I would do this slightly differently, tell me what you think

1. Initial roll off for the lie

2. If interrogator wins, torture roll once disbelief is set in, followed by a medical check to see if there’s an injury given

3. Additional torture rolls, each giving an injury no matter what as the interrogator loses their calm. 

4. Once 3 injuries received during interrogation, interrogated person falls unconscious. If this occurs brainwash (but not amnestics) is also off the table as they need time to recover. (Because before they would die and that’d lose you brainwashing ability, that IMO should remain the same)

This is a higher risk, higher reward system that I think both sides of an interrogation would enjoy more

Edited by Nydekore

Former: Deputy Head of Research | MTF Nu-7 Captain x2 | SCPRP Super Admin | MTF O-1 Major


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On 11/22/2021 at 11:07 AM, Catalyst said:

My suggestion, is to rework how torture rolls work. The first part of this change is making it so that you may initiate a torture roll as many times as possible to try to extract a certain piece of information, but the second part of this suggestion is making it so that, weather the roll is successful or not, it ALWAYS "Injure's" the subject and makes you lose a torture roll, unless a medical agent is able to win the successive roll of, thus nullifying the torture roll. If the interrogator uses their final roll and wins the roll off, the subject must tell information but CANNOT be interrogated AT ALL after the fact, as they would become unconscious soon after due to their injuries. if the roll is lost, the subject dies immediately

So, you're essentially saying: 

  • If the interrogator loses a roll on a lie, the lie is considered truth (as normal).
  • If the interrogator wins a roll on a lie, the interrogator can use enhanced interrogation to extract the information (as normal). 
  • The interrogator use enhanced interrogation as much as they like to extract the information for as many torture strikes that they have. 
  • Every time enhanced interrogation is used, a strike is added. Unless a medically trained person wins another roll off (as normal). 
  • If the interrogator win any of the torture strikes, the interrogatee has to give up the truthful information. 
  • If the interrogator gives up on that piece of information, what the interrogatee's lie is considered to be true. 
  • If the interrogator wins on the final strike, and the strike goes through, the interrogatee gives the information, then goes unconscious.
  • If the interrogator loses the final roll, the interrogatee dies.

I have that correct, right?

So, I would like to counter with:
If the final strike goes through, the interrogatee dies, no matter what. If the interrogator wins, the interrogatee has to give the information before they die. 

This would give a bit more pressure, with a chance to still get information at the cost of a lost hostage. 


This seems like an interesting idea.
Would put more focus on medical personnel for interrogations.
It just would seem a bit less fair for the interrogatee, if they get unlucky.

So, sure. +Support 

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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