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Player Report - Berlusconi


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Your in game name:

Your Steam ID:

The player's in game name:
Berlusconi (I think that's how he had it.)

The player's steam ID (required):

Date and Time This Incident Occurred:
Eearly this morning, around 5-6AM I believe.

What did the player do:
The player tried to RDM me, which I then said if you did I would report you. He then started to follow me around upper d block for a good 5 minutes until I died to a GenSec and waited my NLR. He then waited on the elevator for me (Which is where the vid starts) and kept following me around. After I told him off for it, he called me a not so nice word and tried to RDM me again but I was able to move just in time.

Evidence (required):

What do you believe should happen to the player:
Up to SMT 

Any extra information:

Free From GL ❤️

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I've given him a verbal for talking about topics he shouldn't in ooc and for player diss, giving him the benefit of the doubt.  But after this incident something definitely has to be done about his lack of regard for other people and for the rules

Nu-7 COL / SFTO / FE / TRT / BHM / RG / Head SCP-7101 / C0 FM HTF / SF Overseer / Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") / AFK / Solid Snake / SCP-RP Senior Moderator

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+support for formal warn for ARDM and Player Diss.

Former Ranks      Head Of Maintenance And Engineering                Senior Admin          Support Supervisor        Forum Diplomat        

Custom Classes     The Sniper (Owner)        XG56-Orion's Belt (Owner)        The Engineer        

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+ Support

Some people... yikes.

Joined 09/30/2020
Retired 11/12/2022
Former Security SFC || Former MTF Omi9 MSGT || Former CI CPT/MAJ || Former Nu7 LTCOL/VCMDR || Former E11 CPL || Former Maintenance Professional || Former D5 CPT || Former Senior Medic || Former Advanced Researcher |


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2 hours ago, Phillers said:

I said above that I would edit the original post, however due to it's length that is no longer possible, because of that I will simply be posting edits here instead.


EDIT 1 : 
In regards to Savage's points below : 
1. As I believe I made abundantly clear in the initial posting, I could not tell that you were joking. In general, when people say "I don't give a fuck" they are not joking, they are being insulting.  The matter that you are L4 personnel is moot, there is no distinction between L1 and L4 personnel asfar as Nu7 SOP or 912 MOTD is concerned. As for me cuffing you after the door was closed, I had already begun arresting you by this point. Irregardless, it was the other door I was refrencing, as I said above.

2. Lots of people do leave doors open for a tactical advantage, that much I agree with. I generally leave those people alone. Savage however, was not doing so. He opened the first door, then walked off into D-Block through the 2nd door and started B-Hopping. That was not done for any type of tactical advantage, and anyone will have a hard time arguing that fact. Certainly since this is D-Block door Savage is reffering to, a door that even GENSEC OFC's know should always be closed, unless there is a firing line right outside of it.

3. I wouldn't know if there actually was a staff member in Ts3 at that time. However, judging of the fact that they both only heard Savage's side of the story, was not the staff member that took the sit, and I presume not a member of JMT/SMT, their opinion is moot here.

4. I believe this is nitpicking words, as in general when the rules say "Event" they mean one hosted by ET. But even in the case that this statement is correct,  the event in question would have been me arresting you. I was not minging in that regard, as I was simply following my MOTD prescribed guidelines. Unless the argument here is that Savage B-Hopping through D-Block was the event, which  I doubt.

5. MOTD States that 912 can arrest rule-breakers. There are only 2 types of rules on the server, MOTD, or SOP. 
If 912 can arrest for SOP Violations : Savage broke the SOP.
If 912 can arrest for MOTD Violations : MOTD States that you have to follow SOP (Rule 2, General rules) which Savage broke. 
Either way, I am permitted to arrest the individual who broke SOP.

6. This argument is just another loop of argument 1&2, read there to see my response of it.

7. I was not ordering Savage, I was alerting him that he violated an SOP rule which would result in his arrest. My reasoning for arrest was the SOP violation. My reasoning for arrest was not him failing to follow any order to close the door, as I never gave such an order.

Also, apologies in advance to the Forums Diplomat who is inevitably going to take a look at this at some point, I think this will be a bit of a clutter.

Also, Savage, I think this was really just a misunderstanding caused by an unclearly written rule. We can just drop this, as frankly I don't think this is worth your time.

-SUPPORT  i agree 

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12 minutes ago, ReaperLite said:

-SUPPORT  i agree 

Why did you quote a different forums post lul
+ support

  • Laughing 1

[SCP-RP] Retired E-11 COL, HFTO and D4 Head  Former CI MSGT/2LT | Former Alpha-1 "Red-Right Hand" Guardian Delta-9 | Former Nu7 2LT/SM HSU Conscript Former Om-9 2LT and EXP Seasoned

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On 11/9/2021 at 8:40 AM, 1stSavagerY said:

I've given him a verbal for talking about topics he shouldn't in ooc and for player diss, giving him the benefit of the doubt.  But after this incident something definitely has to be done about his lack of regard for other people and for the rules


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