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General Suggestion - Buffing the Remington Shotgun and Mossberg


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What are you suggesting? I am suggesting that the Remington shotgun and Mossberg be buffed. Currently the Nova and Browning Auto are way better than the Mossberg and Remington to a point where they don't even compete with the new AR meta's. I believe that the shotguns should be changed to the following values:

Mossberg - 11x12 < 15x12

Remington - 11x12 < 16x12 and Buff the Range

This is what the Browning and Nova are currently at in comparison. 

Browning - 16x8

Nova - 15x9 

How would this change better the server? - This would make it so you can use more variations of weapons instead of the quote on quote meta. 

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. -  Not that I know of. 

Who would this change mostly benefit? - This change would mainly benefit combat branches but, could also improve some of the non-combatant jobs with these weapons. 

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

Edited by Sprink
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+ Support

Yes please, I understand that people didn't really like the shotgun meta before and everyone wanted to change it up by buffing ARs/SMGs but I'm pretty sure no one wanted to have them made completely useless and unusable.

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Joined 09/30/2020
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7 hours ago, Yato Sensei said:

+ Support

Yes please, I understand that people didn't really like the shotgun meta before and everyone wanted to change it up by buffing ARs/SMGs but I'm pretty sure no one wanted to have them made completely useless and unusable.


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9 hours ago, Yato Sensei said:

+ Support

Yes please, I understand that people didn't really like the shotgun meta before and everyone wanted to change it up by buffing ARs/SMGs but I'm pretty sure no one wanted to have them made completely useless and unusable.


Former RRH Analyst X-ray 39 Former D1 Deimos I   Former DDOP of RnD  🇬🇧

[CC's] Deadshot-Engineer-Snoop Dog-MTF-Alpha-9

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I really dislike the fact only 2 shotguns are even usable anymore, the nova and the browning, I want all shotguns to have equal footing and this would be a great start!

The best D class player to ever exist

UwU >:3

Security best branch

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I remember back in the day I was known as the god of the Mossberg, I miss my baby.

And it makes sense that the Remington is better because it is Diamond+ from the armory so D-class will have to donate to get a good shotgun.

Nu7 MSGT | Ex CI R&D AIN | Ex Sec 2LT | Ex OS | Ex CI 2LT

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19 minutes ago, Ashe Fox said:


I really dislike the fact only 2 shotguns are even usable anymore, the nova and the browning, I want all shotguns to have equal footing and this would be a great start!


[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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41 minutes ago, Ashe Fox said:


I really dislike the fact only 2 shotguns are even usable anymore, the nova and the browning, I want all shotguns to have equal footing and this would be a great start!

How dare you sawed off gang wya??

SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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14 hours ago, Yato Sensei said:

+ Support

Yes please, I understand that people didn't really like the shotgun meta before and everyone wanted to change it up by buffing ARs/SMGs but I'm pretty sure no one wanted to have them made completely useless and unusable.


Yeah this buff would make remi's and mossbergs usable as they are supposed to help with close quarter combat, Not hit like a paintball 

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Wtf! 168 and 180 damage? That's CRAZY, but I do understand because they nerf damage multiplier to all weapons, including melee (some of them...) Jesus Christ, that's too much damage for my taste. I would rather wait until buff damage multiplier before making us. If they haven't nerfed it, this will be rejected SO quick.


(Undecided support)



Edited by LucarioKing

📂📭📁📂📭📄📁📄︎🗐︎ Owner CC: CI TF2 Heavy (without Auger)|

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On 10/24/2021 at 9:06 AM, Yato Sensei said:

+ Support

Yes please, I understand that people didn't really like the shotgun meta before and everyone wanted to change it up by buffing ARs/SMGs but I'm pretty sure no one wanted to have them made completely useless and unusable.


SCP-RP | Maintenance Expert | HLPR Bot bT5 | Senior Researcher | Senior Event Team Member

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20 hours ago, LucarioKing said:

Wtf! 168 and 180 damage? That's CRAZY, but I do understand because they nerf damage multiplier to all weapons, including melee (some of them...) Jesus Christ, that's too much damage for my taste. I would rather wait until buff damage multiplier before making us. If they haven't nerfed it, this will be rejected SO quick.


(Undecided support)



Trust me any other AR is better then these shotguns right now lmao. Most of the time you will never hit all your pellets anyways unless your in someones face.


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