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Fusion's D5 app


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Your In-Game Name:  Fusion


STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:1:246681057


How long have you been playing on the server for?: Since Late June this year  (6 Weeks Playtime)


List all of the RP ranks you hold on the server. (MTF, Gensec, Etc.) :

GenSec CPT and HoPo, Nu7 SM DHBHM HSU, MA, IA, AR  

(I’ll leave a branch but im undecided on what)

What Command position are you applying for? (list two):


Why do you want to become Delta-5 Command? (250+ Words):

I Want to become a Delta-5 Command member to help foster growth within this new branch. I See lots of potential within D5 and wish to help make it a prominent branch like Nu7 or E11. While being Command is a huge responsibility especially in a new Branch like Delta-5, I believe I am up to the task and my Insane work ethic with the server speaks for itself. I have constantly shown Activity while maintaining a Friendly, Kind, and yet Serious attitude. When things get rough in the site I always want to be a good leader and I do my best to make sure we can regain control. I also would love to be able to demonstrate that I am capable of being Command in two branches and that despite the increased workload from this, I will still be a good leader and a kind person. I would also love to be able to hold Delta-5 PTs in the future and even cross branch PTs with other branches as not only would it be fun, but it can show that Delta-5 is a professional branch, and it will inspire others to join. If accepted into command, I also intend to make the branch as welcoming, and kind as other branches have been to me as I want to make sure people are excited to play within the branch. I've always wanted to be able to change a branch for the better and becoming Delta-5 Command would allow me to do just that

Why do you feel you are the best option for this position? (150+ Words): 

I Feel I am a great option for many reasons. I've had experience with command in Security which has helped me to develop the ability to be kind, but firm in how I deal with people who misbehave and I also have been able to develop an eye for noticing people who stand out and really want to grow and help the branch. Being Security HoPo has allowed me to build up my experience with hosting PTs and I would absolutely love to be able to host PTs within Delta-5 as well if accepted!. My time within Nu7 has allowed me to develop tactics to deal with a range of scenarios within the facility like CI raids, 682 breaches, Event SCPs or GOIs, and more. I also have been able to lead Nu7 a good amount as a SM and I feel that I can lead Delta-5 into victory if given the opportunity.

Why should we trust you for this position?:

I Feel that I can be trusted for Delta-5 Command due to a few things. The first reason being my immense dedication to the server itself. Ever since joining the server I have worked tirelessly to gain experience and move up the ranks and becoming Command has allowed me to also gain the ability to keep a level head and guide my lower ranking comrades accordingly. Secondly, I have experience not only with Command but also in Special forces (HSU) which show that I am serious and I will not break the rules and set a bad example. Third, My experience with helping to maintain Behemoths in Nu7 as a deputy head shows that I am able to help out with subbranches and can be a good leader within them.

Do you have past leadership / command experience? If so please list them. (Limit it to Gmod only please):

Security Captain

You are in LCZ and Security is requesting assistance due to a Mass D Block Riot; however, Chaos Insurgency has been called out for taking a SCP in HCZ. What would you do in this situation, and why?:

This situation mainly depends on Numbers. In a low number situation for D5, I would first check tab to see how many combatants are on for Nu7 GenSec and E11. If presented with high MTF numbers and low Gensec numbers, I would prioritize the Riots but still send around a quarter of our online troops to help combat CI. If the opposite was true with low D5 numbers, I would first look and send most of our forces to HCZ to help fight CI. But i would also look to see the condition of D block and attempt to give a few suggestions for how to handle the mass riots like Staying behind barricades, Grenading elevator when they come up, Asking for Juggernauts and Heavys to flag up, etc. Depending on how low the numbers are I may ask for one NCO or so to help us and this would also allow GenSec to have someone to inform them about the HCZ situation.

What would you do if those under your command are not following orders and are breaking the SOP?:

Depending on the violations of SOP I would act accordingly. If they happen to be doing things like breaking armory restriction for a slightly better weapon and not listening, I would verbal warn them. If it was something major like an Abuse of power (Ie: NCOs talking down to Enlisted and ordering them to do everything), I would promptly sit down with the NCO, explain why this is unacceptable. I will also inform them they will be recieving a strike (or a demotion based on what was said).

How would you react to someone asking to be put into Delta-5 without a tryout and to be fast promoted?:

I would first explain to them that Delta 5 is a selective branch and only the best of the best get in. you would need to attend a tryout in order to join the branch and passing isn't guaranteed. I Would then also explain to them that trying to get command to promote you like that will only bring about the negative effect. I will suggest to them continual showings of Leadership and High activity will lead to promotions and that is my best recommendation for getting promoted. If they still refuse to listen and demand entry into D5 I will put the person on a short term DNT so they can take time to calm down and reflect.

Explain how you would react to receiving an anonymous tip about a GOI group:

After hearing about a possible GOI group in the facility I will immediately alert MTF to the tip received and ask for a few troops to be mobilized to assist in confirming presence of the GOI. If i hear a callout from the mobilized forces I Dispatched I will quickly shift focus over to the GOI group, call out the raid on comms, and change the code to black.

Do you promise to be committed to Delta-5 and to lead by example if you are accepted into Delta-5?:

I Promise.

Thank you very much for considering me! my discord is FusionThundr#9430 if you have any questions or concerns!

Edited by FusionThunder
Adding clarification



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I want to see Fusion UwU furry in Delta 5 command

  • Laughing 1

FORMER: | CI R&D IIN (SIN?) | CI EOI Operative | MTF E-11 1LT RRH Analyst November 24 | Maintenance OS
CUSTOM CLASSES: | Obama | The Mets | MTF E-11 'Last Call' | MTF E-11 Spetsgruppa Directorate 'V' | Umbrella Corporation Operative |

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No words needed.

Fucking amazing

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Retired DHOS || Former Wardens Comissioner Caligula || Former SRIC in R&D || Former OH8 Funni [Redacted] Man | | Retired OPSV in Maintenance || Former MMF Duck || Former HLPR Bot AC3 || Retired 2LT in E-11 || Former Head Field Scout || Former Ranger Pax || former ET || Former Omicron-9 CPT  || Former OM9 EXP Delta PoliceRP: PD LCPL | SCU LT

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. " -John F Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962



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What life you gonna give up though 0_0.

  • Sad 1

[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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1 minute ago, Sixx said:


What life you gonna give up though 0_0.

Im wondering that too
On one side he is Nu7 HSU
On the other side he is Gensec CMD


FORMER: | CI R&D IIN (SIN?) | CI EOI Operative | MTF E-11 1LT RRH Analyst November 24 | Maintenance OS
CUSTOM CLASSES: | Obama | The Mets | MTF E-11 'Last Call' | MTF E-11 Spetsgruppa Directorate 'V' | Umbrella Corporation Operative |

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