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Police RP Event Ideas!


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Hello! So this post will be dedicated to all of your guys event ideas! Anything (Within reason, no purge, zombie, etc.) 

Event Suggestions Rules:

Like said earlier, make it within reason! 

Nothing that will allow anyone to break major rules (Ex: Racism, Disrespecting anyone/thing, so on and so forth)

Cannot cause major lag (Ex: 5+ Cars, giant buildings/bases, etc.) 


Name of the event (So we can announce it in the discordhttps://discord.gg/AKZWhXYet8!):

 Event rules:

Detail of the event (Please go into detail!): 

Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!):

Thank you so much for the suggestions! -PoliceRP Event Team Leader Zerg

Edited by Zerg
  • Gaminglight Love 1

 PoliceRP SMTHead Admin | Head Of Support

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Name of the event (So we can announce it in the discord!): Serial killer

 Event rules: The killer can only kill event players(gov/crim) that are participating. Any weapon may be used. the killer has to be stealthy and take targets down without being spotted.

Detail of the event (Please go into detail!):  One person is chosen to be the serial killer. His job is to stealthily kill chosen targets, without being discovered in the act. Gov's job is to find clues to their identity and capture them before they can finish killing. Criminals would have to avoid the killer and either take them out or turn them over to gov.

Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!): Both


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Name of the event (So we can announce it in the discord):

Quality over Quantity

 Event rules:

The players on both teams can only use the weapons provided by Event Staff. The Quality team will always be greatly outnumbered by the Quantity team. Last team standing wins the event.

Detail of the event (Please go into detail!):

This event can scale based on how many players are available or willing to participate in the event.

There will be 2 teams, lets say you have 20 players willing to participate in the event. 5 players will be on the Quality team, and 15 players will be on the Quantity team. 

The Quality team will be equipped with very powerful weapons such as AWP's, LMG's, Shotguns, ect. They will also be equipped with full HP and 250 Armor. 

The Quantity team will be equipped with very weak weapons such as Pistols. They will be equipped with only full HP,  no armor.

The event will be highly customizable, you can try new weapon combinations, different sized arenas, ect. 

Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!): Both

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Name of the event (So we can announce it in the discord!): 

Great Lake Armored Truck Heist

 Event rules: 

  • If there is a situation and the truck is stopped and all criminals are killed, but the driver of the truck was killed, then the truck must be protected by the convoy until the driver returns. 
  • Finishing the route to bank counts as a Gov win.
  • Hijacking and returning the truck to the designated return spot is a Crim win
  • The truck may be repaired by Gov and Crim. 
  • Gov may not Code Red the truck when hijacked, as it has valuable objects stored inside. 
  • Crim may shoot the truck while in convoy but doing so lessens the reward. 
  • The route may differ each round


Detail of the event (Please go into detail!): Armored Bank Truck Heist and Convoy Escort, using the new Gruppe 6 Bank Truck we can plan a route starting from an anonymous location to the bank. Terms of winning a round include the truck being hijacked and driven to a point by crims. Gov will have no idea where the crim safepoint is, and the Crim should not know where the convoy begins. If the 10-80 concludes at the safepoint then it is an automatic Crim win, even if Gov is still trailing you. The same goes for if Gov drives up to the doors of the Bank for unloading. 

Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!): Both



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  • 2 weeks later...

Name of the event: Project X

 Event rules: The killer can only kill event players(gov/crim) that are participating. Any weapon may be used. the killer has to be stealthy and take targets down without being spotted.

Detail of the event (Please go into detail!):  House party gon WILD. Start off with me throwing a house party with a live DJ etc. Few minutes later drug dealers show up, and other criminals. The police come and try to shut it down the first time but fail. The party gets taken to the streets where everyone is just high/drunk out partying doing weird shit etc. Cops and swatt get called in with riot gear to try and disperse everyone.

There will be no mass RDM. There will be no killings or shootings with actual guns at people. Only shooting guns in the air (Criminals) and cops shooting rubber bullets or tear gas into crowds. No killing is allowed obviously unless its accidental (i.e someone overdoses on drugs, someone drowns in a pool, someone falls from a high place while partying etc.). Normal RP rules still apply (no running from cops once they arresting you). Its just one big Server party that the government gets involved with to end. No martial law imposed but curfew can be if needed as a justifiable reason due to the mass partying.  During this event, criminals can do petty crimes such as rob small stores, mug people, and steal cars etc.  Not saying its legal, just saying they can use the party as a distraction so they can carry out their jobs.  No mass RDM. Cops can only arrest and charge. Cops can shoot rubber bullets and tear gas and use riot control measures. Same with any other Law Enforcement Agency. They also have the authority to randomly abduct people (they think are high profile) and interrogate them to try and have them help end the party. Lethal force is only authorized with minges, or people who shoot real bullets at a cop. If someone shoots at a cop and kills them its considered Fail RP (during this event) and repeated offense should result in ban. At anytime if one player kills another player this is also considered fail rp and repeated offense can result in ban for RDM. The only exception is gang violence (blood and crip) but they may only shoot at each other and not at other people regardless.  If gets accepted I can type up a detailed google docs of what exactly will be the set, and even streched this out to be a week long with "prepp" for the event (hiring DJs, making sure Drug Dealers and the criminal underworld know about this party and have enough time to bring supplies, giving the PD time to prep and train for a response, etc.)


Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!): Both!!!


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  • 3 months later...

Name of the event (So we can announce it in the discordhttps://discord.gg/AKZWhXYet8!): trouble in terrorist town

 Event rules:

- go to that big event room and make a pretty closed in map with several rooms and halls to wander. Spread several guns around, mostly SMG's, some rifles maybe one awp

- before the event, bring one or two eventers to be the terrorist, inform them that their goal is to kill everybody without being found out. Tell them that stealth is the key for this, and to isolate targets in the many rooms

- bring everyone and spread them across the area

- tell them their goal is to pick up guns and to try and find, and kill the terrorist (rule that you can't kill unless you are certain)

- see who wins

Detail of the event (Please go into detail!): gib money prize

Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!): criminals, citizens ig lol

Not sus

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Obby Maniacs

Event Rules

-You can't touch the floor beneath you or else you lose

-You may not troll by pushing others off

-You can't be AFK on any platform

-You must advert that you completed the obby (first one to advert gets a prize of 10,000$, second gets 7,500, 3rd gets 5,000)

-You are not allowed to advert a win if you haven't completed the obby

-You can't ask for a mod to pull you off the floor or else you are disqualified

Detail of the event

There is a long corridor with platforms you must jump on to avoid touching the floor with any lava looking material. You must get to the other side as fast as possible. The end will be a platform with the golden material. The corridor is about 3 6x16 plastic walls on each side. Platforms can go up or down (depending on the location of the deadly floor)

Who's the event for

Government, criminals, citizens

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On 5/31/2022 at 7:44 PM, Infinity Foxlet said:

Obby Maniacs

Event Rules

-You can't touch the floor beneath you or else you lose

-You may not troll by pushing others off

-You can't be AFK on any platform

-You must advert that you completed the obby (first one to advert gets a prize of 10,000$, second gets 7,500, 3rd gets 5,000)

-You are not allowed to advert a win if you haven't completed the obby

-You can't ask for a mod to pull you off the floor or else you are disqualified

Detail of the event

There is a long corridor with platforms you must jump on to avoid touching the floor with any lava looking material. You must get to the other side as fast as possible. The end will be a platform with the golden material. The corridor is about 3 6x16 plastic walls on each side. Platforms can go up or down (depending on the location of the deadly floor)

Who's the event for

Government, criminals, citizens

Seems like a good idea and I will start the construction of this event soon and will have a event later tonight on it keep up the good ideas

  • Like 1

Currently -- | COL of PD | EMT of EMS | LVL 7 of UMC | Staff | Owner of CC Mar and Sike | Lieutenant STATE | Forums Diplomat | 

Was -- | DAD of FBI | MSGT of HRT | SA of Secret Service | IRA | Support staff | Event Team | CC Member of HRT | CSM Of SCU 1R45 | Retired Chief Constable of SCO19 | DOC CPT |                                 

  Things always come and go but its your choice to choose  what you want to continue to see.   -  Mar

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 8/22/2021 at 6:19 PM, Ronin said:

Name of the event (So we can announce it in the discord!): Serial killer

 Event rules: The killer can only kill event players(gov/crim) that are participating. Any weapon may be used. the killer has to be stealthy and take targets down without being spotted.

Detail of the event (Please go into detail!):  One person is chosen to be the serial killer. His job is to stealthily kill chosen targets, without being discovered in the act. Gov's job is to find clues to their identity and capture them before they can finish killing. Criminals would have to avoid the killer and either take them out or turn them over to gov.

Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!): Both


that sounds like a good idea

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/24/2022 at 10:01 PM, David said:

make a zombie event

thats some SMT stuff rn my g

What is the difference between supper and dinner?

Current: Police Department Lieutenant, Federal Bureau Of Investigation Senior Special Agent Hostage responder Rescue Team Operator First Class , 

Special Response Team Private First Class, Secret Service Protection Officer

Past: A lot/PoliceRP SNR Mod,PoliceRP Event Team, PPD/SS Deputy Director , FBI Deputy Assistant Director , USMS CMA, STREET CRIMES UNIT!! (Chief Soup95 1K-8 😢)

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On 8/22/2021 at 7:19 PM, Ronin said:

Name of the event (So we can announce it in the discord!): Serial killer

 Event rules: The killer can only kill event players(gov/crim) that are participating. Any weapon may be used. the killer has to be stealthy and take targets down without being spotted.

Detail of the event (Please go into detail!):  One person is chosen to be the serial killer. His job is to stealthily kill chosen targets, without being discovered in the act. Gov's job is to find clues to their identity and capture them before they can finish killing. Criminals would have to avoid the killer and either take them out or turn them over to gov.

Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!): Both


+ great idea

On 6/25/2022 at 3:01 AM, David said:

make a zombie event

+ amazing idea

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  • 8 months later...

Name of the event: Murder Mayhem 


 Event rules: This event is a PvP style event that can be scaled with the number of players participating 

-Health set 500

-Armor set to 500

-Weapons Allowed: Glock 18, MP5, M4A1 Irons

-No props

Number of lives: 1

Reward Suggestions: 

-1st place: 500k

-2nd place: 250k

-3rd place: 100k

Timer: 5 minutes or until only one player remains (sudden death rules apply)


Detail of the event (Please go into detail!): All laws have been abandoned in Rockford and murder has run rampant! Will you survive? Or will you fall victim to the chaos that has evolved? Armed with a pistol, an SMG, and a assault rifle, prepare to make a stand. Surviveuthe onslaught, or die trying.


Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!): Both

  • Thanks 1


 Platinum Donator | PD CPL 

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On 9/4/2021 at 9:33 AM, williams245678 said:

Name of the event: Project X

 Event rules: The killer can only kill event players(gov/crim) that are participating. Any weapon may be used. the killer has to be stealthy and take targets down without being spotted.

Detail of the event (Please go into detail!):  House party gon WILD. Start off with me throwing a house party with a live DJ etc. Few minutes later drug dealers show up, and other criminals. The police come and try to shut it down the first time but fail. The party gets taken to the streets where everyone is just high/drunk out partying doing weird shit etc. Cops and swatt get called in with riot gear to try and disperse everyone.

There will be no mass RDM. There will be no killings or shootings with actual guns at people. Only shooting guns in the air (Criminals) and cops shooting rubber bullets or tear gas into crowds. No killing is allowed obviously unless its accidental (i.e someone overdoses on drugs, someone drowns in a pool, someone falls from a high place while partying etc.). Normal RP rules still apply (no running from cops once they arresting you). Its just one big Server party that the government gets involved with to end. No martial law imposed but curfew can be if needed as a justifiable reason due to the mass partying.  During this event, criminals can do petty crimes such as rob small stores, mug people, and steal cars etc.  Not saying its legal, just saying they can use the party as a distraction so they can carry out their jobs.  No mass RDM. Cops can only arrest and charge. Cops can shoot rubber bullets and tear gas and use riot control measures. Same with any other Law Enforcement Agency. They also have the authority to randomly abduct people (they think are high profile) and interrogate them to try and have them help end the party. Lethal force is only authorized with minges, or people who shoot real bullets at a cop. If someone shoots at a cop and kills them its considered Fail RP (during this event) and repeated offense should result in ban. At anytime if one player kills another player this is also considered fail rp and repeated offense can result in ban for RDM. The only exception is gang violence (blood and crip) but they may only shoot at each other and not at other people regardless.  If gets accepted I can type up a detailed google docs of what exactly will be the set, and even streched this out to be a week long with "prepp" for the event (hiring DJs, making sure Drug Dealers and the criminal underworld know about this party and have enough time to bring supplies, giving the PD time to prep and train for a response, etc.)


Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!): Both!!!


Definitely would be down for this

On 12/7/2021 at 10:24 AM, catfishing for nitro said:

Name of the event (So we can announce it in the discordhttps://discord.gg/AKZWhXYet8!): trouble in terrorist town

 Event rules:

- go to that big event room and make a pretty closed in map with several rooms and halls to wander. Spread several guns around, mostly SMG's, some rifles maybe one awp

- before the event, bring one or two eventers to be the terrorist, inform them that their goal is to kill everybody without being found out. Tell them that stealth is the key for this, and to isolate targets in the many rooms

- bring everyone and spread them across the area

- tell them their goal is to pick up guns and to try and find, and kill the terrorist (rule that you can't kill unless you are certain)

- see who wins

Detail of the event (Please go into detail!): gib money prize

Whos the event for (Government, Criminals, or both!): criminals, citizens ig lol

Really would love to see this as an event! +support


 Platinum Donator | PD CPL 

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  • 1 year later...

Name of the Event (So we can announce it in the discord) Murderer town

Event rules: Murderer is picked by someone random.

                     Must have evidence to call a meeting.

                     No disrespect or you will be removed from event.

                     It's a fun event for people.

                     If you die don't spawn you will be revived, then taken to a box to spectate.

                     No killing someone for no reason must have evidence then call a meeting to kill him.

Detail of the event (Please go into detail): You go to a small town and everyone gets a Glock 18, but there is evidence so you can find out who is the murderer.

There is 40 minutes to find who it is.

1# gets 1,000,000

2# gets 500,000

3# gets XP

Who's the event for (Government, Criminals, and citizen's) It's for all.

I hope this is a event! +Support

I think lot's of people will enjoy it.

Major +Support

Could this Happen?

                                                                                                                 Your One can Only

                                                                              Pyke Enforcer

                                                                          Pyke Expert Saboteur

                                                                         Purge HVY SGT [SS34]

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