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Transphobic Admin- Denied


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I got banned from a PoliceRP server for 5 days because I said "Trans people are very valid" in 2D text. It's not protesting because there's nothing political about that statement, it's just stating that trans people are people and that they are indeed valid. Sourg said it was because "some people could find that offensive" and that it was bad because it references trans people. Am I supposed to care about whether transphobes find it offensive?

Then I rejoined and said in OOC chat that Sourg was being transphobic and I got a ban for "Homophobia | NCWS |" when I said absolutely nothing homophobic.


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Argued in OOC and called staff transphobic 

Valid Ban in my opinion

                                                              Former USMS DMAR || CC Owner || Bingus 4 life 

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Yes, the staff *were* transphobic. They told me to take down a trans pride sign because it has trans people in it, in Sourg's words. So of course I'm going to argue.

"Trans people are valid" is not a controversial slogan. It's the truth. It's not political, it's not a protest. The only people getting offended over it are the admins. The only people who would find it controversial are transphobic edgelords.

And why is my ban reason listed as "homophobia"? I really would like to know what I said that made you draw that conclusion. I never even said the word "gay" in the chat. Do you have screenshots of anything I said? I'm a huge fan of gay pride, same as trans pride. Or do the admins just make up any reason to power-trip?

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19 minutes ago, Yeetabix said:

Yes, the staff *were* transphobic. They told me to take down a trans pride sign because it has trans people in it, in Sourg's words. So of course I'm going to argue.

"Trans people are valid" is not a controversial slogan. It's the truth. It's not political, it's not a protest. The only people getting offended over it are the admins. The only people who would find it controversial are transphobic edgelords.

And why is my ban reason listed as "homophobia"? I really would like to know what I said that made you draw that conclusion. I never even said the word "gay" in the chat. Do you have screenshots of anything I said? I'm a huge fan of gay pride, same as trans pride. Or do the admins just make up any reason to power-trip?

You are just being a edgelord looking to start drama on the server, its great that you support trans and everything but there is 0 reason for you to bring it up in OOC. You are just a weirdo looking to start non-sense because you thrive off causing chaos for no reason. And arguing on your post will get this post locked by SMT, so I'd recommenced to relax and not attack staff. And if it's such an issue for staff being "transphopes" why would you want to come back to the server? Why not make a staff report on the said admin? 

Massive -Support

Edited by Lime King

Retired FBI Director|$2,000Donator gang|UMC LVL 4

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-No Format

-Made 3 ban appeal post

- you had a trans gender sign. I asked you to remove which you denied and frog used him remover on them. 1 hour later the signs pop back up and I ask you to remove and you don't.

This is why you were warned/banned for 

Homophobia | NCWS

Also might need to change the Homophobia to Transphobic

Edited by Sourg
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4 minutes ago, Sourg said:


-No Format

-Made 3 ban appeal post

- you had a trans gender sign. I asked you to remove which you denied and frog used him remover on them. 1 hour later the signs pop back up and I ask you to remove and you don't.

This is why you were warned/banned for 

Homophobia | NCWS

to add to all of this i know all the staff are not transphobic and i know that they all want people to happy. i spoke with u in game and asked u to stop pasting it everywhere as other players could cause an issue u proceeded to not listen and this is why you was warned/banned. take some time away and come back and enjoy our server  


$500+ Donator

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1 hour later I changed the message. Before it said "Trans rights are human rights", you didn't like that, so I changed it to "Trans people are very valid". The latter has zero political connotations so I don't see how that's protesting. Trans people simply existing is not a "protest" nor is it political. It's just so that if any trans folk were reading that, it would be re-affirming in a society that isn't exactly very kind to trans people a lot of the time. I do not understand how you could find that statement problematic if you aren't transphobic, like you say.

The signs could cause controversy & a negative reaction, as you rightly pointed out, but only amongst transphobes that want to deny trans people human rights. So why do you care about their feelings so much? Why don't you just ban *them* instead of the person trying to spread a positive message, if you're not against the signs' meanings yourself.

Finally, I'm not really that bothered about playing on your server, but the reason why I came here is because of the *reason* why you banned me. I don't understand why you wrote "homophobia" as the ban reason. I said absolutely nothing homophobic and, as I said before, I'm a big supporter of gay pride. Your reason for banning me is because you don't like the trans pride messages, and because I called you out in OOC. But I don't get why you wrote "homophobia" of all things as the reason.

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literally no reason to do this. no format, accused staff of being transphobic, being outright toxic. 100% valid ban.

I hope there's a heaven for minges...

Former SRT, FBI, DOC, SS, SWAT, SCU, and PoliceRP Senior Moderator.

"Remember, this is YOUR life, and YOUR time" - Eazy E

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Riiight, so I'm being outright toxic by placing trans rights signs telling trans people they're valid. And you telling me to take them down because you're so concerned about the feelings of transphobes isn't toxic. And then jailing me because I don't comply with transphobes & transphobe sympathisers. And then banning me because I said what you were doing is transphobic.

Did you ban the guy that wrote "cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe" over one of my trans pride signs as well? Or just me? It seems odd you only consider pro-trans messages as "stirring trouble" but transphobic reactions to them are completely fine.

You still never answered my question either. Why did you list the ban reason as "homophobia" when I quite clearly did nothing homophobic? I realise by now you're never going to answer my questions because doing so means you'll admit a clear bias, and that you made my ban reason out of thin air. You're just going to continue dilly dallying and changing the subject or just locking/deleting the thread because you don't want to admit you're in the wrong.

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1 hour ago, Yeetabix said:

Riiight, so I'm being outright toxic by placing trans rights signs telling trans people they're valid. And you telling me to take them down because you're so concerned about the feelings of transphobes isn't toxic. And then jailing me because I don't comply with transphobes & transphobe sympathisers. And then banning me because I said what you were doing is transphobic.

Did you ban the guy that wrote "cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe" over one of my trans pride signs as well? Or just me? It seems odd you only consider pro-trans messages as "stirring trouble" but transphobic reactions to them are completely fine.

You still never answered my question either. Why did you list the ban reason as "homophobia" when I quite clearly did nothing homophobic? I realise by now you're never going to answer my questions because doing so means you'll admit a clear bias, and that you made my ban reason out of thin air. You're just going to continue dilly dallying and changing the subject or just locking/deleting the thread because you don't want to admit you're in the wrong.

personally i dont see no reason in posting them signs up in the first place no one has an issue with trans people, just by putting them signs up it is drawing attention to yourself. the staff are not bias at all they are fair i can speak for all staff on this one. i say serve your ban and come back and enjoy our server. we have plenty of amazing departments u can roleplay within.


$500+ Donator

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Fam, like I told you when I called the sit. This server is not the place to protest. All it does is start drama. You were told to take them down and you didn't. Do you have evidence that the staff did wrong?

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7 hours ago, Sourg said:


-No Format

-Made 3 ban appeal post

- you had a trans gender sign. I asked you to remove which you denied and frog used him remover on them. 1 hour later the signs pop back up and I ask you to remove and you don't.

This is why you were warned/banned for 

Homophobia | NCWS

Also might need to change the Homophobia to Transphobic


UMC l SS Assistant SAIC l SWAT PFC l 


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That doesn't explain why my ban is written as "homophobia". I did nothing homophobic. You won't answer this question and you're pretending you're not hearing what I'm saying because you know you're full of it. You just write any old excuse to power-trip and ban people who want to spread a trans-friendly message, while pretending to be impartial and supportive, and then playing the victim like *I'm* being the rude one when I quite rightly call you out on it. I wouldn't take down the signs because I know I hadn't broken any rules - it's not protesting - so you just make up some rules on the spot for why I should. The reason Sourg told me to take them down is because some people could "find them offensive" and that it references trans-people, not because it's breaking role-play or whatever, which means you are sympathising with transphobes. Nobody cares about the feelings of transphobes unless you're a transphobe yourself. You didn't ban the transphobes in the game that wrote "cringe" multiple times on my signs, it's only a problem when it's a trans-positive sign apparently. What about the guy who had a "blue lives matter" avatar? Some people could find glorifying an institution which is heavily racially biased, and commits brutality on a regular occurrence offensive. Do you care about that the same way you care about "trans people are valid" signs? No. So hopefully you'll understand why I don't believe you when you say you're not biased. 

Did you read my previous messages about how saying "trans people are valid" is not a protest? I don't really feel like repeating myself again, because you're just going to ignore it again because you want to believe you're justified.

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-Major Support

-No format

-No real counter proof

-Arguing a lot in the comments

-Although it probably shouldn't be homophobia, its close enough to fall in that boat

Plus to just put a quick note in at the bottom. It just seems like you want to stir up stuff. No I'm not a transphobe for saying that, quite the opposite actually seeing that I am trans, and I find people over preaching about stuff to be extremely annoying and harmful. But if I was staff I would have told you to take them down. There's no reason to plaster signs of stuff like that everywhere if you aren't trying to start something. You are just trying to push things onto people, which overall ruins the reputation/overall opinion on a group of people. Gaminglight is pretty accepting as a whole of people and if someone does things that could be taken as disrespectful or harmful, or break rules they get banned, like you were. 

Edited by Beelzebub

~Beelzebub | Gaminglight Member Since 2016
"If you want real happiness, you've got to find it for yourself! Not wait for someone to give it to you!"- Asuka Langley Soyru

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41 minutes ago, Beelzebub said:

-Major Support

-No format

-No real counter proof

-Arguing a lot in the comments

-Although it probably shouldn't be homophobia, its close enough to fall in that boat

Plus to just put a quick note in at the bottom. It just seems like you want to stir up stuff. No I'm not a transphobe for saying that, quite the opposite actually seeing that I am trans, and I find people over preaching about stuff to be extremely annoying and harmful. But if I was staff I would have told you to take them down. There's no reason to plaster signs of stuff like that everywhere if you aren't trying to start something. You are just trying to push things onto people, which overall ruins the reputation/overall opinion on a group of people. Gaminglight is pretty accepting as a whole of people and if someone does things that could be taken as disrespectful or harmful, or break rules they get banned, like you were. 

All that really needs to be said.


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43 minutes ago, Beelzebub said:

-Major Support

-No format

-No real counter proof

-Arguing a lot in the comments

-Although it probably shouldn't be homophobia, its close enough to fall in that boat

Plus to just put a quick note in at the bottom. It just seems like you want to stir up stuff. No I'm not a transphobe for saying that, quite the opposite actually seeing that I am trans, and I find people over preaching about stuff to be extremely annoying and harmful. But if I was staff I would have told you to take them down. There's no reason to plaster signs of stuff like that everywhere if you aren't trying to start something. You are just trying to push things onto people, which overall ruins the reputation/overall opinion on a group of people. Gaminglight is pretty accepting as a whole of people and if someone does things that could be taken as disrespectful or harmful, or break rules they get banned, like you were. 



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To start off with protesting. Not all protests are political, and this will fall under a type of protest based on the server rules.

Arguing with the staff only hurts your situation and that is how you got the not complying with staff part of the warn/ ban.

All you were doing was trying to stur up the server and cause chaos. It was completely justified and as many others have said, our staff are not transphobic. Many of them support LGBTQ+ rights and your actions could have upset a lot of people whether they are supportive or against these beliefs.

Come back and join the server when you are not trying to stir things up. The server can be pretty enjoyable when people play by the rules.

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