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Sweet Staff Report- Denied


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Your In-Game Name: Sourg

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:170413383

Staff member's In-Game Name: Sweet

What did they do? 2 Min jail and Wasting my time. It was for advertising a Gaminglight in-game Family. He said it was advertising but in PoliceRp MOTD the only advertising Rule is "Do not advertise Twitch/YouTube channels without a Manager’s permission.". I was not advertising a Youtube or Twitch. I was advertising something within the GamingLight community. Also at end of video he says look at Family advertising Rules which I could not find.

Evidence (REQUIRED): Sorry in advance! TURN VOLUME DOWN!


Also family advertising has been done before which lead to this. But it was never against MOTD that I have seen.

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Considering at the end he made up Family advertising rules?? I will leave it up to you.




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+ Support 

- Nothing says you can’t advertise a family

- Staff member should take another look at the MOTD and have a conversation about it

- As you can set up signs I don’t see how you would not be allowed to advert it

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1 hour ago, [GL] Dark said:

+ Support 

- Nothing says you can’t advertise a family

- Staff member should take another look at the MOTD and have a conversation about it

- As you can set up signs I don’t see how you would not be allowed to advert it

+support Dark said it all

@SweetHplease speak on your side

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"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela


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i would be perm  banned if you could not advertise family's so uhh

free ma boi

Delta Force~PPD
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1 hour ago, [GL] Dark said:

+ Support 

- Nothing says you can’t advertise a family

- Staff member should take another look at the MOTD and have a conversation about it

- As you can set up signs I don’t see how you would not be allowed to advert it

btw sourg PLEASE put ur mic a bit away from your mouth thanks

UMC l SS Assistant SAIC l SWAT PFC l 


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I really don't know if I should do -Support or +Support but I was told that I was supposed to jail him for advertising and was told by a staff member that it isn't allowed and I was saying that there's no rule against advertising a family's and he kept telling me it is against the rules so I went ahead and jailed him

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2 minutes ago, Sweet said:

I really don't know if I should do -Support or +Support but I was told that I was supposed to warn him for advertising and was told by a staff member that it isn't allowed and I was saying that there's no rule against advertising a family's and he kept telling me it is against the rules so I went ahead and jailed him

do you recall the staff member that told you that?

I hope there's a heaven for minges...

Former SRT, FBI, DOC, SS, SWAT, SCU, and PoliceRP Senior Moderator.

"Remember, this is YOUR life, and YOUR time" - Eazy E

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2 hours ago, [GL] Dark said:

+ Support 

- Nothing says you can’t advertise a family

- Staff member should take another look at the MOTD and have a conversation about it

- As you can set up signs I don’t see how you would not be allowed to advert it


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So basically what happened was that another staff saw that he was advertising and told me to go ahead and jail him for 120Seconds. So this Senior Mod told me it wasn't allowed so I went ahead and checked MOTD and no rule was stating that, so I said to him there is no rule saying that it isn't allowed but he kept saying advertising a family is still against the rules and would go under adverting till he thought the next day and DMed me about it, and honestly it was a mix up cause he thought he was advertising a family discord cause he just eyed it out and said it was advertising. So it was a misunderstanding and a mistake and I do apologize.

Edited by Sweet
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2 hours ago, [GL] Dark said:

+ Support 

- Nothing says you can’t advertise a family

- Staff member should take another look at the MOTD and have a conversation about it

- As you can set up signs I don’t see how you would not be allowed to advert it


thats crazy

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Ok so when I was first on the server I saw someone jailed and warned for advertising another server/discord but I read it wrong that then stuck in my mind as to not being able to advertise a family this then telling the  wrong info I don’t believe he should be demoted or in serious trouble for this as there was no warn given and only a 120 second jail and I can understand it’s time wasting but it wasn’t a huge jail time I have also heard other staff members mention u can’t advertise a family but u obviously can as you can put signs up so I don’t believe he deserves a harsh punishment 


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okay so im gonna take back my original +Support and modify it a bit. I believe this is just a misunderstanding by Sweet and she shouldn't recieve a demote or strike, maybe a talk with SMT about it.

I hope there's a heaven for minges...

Former SRT, FBI, DOC, SS, SWAT, SCU, and PoliceRP Senior Moderator.

"Remember, this is YOUR life, and YOUR time" - Eazy E

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This appears to just be a misunderstanding and there was no intentional abuse or carelessness. Just to clarify we don't allow any advertising of any other communities, social media, or links outside of Gaminglight. Advertising a family in adverts is allowed.


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