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Banned for 6 days for saying "Stop being black"


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Steam Name: xX.HammerHead.Xx sups.gg

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100127092

Ingame Name: HammerHead

Ban Length: 6 days

Admin that Banned you: Home Doggo (STEAM_0:1:97906523)

Reason for Ban: Racism

Dispute: Hey it's me again. You may recognize me from my last ban appeal for being homophobic which isn't a good look for this topic either.  But believe me, I'm not racist or a homophobic in anyway. I may say lots of racist stuff but I don't actually mean any of it, it's all just for offensive humor purposes. You probably already made up your mind and decided to denied this but just hear me out first. I started playing this server again after a while since just yesterday. After a bought the silver rank I started playing the new cult job more often which is pretty fun. We were chasing some CI guy and in the mix of everyone yelling and the CI guy trying to tell us we need to use fear RP I said something really stupid but funny which was "Stop being black" in a joking way. At first I thought everyone would just let it slide since we were having a good time you know just getting some free XP as usual. But one of my teammates  went out of their way to have it recorded and report me for saying something so small a meaningless in the commotion of the event. I thought it was unfair not just for me but for the admin to have to deal with this sit. The admin didn't deserve to have their time wasted on a sit revolving around a small accident that would never happen again. As much as the admin didn't want to ban me they were force to because of the rules. I said this before, I think it's really ridiculous that people get banned for a week for saying something so small they didn't mean. It wasn't intentional or serious nor do I have anything against the African decent. Also telling me "Oh you said it! You shouldn't of said it too bad!" yeah I know, I just thought for once maybe everyone would be cool with a small offensive joke that would hurt absolutely no one in anyway and everyone would be fine and that's exactly how it should of been. But Instead someone who most likely had no reason to be offended by it just decided to go out of their way to get me ban with the clip and just waste time on a useless sit when instead if could have been used productively banning someone who was exploiting the server, mass RDMing, or actually was racist who knows. All I'm saying is that banning people who didn't mean something and won't do it again EVER is really bad, loyal people who donate to the server and genuinely appreciate the community shouldn't be treated like a minge who joined the server for the soul purpose of breaking rules and not caring. I think I speak for every loyal player who might of been wrongly excused for being banned. I know I could just wait a week to get unban but why ban someone in the first place when they didn't deserve it, they didn't mean any harm and show no intention of doing it again so why. Why?


If you don't wanna unban me then AT LEAST lower my sentence to a day or something . I just wanna get back to the server I know and like as soon as possible. Last time with the "homophobe" thing I got bored of the wait and just decided to get into something else. If you really care about your server then I hope you can understand my point and agree with me. Losing trusted players is not the way to go. Thank if you made it this far reading everything. Also thank you Home Doggo for trying to help with lowering my week ban by one day but It isn't enough. It's rare to get a ban appeal on a topic like this but it's worth a try, this is my only option besides waiting and as much as I didn't want to make another ban appeal again since it might just be useless, Home Doggo telling me I could try to get a ban appeal encourage me to give this my best shot. I don't wanna waste anymore of your time reading this as that's pretty much my explanation of me not wanting to be banned for 6 days. This isn't just for me but for anyone in my situation. I hope you read this carefully.


I don't think I need to elaborate any further but If you are still confused or want me to explain more just let me know.


Edit: I just wanna clear the difference between a staffs and a members perspective. I'm starting to realize that this post may have not been worth it since it's already starting out with a lot of -support and it's all from staff so far. I use to be Staff myself a matter of a fact but that a long story why I lost interest in being a GMOD admin. I know what it's like to go through every crack and crevice to point out if someone is breaking any rules and to take care of situation ASAP by following the rules.  What I'm seeing is admins reading through this, seeing what I said is a big "no no" and instantly making up their mind since nothing else matter but the rules and only the rules. And the fact more admins give me -support just persuades others to agree with them. Sometimes you need to look further and believe in your trusted community and server. Just clearing this up.


hypothetically speaking if I did want to get a ban appeal just to go back on the server and be racist again then it wouldn't take long for be to be perma banned in a instant so it just seems unnecessary for me to go out of my way to get this ban appealed. Don't you agree?

Edited by xX.HammerHead.Xx
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First off, you admitted that you said that phrase which is already a no no. Any "jokes" like this are not considered small because you insinuate that there is something wrong with being black. In no way will I agree with you in "understanding" your "point." You admitted that it was stupid so, clearly, you should know that you should have never said it to begin with. You also have a bad history with your homophobia ban. We do not tolerate these types of behavior on our server or in the community at all. Also, no to lowering your punishment. As a matter of fact, I would've increased it due to your previous demeanor. 

~Your Local SCP Lead AdminAka: Rekti-High
The REAL Don Godfather 527 | CEO of the Minge Team | The Baby Joe | Leader of the Fish Mafia

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7 minutes ago, Rektify said:


First off, you admitted that you said that phrase which is already a no no. Any "jokes" like this are not considered small because you insinuate that there is something wrong with being black. In no way will I agree with you in "understanding" your "point." You admitted that it was stupid so, clearly, you should know that you should have never said it to begin with. You also have a bad history with your homophobia ban. We do not tolerate these types of behavior on our server or in the community at all. Also, no to lowering your punishment. As a matter of fact, I would've increased it due to your previous demeanor. 

Not coming at you or anything but you are literally pointing out every counter argument I predicted. I'm not a bad person and for you to quickly judge me for being one cause of my "past recordes" isn't a good look cause of how I never did it again. The homophobic record was a accident one time and never happened again. Anyways let's try not to switch completely different topics like that. We've all done things before we regretted but excusing someone on something else cause they did a "no no" in the past just goes to show how little you actually care about that person redeeming themselves and how much you just want to see another person banned for doing something they didn't mean cause it was against the rules. You should try and have faith in people is all i'm saying, I can change.

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20 minutes ago, Hope said:




Retired DHOS || Former Wardens Comissioner Caligula || Former SRIC in R&D || Former OH8 Funni [Redacted] Man | | Retired OPSV in Maintenance || Former MMF Duck || Former HLPR Bot AC3 || Retired 2LT in E-11 || Former Head Field Scout || Former Ranger Pax || former ET || Former Omicron-9 CPT  || Former OM9 EXP Delta PoliceRP: PD LCPL | SCU LT

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. " -John F Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962



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Just because you "aint ______" dont mean you can do it freely


Thats like sayin "i aint a player of Gaminglight, but i played gaminglight a lot"

Shit dont add up


Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

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1 minute ago, Benslaki_II said:


Just because you "aint ______" dont mean you can do it freely


Thats like sayin "i aint a player of Gaminglight, but i played gaminglight a lot"

Shit dont add up

What do you mean? I have played gaming light a lot in the past like in the beginning of 2019 and end of 2018 but that's about it. I only come here like once every couple months now but I was starting to get back into the swing of things again until I was banned.

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  • Head of Staff
44 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:

Joke or not it distasteful and racist, PERIOD



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36 minutes ago, xX.HammerHead.Xx said:

We were chasing some CI guy and in the mix of everyone yelling and the CI guy trying to tell us we need to use fear RP I said something really stupid but funny which was "Stop being black" in a joking way. At first I thought everyone would just let it slide 

You thought everyone would "let it slide" so you know that it wasnt allowed but thought noone would report it?


43 minutes ago, xX.HammerHead.Xx said:

I thought it was unfair not just for me but for the admin to have to deal with this sit

I agree, it was incredibly unfair for one of my staff to have to deal with a ex staff who doesnt know basic rules and thinks he can get away with things 


45 minutes ago, xX.HammerHead.Xx said:

I just thought for once maybe everyone would be cool with a small offensive joke that would hurt absolutely no one in anyway and everyone would be fine and that's exactly how it should of been.

Why would we be cool with you saying things like that? you KNOW we wouldnt be! 


54 minutes ago, xX.HammerHead.Xx said:

 Also telling me "Oh you said it! You shouldn't of said it too bad!" yeah I know

Obviously you dont. 


55 minutes ago, xX.HammerHead.Xx said:

But Instead someone who most likely had no reason to be offended by it just decided to go out of their way to get me ban with the clip and just waste time on a useless sit

I disagree whoever reported you did a good job, you KNOW you shouldnt have and to be honest seem more sorry that you were reported than for your actions 


57 minutes ago, xX.HammerHead.Xx said:

I know I could just wait a week to get unban but why ban someone in the first place when they didn't deserve it, they didn't mean any harm and show no intention of doing it again so why. Why?

Then wait your week, you are ex staff MINIMUM SENIOR MOD+ you broke a rule, you deserve the correct punishment


honestly you actions taken both in game and  on the appeal are laughable from a ex staff and I would have given you longer. You. Know. Better.

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7 hours ago, Rangiatea said:

Honestly you actions taken both in game and  on the appeal are laughable from a ex staff and I would have given you longer. You. Know. Better.

And I am giving you longer. Continued incidents of homophobia and racism results in a permanent ban.

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