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What the best D-Class weapons are


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Ok, so I have been getting a lot of questions on what the best weapon is for donator. It really depends on what you like, if you like good damage hit firing go for the Falcon 2, if you like auto go for the RE-45. I would not go for the Hammond or the B3 wingman there damage is low and there reload time is slow compared to the other *GUNS*. Really if you can CTRL + SPACE a lot go for a knife 10 credit knife will do just fine I think they all do the same damage so go into single player and look what you like. 


I also have been getting a lot of questions on how to get auto guns, well there are 2 ways mining and buying CC'S

 Lone Wolf for UZI The owner is Gubby. 

Or Buy D-7025 For the MP7 and I think APE is the owner, but I highly doubt he would let someone else join. (unless your close with him)

Nu7 MSGT | Ex CI R&D AIN | Ex Sec 2LT | Ex OS | Ex CI 2LT

[CC] Owns: OPIF - Omnipurpose Infantry Force | Charple on Vacation | Vonzen Plushi | CI Take Force 'Blackhawks'

[CC] On: Farmer Jakub | MTF Sigma-66 | E-11 Rangers 'Reborn' | TF2 Solider | CI TF2 Heavy | Obama | Lone Wolf | Combine | STARS


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B3 got buffed I believe, it deals like 48 Damage now.

Hammond is just not good at all, also D-7025 I believe is really choosey with who gets in that CC.

If I had to choose one weapon, the winchester is hella good if you can aim. Its like the contender, but nonstop barrages of bullets. Also Winchester counts as a Shotgun, so its a heavy weapon which means you can FearRP with it.

CZ-75 is also really good if you can handle recoil, it completely demolishes HP. Especially destroys CPLs and below in Gensec since they have a low health pool.

Edited by Squash

 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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so far the best weapons ive seen are

Glock18 (full auto one)





From experience these guns SMACK security 🤤


Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

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For D class the two best guns are the RE-45 and the falcon but they do two separate jobs 

the falcon is a makeshift sniper you hid in the back behind elevator and you snipe people off then rush when it’s one or two guys left

The RE-45 does the rushing part or for helping out CI 

the knife can do semi what the RE-45 can do but it can’t hit through gates

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17 minutes ago, pixalgamer99 said:

For D class the two best guns are the RE-45 and the falcon but they do two separate jobs 

the falcon is a makeshift sniper you hid in the back behind elevator and you snipe people off then rush when it’s one or two guys left

The RE-45 does the rushing part or for helping out CI 

the knife can do semi what the RE-45 can do but it can’t hit through gates

I can agree with this.

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R8 and Tac9 in my opinion

"𝘕𝘰 𝘐 𝘢𝘪𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯'
'𝘊𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘦'𝘷𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘵
𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯' 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘪𝘧 𝘸𝘦 𝘢𝘪𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯'?"

-Retired CI MAJ Zero

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                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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Silverballer and the CS:GO Knives are good as well. However the Silverballer does 45 damage and doesn't have much recoil. 

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[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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Depends on the context, is this weapons you wanna add to a CC or just donator weapons you purchase from the store. For D-Class that does not wants CCs, I'd heavily suggest buying CS:GO knives, especially the butterfly knife, as it can hit far. For a handgun, I'd suggest going either for the Falcon 2 or the wingman, RE-45 is really the worst weapon, I have bought it and I cannot even kill a security Officer in 1 magazine. For the weapons you would like to add on a CC, I'd suggest, Desert eagle, Contender G2, Winchester carbine, CZ-75, Full auto Glock-18. Alongside with a Pro hacking device, a Medkit and if you would like farming minerals, you can get a pro pickaxe with it. I think they accepts smokes to be added to CCs again, but I'm not sure on this. If they do, I'd heavily reccomend getting smokes on your CC too as they are very helpful during riots.

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Current: Nu-7 VCMDR

 Former: E-11 VCMDR/LT-COL totally didn't get demoted || Event Team Member || CI SFTO 2LT

CCs: Snoop Dog Owner || Previous Rho-36 Occult Operative || Used to be Reznov || CI TF2 Heavy || MTF Zeta-0 'Caste Gates' || Tango-12 'Forgiving Hand'

 French Canadian man || Mbappé fan in the making

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17 hours ago, vSquishyv said:

Depends on the context, is this weapons you wanna add to a CC or just donator weapons you purchase from the store. For D-Class that does not wants CCs, I'd heavily suggest buying CS:GO knives, especially the butterfly knife, as it can hit far. For a handgun, I'd suggest going either for the Falcon 2 or the wingman, RE-45 is really the worst weapon, I have bought it and I cannot even kill a security Officer in 1 magazine. For the weapons you would like to add on a CC, I'd suggest, Desert eagle, Contender G2, Winchester carbine, CZ-75, Full auto Glock-18. Alongside with a Pro hacking device, a Medkit and if you would like farming minerals, you can get a pro pickaxe with it. I think they accepts smokes to be added to CCs again, but I'm not sure on this. If they do, I'd heavily reccomend getting smokes on your CC too as they are very helpful during riots.





Former: DT CPT , CGO - Tenn Graneet 31st VCMDR -> Havoc CMDR

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16 hours ago, Guinea Pig said:

Kit knife and fists are the best du

I agree with this statement, when I'm on Security Heavy the fists kick the shit out of me.

SMT please nerf

 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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