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Staff report on Magic- Denied


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Your In-Game Name: Abu bin Qassim Muhammad

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:85489413

Staff member's In-Game Name: Magic

What did they do? Prop climbed onto my base, i told him to stop multiple times, but he kept doing it

Evidence (REQUIRED): image.thumb.png.30ecdcfb8a43a980391a0bbd6c44fc81.png



image.png.d3453c43cf3b3741656450905bfc82bf.png this shows the same skin from the one before, so he prop climbed twice

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? I am not sure how you guys handle these so idk, idk if you have a strike system or something like that, I would not have made a report about something like this, but he is staff, and he should know better, especially a senior mod. I asked him multiple times why he prop climbed and he didn't respond and told me to make a report, so I did

edit: yes i know that i am not allowed to build in the parking lot as a hobo, but that doesnt allow staff to break rules and climb on it for no reason




Edited by india goat
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2 hours ago, Mag1c said:

@india goat I didn't do anything on staff, it is a player report because you think I broke an MOTD rule.

yeah he didnt do anything staff wise here just as a player

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  • Head of Staff
10 hours ago, Will said:


No evidence of staff handbook violation, seems to be a player report more than anything.


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