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Adding VP to 'Ransom Prices' in the MOTD - Accepted

Niko Belic

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What you want to see? - Add Vice President to the 'Ransom Prices' list under "4-) Kidnapping / Hostage Taking"

Why should we add it? - Makes negotiating a bit easier, instead of just making up a price. 

What are the advantages of having this? - Players will know what kind of money they could get from the hostage, instead of a somewhat random amount. 

Who is it mainly for? - Crim & Gov

Links to any content - N/A

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6 hours ago, TacosTheGoat said:


-Makes sense and is a helpful addition to the MOTD



"Won't let go, I'm the type to show you that you're too special, Please don't be the type to hate the things I do, And I'll ride for you, and I'll die for you!" - Juice WRLD

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Don't think as such the VP & President are worth the same but be handy to know the price of it if the VP is kidnapped (I Mean What VP LIFES don't MATTER & aren't WORTH Anything TBH! JK ahahah)


Edited by Ecott

DF Commander | CERT CO Commander | Gaming Light Legend Mr Top Donator




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