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Winters - Darth Vader Application- Denied


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-=Section 1=-

In-game name: Crewman Winters

Steam Name: Sanguine

Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198309709550/

Age: 21


-=Section 2=-

Why do you want to become the role of Darth Vader?

Response : With my life long passion for anything imperial  Darth Vader is one of the most notorious faces (masks) within the empire itself.  With that said this role will give me the influence i need to create the best RP out there and keep all players in gaming light captivated with my dearth Vader performance. I honestly only want this to keep higher RP and server standards  increased at all times when Lord Vader is present on the ship as i do see a severe lack now and again.


What experience do you have that would be relevant to the role of Darth Vader?

Response : I have been playing on GMOD SWRP servers for over a year and a half now and with that experience i have managed to take on ranks equivalent Fleet Admirals, Defensive Generals , Commanders and Executive officers.

On top of that i have also been in other communities that have inquisitors and understand what there is to know about being a one. Of course with said knowledge this could prove beneficial when Roleplaying with not only imperial high command but senior inquisitors included. 


Why do you think I should pick you over other applicants?

Response : There is of Couse nothing stopping you from picking someone who has been in the community for months or years ahead of me but sometimes taking a chance and getting it right can be way more beneficial than installing faith on the same old same old. 

I do believe i am that Beneficial risk you are taking if you pick me, i bring forth new and fresh experience from serious RP servers in the past and know a lot about setting a scene and keeping things serious.

On top of that i do read a lot into the lore of Vader from the mental battles of his mind to the cybernetics in his body.  I am quite the fan on him and to get to play as him in a popular server would be like winning the Gmod Lottery.


Please outline some ideas that you could bring to improve the server as Darth Vader:

Response :  Lord Vader as a whole is a serious yet efficient Sith lord . He cares not how the job is done but as long as it is done right.

With that said Vader's presence on the ISD as a whole will spike an RP increase and a lot more seriousness to the server. Of course if lord Palpatine was to arrive on the ISD everyone will snap to attention and step out of his way when he walks. This will be the type of aura i will create when lord Vader will be in the server. It will inspire newer players to RP more seriously and also keep a captivating and interesting experience for all those who witness it.

I could be of more practical use being not only onboard the ship with an intimidating presence but also in the battlefield as a bastion for troops to rally around as we slaughter rebels. 


-=Section 3=-

In your personal experience with being a player, what issues have you come across?

As stated prior i have been in the Gmod SWRP community for a good amount of time now and i can say for myself that every server is ran differently. Even if its the same maps, uniforms  and rules there is always a dramatic change in attitude and behaviour among players. This varies from childish behaviour to all full blown serious RP 24/7, I do mainly prefer servers with full blown seriousness but sometimes not all servers that i like can deliver that. 

The main issues i witness in servers  are as followed :

Childish behaviour (Minge Behaviour) - This is the most common thing i see in loads of servers not just this one. Its hard to stamp out as a lot of players are young and excitable. and not given enough tasks to keep them occupied and away from bad ideas.  This can accumulate from lack of events that do not involve all audiences and lack of Special VIPs onboard the ISD for them to work with or protect.

Poor Trigger Discipline. - I can't even keep tabs on the amount of times ive been shot in the back or killed instantly to someone who can't keep the safety on for more than a minute. Its everywhere in all servers and normally is followed by my previous issue of minge like behavior.

Narcissism/favouritism in seniors -  Every player has experienced this once in their time on any Gmod server from dark RP to SWRP, you can't escape it and its everywhere. This can form from many reasons such as friendship circles or pure distrust and distaste in other players. This mainly happens to those who work hard and see no reward or go unnoticed because they're not always trying to steal the lime light.  The worst thing about this in any community is its a hidden rule never to call it out or point fingers on anyone who they suspect of doing it as it paints a worse image for those who talk about it.

I could go on all day but i am sure you have a lot more of these to get though.


In response to the question above, how would you handle and fix these issues?

For Childish behaviour (Minge Behaviour) -  It takes a really good handful of players with a serious presence to rid this in a community and those are rare to come by. Mainly senior  players who have the respect of their peers and troopers beneath them tend to minge less when they are both intimidated but respected. With that said you will find a senior who can keep players occupied and captivated will be less of an issue if dedicated to the task at hand. and given proper jobs 


For Poor Trigger Discipline - This mainly falls down to regimental leaders  falling to punish more severely  which leads to an overly lax environment. Its not fun getting killed by a random player who isn't following procedure and needs to be beaten out of them before it even becomes an issue.  This can be done by more serious RP drills an exercises but also can be done by increasing punishment on those who can't stay their weapons on safety. Players tend to learn the hard way faster.


For Narcissism/favouritism in seniors -  Honestly this falls down to the highest ranking players and staff to see it. Those who are not bias and always are open to any newer players that join the high stakes tables of staff and command. It takes a truly selfless person who has power to make a change but also dose not use their powers to favour others. 

This one is personally hard to talk about and you and me as a player have put faith in those above us to be open minded and not consumed by power.

Anything else you would like to add?

I stated this prior in the "why should i pick you" question  but i will insist on saying it again. 

Yes i am a new player to gaming light but  i feel like that shouldn't stop you from taking a leap of faith and giving this huge role to someone fresh and capable. Keeping an open mind in hand even if i don't get selected i look forward to making a difference in this  community and that the words i have shared mean something to someone.  

Long Live the Empire! 

Crewman Winters : Imperial Navy

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  • Manager


New to the Community

Not well known

However your application has a lot of effort and is formatted very well.

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

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Just now, Nimo said:


New to the Community

Not well known

However your application has a lot of effort and is formatted very well.


𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 | 𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙢𝙞𝙣 | Retired blacklisted

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18 minutes ago, BadAim said:


your application is well done and your experience is outstanding, but I think you should spend more time on the server so it can be ensured that you’re in it for the long run.


Former: Darth Vader

Former: Super Administrator | Forum Diplomat | Support Advisor

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1 hour ago, Nimo said:


New to the Community

Not well known

However your application has a lot of effort and is formatted very well.


Ex - Clone Wars RP Commander Cody Ex - Senior Moderator CWRP & Imperial RP | Ex - Imperial RP 501st VCMDR

"You eggs are going to be the death of me" - Guy Science

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2 hours ago, Nimo said:


New to the Community

Not well known

However your application has a lot of effort and is formatted very well.


Former ImperialRP JMT, SNR GM, Shock Commander

[Staff of The Month For November 2020]

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2 hours ago, Nimo said:


New to the Community

Not well known

However your application has a lot of effort and is formatted very well.


| Retired Head Gamemaster Emily | Super Admin Emily | Retired Nu-7 Colonel, Vice Marshal, & Seventh sister |
"if you live among wolves, you have to act like a wolf." - Nikita Khrushchev spacer.png

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5 hours ago, Nimo said:


New to the Community

Not well known

However your application has a lot of effort and is formatted very well.


Imperial RP] Ex-Gamemaster| Ex-Starfighter Corps. Officer| Ex-Onyx Squad Officer| Ex-Inferno Squad Squadron Leader| Ex-Shadow Guard Officer VII| INO Chad. 
Retired-Nu7 1st Lieutenant| Ex-GENSEC Master Sergeant and Junior Warden| Retired-Chaos Insurgency 1st Lieutenant| Zeta-19| Epic Payday Gang(2nd ever)| Ex-A1 Guardian| Ex-Event Team Member.
"You are a quarter of a million strong, and you shoot well, but what if I showed of with 500,000 men? What would you do?" -Kaiser Wilhelm II "We would shoot twice, and we'd go home" -Swiss Militiaman

naruto shippuden GIF

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Personal Experience

+Pleasant Experiences

Application Section 2

+/- Qualifications seem up to snuff, but you fail to share feats which you may have accomplished on these other servers' HC positions.

-You say you would bring a 'new fresh' experience and I would like you to expand on that more because as of right now I have no idea what that is besides buzz words. Your suggestions only seem to cover how you would use Vadar's presence, which is important to recognize, but you should also think of other big picture improvements.

Application Section 3

+You provided some valid issues

- Your solutions do not feel like solutions. The first one is describing a group of people who are needed, the second offloads the issue onto Regimental Commanders, and the third is a blanket statement neutrality in decision making.


This application needs work for me to see you as a Vader. You have an image in your head for what you will do, I can read that, but you fail to put 90% of that onto the page. Try and add more details to about yourself as well as your approach to issues as if you were already Vader.

Best of luck on your run for Vader

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