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Colt buff - Accepted


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What you want to see? -  Buff the colt 1911 from 17 damage to 23

Why should we add it? - because nobody uses it in its current state unless they have no other options

What are the advantages of having this? - more people will use the weapon

Who is it mainly for? - Any class with the colt 1911

Links to any content - N/A

Retired Imperial RP Super Admin and Grand General


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+Support, the Colt is preposterously underpowered, and is a literal peashooter.

"Without morals, are we truly any better than the things we've set ourselves to contain?"

EX-Site Director   EX-Super Admin | EX-Event Team Lead | Otter Lover Regardless of what SMT Says, not a furry. R&D Senior Inspector


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32 minutes ago, Falxen said:

+Support, the Colt is preposterously underpowered, and is a literal peashooter.

It's on the tech command job, and I literally never used it before. The only thing it's good at rn is that CI can't fearRP you.

 SCPRP Director of Logistics, Event TeamFormer Nu7 2LT, Former Senior Admin

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Just now, Doggo0 said:

It's on the tech command job, and I literally never used it before. The only thing it's good at rn is that CI can't fearRP you.

That's the M92 Beretta

"Pay increase declined. Welcome to the Foundation, get used to it." -O5-6

3rd time Head of Medical Staff Ex-Director of Research and Security Ex-Director of Utility | Ex-Senior Admin for SCP-RP |  Ex-Admin for TTT 

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7 minutes ago, [GL] Inaccurate said:

That's the M92 Beretta

Could that gun get a buff as well while we’re at it? I’ve never seen someone use it and for good reason lol

Retired Imperial RP Super Admin and Grand General


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Just now, BadAim said:

Could that gun get a buff as well while we’re at it? I’ve never seen someone use it and for good reason lol

Honestly almost every non CSGO pistol needs a damage buff (Even the Model 500, damage is good but the recoil, fire rate, and mag size kinda downgrade that); mainly the revolvers, cause they literally do the same damage as other pistols

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"Pay increase declined. Welcome to the Foundation, get used to it." -O5-6

3rd time Head of Medical Staff Ex-Director of Research and Security Ex-Director of Utility | Ex-Senior Admin for SCP-RP |  Ex-Admin for TTT 

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