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Billy Bobby Player Report- Accepted


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Your In-game:


Your SteamID:


The player's name in-game:

Billy Bobby

The player's steam ID (required): 


What did the player do:

Has 50 warns

Evidence (REQUIRED):


What do you believe should happen to the player:

Permanently  ban

Any extra information:

In this screenshot you can see another report against him, where I went and warned him again, and he's now at 50.

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+ support  person has over the warn limit for     a perm ban good job Brandon! 

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                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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52 minutes ago, LuckyGoose said:

Dang 49 warns how did we not catch this XD

Probably because he went MIA for so long. 

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 “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.” — C. Joybell

|| Proud Member of GamingLight since March 2018 ||

|| Former MTF Alpha-1 MAJ || Former NSA Director || Former MTF E-11 CPL || Former SWAT CMDR ||

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+Support Reached over 40 warnings

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Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in."

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Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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