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Rektify's Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" Application


Should I become an Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" member?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I come an Alpha-1?

    • Yes
    • No

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In Game Name: Rektify

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:797820

Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + |  Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+):  Red Right Hand

If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: Rangiatea

How many Strikes do you have: 0 strikes currently.

Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: The reason why I want to join the O5 staff team (alpha-1) is because it's a dear branch to me. As a high command member of the branch and someone who thoroughly enjoyed their time in Alpha-1, it would be almost heresy for me to not sign up! I am a dedicated member and I know how to follow the Code of Silence when needed. I know how to put someone's life above mines and understand how to follow a direct order without any hesitation. Escorting has also been something that I actually enjoyed and the fact that the new omicron-9 can't escort any VIPs makes me a bit sad. I will work hard to always make sure that my VIP is secured at all times and I already have a clear understanding of what to do as an Alpha-1 personnel.

Why should we accept you: Like stated previously, I was a high command in Alpha-1 and current high command in Omicron-9, which shows how trustworthy I am. I know the rules and I understand how Alpha-1 works, inside and out. I understand combat formations and the [REDACTED] that come along with being a highly classified branch. I recognize the amount of trouble I could possibly get in if I screw up but I'm willing to go for it!

~Your Local SCP Lead AdminAka: Rekti-High
The REAL Don Godfather 527 | CEO of the Minge Team | The Baby Joe | Leader of the Fish Mafia

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+support, the guy is well suited to the job, i mean, he was  literaly the A1 COL.

"Without morals, are we truly any better than the things we've set ourselves to contain?"

EX-Site Director   EX-Super Admin | EX-Event Team Lead | Otter Lover Regardless of what SMT Says, not a furry. R&D Senior Inspector


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3 minutes ago, ReZVoRtEx24 said:

Know's how to escort
Good Guy


| Retired Head Gamemaster Emily | Super Admin Emily | Retired Nu-7 Colonel, Vice Marshal, & Seventh sister |
"if you live among wolves, you have to act like a wolf." - Nikita Khrushchev spacer.png

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Big +support

Middle name practically spells protect.

Dudes a High Command and his protection quotas been removed he needs it.

Knows his stuff.

Got it in the bag.

Grinding with Nu7  |Past SGT in A1, Gensec and CI  Was a great Tech Saved Beanz from doom thrice Didn't save Rang Gets bullied by Surge Loves all in the server

Custom Classes: Spy, D-Class 2304  | CNTN Bot , Raptor Team |Tango - 14, CTF

Retired DoTF

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