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i am sorry for my actions- Denied


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Steam Name: Jesus

Ingame Name: JackOffTim

SteamID: 76561197960287930

Ban Length: perma

Admin that Banned you: snar

Reason for Ban: Associated with Hacking clients | Lying to SMT | SMT DIS | Blacklisted

Dispute: I wish to be un-ban because i played this server on 07/18/19 and it was a amazing experience to play with amazing admins and players, but the night i was banned wasen't such a good night because that day i had bought VIP+ and played almost the entire day with my friend , later that day we decided that we wanted to rob the bank so we went around looking for thief's to rob it so we got a 6 person group including me and my friend so we all geared up and robbed it but failed so right after this my friend left because it was late then we started robbing people for money for fun and then one of us was brought by the admin and then we were all brought and the admin then accused one of us hacking and i didn't know what was happening so i got mad at the admin saying " we aren't fucking hacking jackass " and the admin wasent happy so the admin discussed to the 4 of us that we were associated of hacking and were gonna get banned for it so i was PISSED because i had just bought VIP+ earlier so i cussed him out and i completely regret it then i was banned and decided not to play gmod again but now i want to join the server again but im still banned sadly so if i can get another chance i would be grate full. anyways, its been awhile. i miss the community thought i would give an unban request a go. have a nice day reader also please tell snar i am sorry.

Edited by ConfederateJesus
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unfortunately you cannot appeal blacklists 

                                                                                                     |Ex PD LT|Delta squad RCT| Ex senior moderator| 

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1 hour ago, TheJayden said:


Blacklists aren't appealable


Ender | Former SWAT Lieutenant | Senior Low Command | SWAT FTO | Previous PoliceRP Administrator 

COL Will 1L52 to admins: Max, you ain't going to scare them, you are on a female model and stuttering...

"So what're you doing?" - @SWAT LT Ender 22-D "Putting my clothes back on". - @SWAT SFC Nao 27-D

"There's a fine line between right and wrong. And somewhere, in the shadows, they've sent us to find it."

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-support blacklist are unappealable 

hope you find a community that fits your type and if the admin was in the wrong I'm very sorry about the sit that got you blacklisted, I'm sure zeeptin is thankful for your donation, and is using for "good use" sadly donating doesn't give you immunity. wish you good luck in the upcoming days







Police RP (retired): Staff | PD Major | SWAT MSGT

Imperial RP (retired): Naval Commodore | Staff & Gamemaster

Military RP (retired): USMC Captain | DI LT | kamikaze pilot

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