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Mr Yobo

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What you want to see? -  Restart warnings e.g Restart in 5 minutes

Why should we add it? - People like myself loose track of time and the restart hit hard.

What are the advantages of having this? - Less complaining about forgetting to empty bitracks.

Who is it mainly for? - Police rp of course

Links to any content - Broadcast timer?

Edited by Yobo


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I am going to be honest...

I have no idea what your talking about...

I'm dumb most likely for not knowing but...


PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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13 minutes ago, Matthew said:

I am going to be honest...

I have no idea what your talking about...

I'm dumb most likely for not knowing but...


I was kinda confuses with the wording at first too, I thought he was talking about resetting server warns

He's talking about the server restart every morning at like 3 AM.  He wants someone to put out an tell all thing telling everyone on the server that there will be a server restart soon, that way he can collect all of his money and doesn't loose a ton of money from bitcoin when server restarts.


Police Lieutenant (1A29)      ~      Trooper Corporal (1C29)

EMS EMT Technician

Valk was not here, fortunetely

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14 minutes ago, Bronco said:

I was kinda confuses with the wording at first too, I thought he was talking about resetting server warns

He's talking about the server restart every morning at like 3 AM.  He wants someone to put out an tell all thing telling everyone on the server that there will be a server restart soon, that way he can collect all of his money and doesn't loose a ton of money from bitcoin when server restarts.

Yeah ok... 


I thought server warns

PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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