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Nivek's false warn


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Your In-game: Nivek

Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:102772116
The admin's name in-game: CERT FSGT NOX 1CT51
The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A
What warning did you receive: Spamming admin chat
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 
Why do you think this warn was false: I asked for assistance when there were 5 admins on and no one responded. Then about a minute later when no one responded I asked again saying help. And I forgot to say why I needed help which I had to type again.
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There weren't five admins on, the reason you were warned because you spammed @ chat every 5 seconds. It's a small thing so I think the warn should be removed, he hasn't done it since.


PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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Also just because there are alot of some are on you should still wait. Your not the only person that we have to Deal with. The are more people that are calling for admins.

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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As a Staff Member of such of a big community and the opportunity to be apart of

It is hard for us to get to every single call in seconds as we are doing other stuff like sits and dealing with people that aren't following the rules

When you need an admin just say it once and we will come to you don't worry we won't miss you we will get to you when we can!

Gaminglight PoliceRP Moderator Munchies


"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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