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Serverguard Vehicle Finder Plugin


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What you want to see? - I made my own serverguard plugin specifically for gaminglight that teleports the administrator to the player's owned vehicle. This is untested and might have errors as I don't own a copy of serverguard, so it would need testing on a private testing server. It doesn't work if the target has multiple vehicles (the only people who can spawn multiple is like manager+ anyway and it's never usually done unless it's an event).

Why should we add it? - This will make administrator's jobs 100x easier for finding stolen gov. vehicles or stolen vehicles that weren't adverted.

What are the advantages of having this? - This will make administrator's jobs 100x easier for finding stolen gov. vehicles or stolen vehicles that weren't adverted.

Who is it mainly for? - Admins.

Links to any content - Would rather share in private with manager+ as I made it specifically and only for gaminglight.

Edited by checkraisefold1
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