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Here's the problem.


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Right, as most of you know - I've been a member of the community for over a year now. Having time as both a staff member, SWAT, PD, State Troopers and a plain member of the community I can personally say that I'm both impressed and disappointed in several aspects held within the community. Now, before you comment or read this - know that this is my personal opinion nothing official, nothing too crazy. This'll also be based on the past 7-8 months of the community. 



I'll start with the flaws just so I can end this on a sweet note. 

Firstly, various users of this community can be very stubborn and a lot of people tend to jump on this train of dislike if someone talks badly or makes a mistake in a rage. Names will not be named unless inquired by SMT just as a point. I find that when someone acts out of line they'll receive an immediate profile, such as old mate on thief - if we pull him over and it goes to a pursuit to a firefight then it will likely end in everyone going "Okay guys permanently keep an eye out for this guy and act the same on every traffic stop with your pistol on safety just in case you need to sneeze with your finger on the trigger and we'll be safe". Simple things like that are immature and annoying. As I write this, I bare in mind that we do have a lot of "younger" players in the community but we also have a lot of older and sometimes wiser folk within the community. I tend to find it the same in departments. If an OFC runs into a bank raid on his first patrol not only will everyone yell at him but people will constantly tell him to "f**k off" and keep him as far away from the scene as possible. I understand it may be annoying that it occurs occasionally but we really need to be teaching people things instead of being like a cruel and abusive father (trust me I play this game to escape that I don't want it here). 

Secondly, we're too jumpy... I don't think I need to go into extreme detail with this because I think most of you seem to think that giving someone a $40,000 fine is a bit annoying and there's a 99.99% chance that they are never going to consider payment under any circumstances. People constantly decide to run away in traffic stops... yes it may be amusing sometimes but if you always do it then cops are gonna eat your ass if you do pull over for once in your life. Personally, I think that people should only run from traffic interceptions if they have an active warrant, have a hostage with them or at their base, completed a bank/store raid within the past 10 minutes. To me, its plain annoying and doesn't make any sense what so ever to end with 10 years jail time rather than a $150 fine for running a stop sign.

Thirdly, treating SMs like they're in the FBI's Top 10 Most Wanted and then when you get to LT - you're basically immune from everything and nobody will question or report you unless you pull a massie on the whole server. It just seems stupid and like SMs are separate from the police department and we've got Nazi Tattoos on our arms and then we get to LT and we've got wings and a Boris the animal figurine. 

Fourthly, Dispatch really needs to be implemented again - Nolan and I have exchanged some PMs so I hope that inspires him a little bit to continue because I know for a fact some people would really be down for dispatch to be a thing since there are more 10-30s on radio then there are negative cents on my credit loan with the bank so it'd be good to work on that. Also talking over each other is annoying so press "L" to open the menu then hold your talk button for a couple seconds before talking so people can see you're waiting for a clear line rather than talking over you. *COUGH* NOLAN LEMME HELP *COU-SNEEZE*.

Finally, just because I say something that you don't agree with doesn't mean you need to hate me.


Now, the positive points within the community.

This'll be a small list but I must say that doesn't mean it isnt a huge one in its full size. 

SMT, you have to be the most friendly and respected people on the server and you're all very good people at heart and do an excellent job at maintaining the community. 

High Command and Executives of Law Enforcement do an excellent job at maintaining their departments but there are various improvements that could be made. Speaking to people about suggestions during meetings for departments isnt a bad idea. Take notes, don't just say "I'll look into it" and never even open your browser. Your enlistment officers really love it when they're noticed and them feeling recognised is a really vital part of the roleplay experience because most cops irl will receive some form of recognition which a lot of the time people do. Compliments on the radio are really nice and its good to hear (even though I just bitched about how spamming radio with random crap is really, really annoying.



I must say that we've made various improvements recently and I really appreciate the people making the changes and suggesting them as well.


Kind Regards,

Brian Finch  
Ex-Moderator | Police Lieutenant | Head Dispatcher 
EMS Lieutenant 
| State Trooper | NSA Operative

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Right, as most of you know - I've been a member of the community for over a year now. Having time as both a staff member, SWAT, PD, State Troopers and a plain member of the community I can personally say that I'm both impressed and disappointed in several aspects held within the community. Now, before you comment or read this - know that this is my personal opinion nothing official, nothing too crazy. This'll also be based on the past 7-8 months of the community. 



I'll start with the flaws just so I can end this on a sweet note. 

Firstly, various users of this community can be very stubborn and a lot of people tend to jump on this train of dislike if someone talks badly or makes a mistake in a rage. Names will not be named unless inquired by SMT just as a point. I find that when someone acts out of line they'll receive an immediate profile, such as old mate on thief - if we pull him over and it goes to a pursuit to a firefight then it will likely end in everyone going "Okay guys permanently keep an eye out for this guy and act the same on every traffic stop with your pistol on safety just in case you need to sneeze with your finger on the trigger and we'll be safe". Simple things like that are immature and annoying. As I write this, I bare in mind that we do have a lot of "younger" players in the community but we also have a lot of older and sometimes wiser folk within the community. I tend to find it the same in departments. If an OFC runs into a bank raid on his first patrol not only will everyone yell at him but people will constantly tell him to "f**k off" and keep him as far away from the scene as possible. I understand it may be annoying that it occurs occasionally but we really need to be teaching people things instead of being like a cruel and abusive father (trust me I play this game to escape that I don't want it here). 

Secondly, we're too jumpy... I don't think I need to go into extreme detail with this because I think most of you seem to think that giving someone a $40,000 fine is a bit annoying and there's a 99.99% chance that they are never going to consider payment under any circumstances. People constantly decide to run away in traffic stops... yes it may be amusing sometimes but if you always do it then cops are gonna eat your ass if you do pull over for once in your life. Personally, I think that people should only run from traffic interceptions if they have an active warrant, have a hostage with them or at their base, completed a bank/store raid within the past 10 minutes. To me, its plain annoying and doesn't make any sense what so ever to end with 10 years jail time rather than a $150 fine for running a stop sign.

Thirdly, treating SMs like they're in the FBI's Top 10 Most Wanted and then when you get to LT - you're basically immune from everything and nobody will question or report you unless you pull a massie on the whole server. It just seems stupid and like SMs are separate from the police department and we've got Nazi Tattoos on our arms and then we get to LT and we've got wings and a Boris the animal figurine. 

Fourthly, Dispatch really needs to be implemented again - Nolan and I have exchanged some PMs so I hope that inspires him a little bit to continue because I know for a fact some people would really be down for dispatch to be a thing since there are more 10-30s on radio then there are negative cents on my credit loan with the bank so it'd be good to work on that. Also talking over each other is annoying so press "L" to open the menu then hold your talk button for a couple seconds before talking so people can see you're waiting for a clear line rather than talking over you. *COUGH* NOLAN LEMME HELP *COU-SNEEZE*.

Finally, just because I say something that you don't agree with doesn't mean you need to hate me.


Now, the positive points within the community.

This'll be a small list but I must say that doesn't mean it isnt a huge one in its full size. 

SMT, you have to be the most friendly and respected people on the server and you're all very good people at heart and do an excellent job at maintaining the community. 

High Command and Executives of Law Enforcement do an excellent job at maintaining their departments but there are various improvements that could be made. Speaking to people about suggestions during meetings for departments isnt a bad idea. Take notes, don't just say "I'll look into it" and never even open your browser. Your enlistment officers really love it when they're noticed and them feeling recognised is a really vital part of the roleplay experience because most cops irl will receive some form of recognition which a lot of the time people do. Compliments on the radio are really nice and its good to hear (even though I just bitched about how spamming radio with random crap is really, really annoying.



I must say that we've made various improvements recently and I really appreciate the people making the changes and suggesting them as well.


Kind Regards,

well too be honest some of these points  make me scared of joining gov departments  because how they treat each other and stuff i seen the reports and every one bashing on 1 guy for a little mistake  what could have been fixed in game . so i might just stay a criminal as there is no team but your family and other people can't shut you down if you make a tiny mistake.. 


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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If people are disrespecting other members of PD, giving way too high fines and sentences etc, report it to command. It shouldn't happen and if you report it it won't. Also if your targeted because your an SM, report it to High Command as it isn't right (unless it's a genuine report with valid evidence). I'd also like to say to everyone to please don't report someone without evidence, clear rulebreaking and several events of it occurring (ie an SNR runs into a bank raid once, no need for a report. SNR runs into a bank raid several different times, you can report him)

-Maj Bob Bob

Edited by -Unknown-

Retired Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob 1K51


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If people are disrespecting other members of PE, giving way too high fives and sentences etc, report it to command. It shouldn't happen and if you report it it won't. Also if your targeted because your an SM, report it to High Command as it isn't right (unless it's a genuine report with valid evidence). I'd also like to say to everyone to please don't report someone without evidence, clear rulebreaking and several events of it occurring (ie an SNR runs into a bank raid once, no need for a report. SNR runs into a bank raid several different times, you can report him)

-Maj Bob Bob

Thank you i will make sure i do so you are a good major please keep up your work :3


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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If people are disrespecting other members of PD, giving way too high fives and sentences etc, report it to command. It shouldn't happen and if you report it it won't. Also if your targeted because your an SM, report it to High Command as it isn't right (unless it's a genuine report with valid evidence). I'd also like to say to everyone to please don't report someone without evidence, clear rulebreaking and several events of it occurring (ie an SNR runs into a bank raid once, no need for a report. SNR runs into a bank raid several different times, you can report him)

-Maj Bob Bob

Thank you.

Brian Finch  
Ex-Moderator | Police Lieutenant | Head Dispatcher 
EMS Lieutenant 
| State Trooper | NSA Operative

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I am going to comment on dispatch. I am not sure if this will work well. The most successful servers that have dispatch are fiveM servers. Why? because of a number of things that are done there that we don't have / don't do

  1. fiveM server's have plugins that give dispatch a wide view of the city and the realtime location of all officers
    1. We know when officers go 10-08 and where their 38's and 80's are happening when they radio it in but nothing in between
    2. Also if someone needs an additional and it's just a code 1 thing, dispatch has no idea where the nearest supervisor or unit is to assist
  2. fiveM servers have a PD force of 20 people and 10 players that RP as criminals and civilians
    1. vs we have 20+PD and 40+ criminals
      1. this means that there is constant activity going on that dispatch would have to keep up with vs the occasional thing
  3. fivM servers are strict on RP and 20 codes and know how to use dispatch
    1. Our PD just CODE 3's everything and self assigns even with dispatch on
    2. A lot of PD will talk for 10+ seconds because they don't know 10 codes or there are a lot of people that do not know 10 codes that ask what is a 77 or a 13.
  4. fiveM go through strict requirements and interviews before being accepted to be trained
    1. We just make people who want to join PD listen to a SGT+ talk for 13-30ish minutes explaining everything then off they go

These are just some of the major points on why dispatch won't work on our server like we want it to.

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I am going to comment on dispatch. I am not sure if this will work well. The most successful servers that have dispatch are fiveM servers. Why? because of a number of things that are done there that we don't have / don't do

  1. fiveM server's have plugins that give dispatch a wide view of the city and the realtime location of all officers
    1. We know when officers go 10-08 and where their 38's and 80's are happening when they radio it in but nothing in between
    2. Also if someone needs an additional and it's just a code 1 thing, dispatch has no idea where the nearest supervisor or unit is to assist
  2. fiveM servers have a PD force of 20 people and 10 players that RP as criminals and civilians
    1. vs we have 20+PD and 40+ criminals
      1. this means that there is constant activity going on that dispatch would have to keep up with vs the occasional thing
  3. fivM servers are strict on RP and 20 codes and know how to use dispatch
    1. Our PD just CODE 3's everything and self assigns even with dispatch on
    2. A lot of PD will talk for 10+ seconds because they don't know 10 codes or there are a lot of people that do not know 10 codes that ask what is a 77 or a 13.
  4. fiveM go through strict requirements and interviews before being accepted to be trained
    1. We just make people who want to join PD listen to a SGT+ talk for 13-30ish minutes explaining everything then off they go

These are just some of the major points on why dispatch won't work on our server like we want it to.

Doesnt help when PD Command doesnt follow radio protocol either.

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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If people are disrespecting other members of PD, giving way too high fines and sentences etc, report it to command. It shouldn't happen and if you report it it won't. Also if your targeted because your an SM, report it to High Command as it isn't right (unless it's a genuine report with valid evidence). I'd also like to say to everyone to please don't report someone without evidence, clear rulebreaking and several events of it occurring (ie an SNR runs into a bank raid once, no need for a report. SNR runs into a bank raid several different times, you can report him)

-Maj Bob Bob


well too be honest some of these points  make me scared of joining gov departments  because how they treat each other and stuff i seen the reports and every one bashing on 1 guy for a little mistake  what could have been fixed in game . so i might just stay a criminal as there is no team but your family and other people can't shut you down if you make a tiny mistake.. 

Yeah just come to command we will sort it out. And if everyone is bashing on 1 guy come to command straight away so we can do something about it I mean nobody should be treating anyone like they're nothing if you're in PD you guys are brothers treat them like your friend/brother Personally I deal with so many reports just over little mistakes. Yes what bob said Please don't report someone without evidence, clear rulebreaking and several events of occurring. But if you do see someone being direspectful or treating a PD member like nothing come and see me I will sort it out.

-LT Munchies

Edited by Munchies 5

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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I agree with a lot of these.


There definitely is a culture where PD command can do whatever they want and people are too scared for their own ranks and experience to report them because of the negative repercussions from that command, and their command friends. So, they are not held to use proper procedure, and pretty much can do what they want. In my opinion I think that this is more of a Low Command issue, as high command is barely active, so low command aren't held in place by High Command.

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I agree with a lot of these.


There definitely is a culture where PD command can do whatever they want and people are too scared for their own ranks and experience to report them because of the negative repercussions from that command, and their command friends. So, they are not held to use proper procedure, and pretty much can do what they want. In my opinion I think that this is more of a Low Command issue, as high command is barely active, so low command aren't held in place by High Command.

If you or anyone else have an issue with a low command member and wish to stay anonymous, report it in PMs/forum message a high command member about it. If you then get demoted afterwards from reprocutions of them finding out, you should tell high command all the details and they will sort it out for you. Also recently High Command have been becoming a lot more active and I think that what they are currently doing is fine, but the only issue is that we need our command meetings geld and acctually done

anymore issues, just popost it on here or message commandand we will gladly answer it!

-Maj Bob Bob

Retired Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob 1K51


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