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Carpenter False Warn Appeal


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Your In-game: Zayn Yukiteru

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:148654009
The admin's name in-game: Carpenter John
The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A
What warning did you receive: Prop Climb
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): http://prntscr.com/jh2r85 
Why do you think this warn was false: I sat there rping a suicide, Naby had tasered me off a roof, I then call and admin and got attacked by 3 SRT members. One attacked my staff rank saying im just a moderator and my warns show me in the wrong, others didn't even care to let me speak that much and then was given NO PROOF that I prop climbed, and got warned for it.. I said multiple times that I strafe jumped and they wouldn't care to listen.
Any extra information: you're supposed to listen to both sides, not just one.
Edited by Zayn


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While i dont agree with how other staff members reacted in the video I cant see how you "strafe jumped" to get up there or how naby got up there as well.

Johnathens behavior as well as certain others isn't cool and disappointing. I think Johnathen should get a strike for the disrespect he showed zayn.

However im going -/+ support considering the scene skips and it doesnt show the whole story.

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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you clearly propclimbed to get up there impossible to strafe we were all pretty disrespectful.

MilitaryRP Trial Mod|CERT/Trooper SGT|PD SM

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~Lao Tzu

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I agree with the other people attacking you. 

While dealing with the situation, you said yourself you had prop climbed. Even if it didn't have bad intent, prop climb is prop climb.

It also isn't really possible to strafe jump that far.

I did listen to both sides. People were accusing you of prop climb, and I DID get your story.

Edited by Carpenter John
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I agree with the other people attacking you. 

While dealing with the situation, you said yourself you had prop climbed. Even if it didn't have bad intent, prop climb is prop climb.

It also isn't really possible to strafe jump that far.

I did listen to both sides. People were accusing you of prop climb, and I DID get your story.

I did not, i only mentioned "if i did prop climb" but people kept pushing that I did, you hadn't gotten my story because you separately hadn't talked to me or even let me speak in that matter. I was told to shut up or I'd be gagged.


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As of now, I agree with Zayn on the report. I was able to get in touch with him and properly hear his side of the story without everyone screaming at each other. I think it was more of a misunderstanding.

Even if it is the case, there sin't really video proof documenting how he got up there.

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Your In-game: Zayn Yukiteru

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:148654009
The admin's name in-game: Carpenter John
The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A
What warning did you receive: Prop Climb
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): http://prntscr.com/jh2r85 
Why do you think this warn was false: I sat there rping a suicide, Naby had tasered me off a roof, I then call and admin and got attacked by 3 SRT members. One attacked my staff rank saying im just a moderator and my warns show me in the wrong, others didn't even care to let me speak that much and then was given NO PROOF that I prop climbed, and got warned for it.. I said multiple times that I strafe jumped and they wouldn't care to listen.
Any extra information: you're supposed to listen to both sides, not just one.

-Support even using the ladder is still propclimb.

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While i dont agree with how other staff members reacted in the video I cant see how you "strafe jumped" to get up there or how naby got up there as well.

Johnathens behavior as well as certain others isn't cool and disappointing. I think Johnathen should get a strike for the disrespect he showed zayn.

However im going -/+ support considering the scene skips and it doesnt show the whole story.

Please also explain to me how I "Disrespected" Saying "Bloody Moderator" Is stating his rank. I am more of the fact disappointed he is a repeat offender. He admitted to prop climb warn should stick as well. Plus he didn't value his life.

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Please also explain to me how I "Disrespected" Saying "Bloody Moderator" Is stating his rank. I am more of the fact disappointed he is a repeat offender. He admitted to prop climb warn should stick as well. Plus he didn't value his life.

I dont see how saying that had any relevance at all to the situation. Just pm me if you want to continue a convo about anything

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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you clearly propclimbed to get up there impossible to strafe we were all pretty disrespectful.

How did Naby get up there to taze Zayn?? MAYBE PROPCLIMBED?

Show how you strafe jumped on the roof thenn

Show me how you got up there buddy? Unless you want to admit you propclimbed if your gonna blame Zayn for it.

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