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Grass staff report

John Kyle

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Your In-Game Name: John Kyle

Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:56300451

Staff member's In-Game Name: Grass

What did they do? They used their physgun to grab a player off duty. Although I just have a screenshot he did this for a long period of time. It wasn't accidental for he was attempting to chase this player down for a sit, when he could have just gotten a staff member to bring him rather than physgunning him himself. I don't feel like a very harsh punishment is required, just a talking to, as a reminder that staff are not above their own rules

Evidence (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1383633551

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? A stern verbal warning or strike if seen fit

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I think people are interpreting this too seriously, if the player was running from a sit it should be ok for him to quickly help the on duty staff out. What if he was going to Mass RDM and he was trying to stop that until staff came. I believe that the no physgun rule is really meant within RP where the staff member gains an advantage. Frankly, I have seen every staff member at some point physgun a player off duty, such as in meetings, trainings, to “Drag” them to the jailer, etc. and they have gotten no repercussions because they did it with no intent to harm the server.

Again I believe that this rule pertains to RP situations and not legitimate reasons that help the server. 

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I think people are interpreting this too seriously, if the player was running from a sit it should be ok for him to quickly help the on duty staff out. What if he was going to Mass RDM and he was trying to stop that until staff came. I believe that the no physgun rule is really meant within RP where the staff member gains an advantage. Frankly, I have seen every staff member at some point physgun a player off duty, such as in meetings, trainings, to “Drag” them to the jailer, etc. and they have gotten no repercussions because they did it with no intent to harm the server.

Again I believe that this rule pertains to RP situations and not legitimate reasons that help the server. 

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- Support

I think people are interpreting this too seriously, if the player was running from a sit it should be ok for him to quickly help the on duty staff out. What if he was going to Mass RDM and he was trying to stop that until staff came. I believe that the no physgun rule is really meant within RP where the staff member gains an advantage. Frankly, I have seen every staff member at some point physgun a player off duty, such as in meetings, trainings, to “Drag” them to the jailer, etc. and they have gotten no repercussions because they did it with no intent to harm the server.

Again I believe that this rule pertains to RP situations and not legitimate reasons that help the server. 



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I dont see any issue with this. If there was more evidence or perhaps more of an explanation because I dont think grass would grab a person off duty for no reason.

SCPRP Head of Staff

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-i have seen him do it yesterday in spawn when it was to many players in the spawn area but i dont see it as a problem to be honest he was helping out and dont see that as a problem.

-i can only see this as a problem if he was yousing it to troll ppl or be a minge  


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Y’all  still shouldn’t be using our phys gun off duty because it’s a direct breech of the staff handbook. 


welp report me for making sure no one spawns beneath the map and takes up staffs time.

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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He was just trying to help another staff member out/ Try not to use it unless absolutely needed

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