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Seems unfair to me


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Steam Name: Corbin87445

Ingame Name: Corbin Kentucky 

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:100808898

Minge Length: 2 hours 

Admin that Minged you: no idea 

Reason For Minge: "ltap"

Dispute: Me and this guy had a base with fake bit miners and they were blocked by windows, police raid they try to arrest us so we call admin because fake bits, then after admin leaves and I get dragged away by this cop. so I am like DUDE STOP, but no reply, the other admin while I am talking to him claims he "brought me to the roof for the sit" but I left after they were going to arrest me while in a sit, I was not on a roof in an offical sit I was around lots of cops, they were trying to arrest me when I said im in a sit because admin flew off. I come back to me being minged so I am like this is dumb, loads of garbage. 

Edited by corbin87445
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-So you proceed to spam admin chat for about 10 minutes after being told the reason for your minge

Its not the first time he has done this...

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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Though out the day I had multiple situations with him starting with shooting police vehicles for no reason other than getting in a police chase, I gave him a warning for Copbait and Fail RP. A few hours pass have not had any other problems with him until he calls staff for RDA, sexylegs responds and starts hearing both sides of the story and from what sexylegs had it was clear the police had evidence of illegal things in his possession to arrest him. He did not like that decision so he left then soon after rejoining the server. I bring him and tell him that he LTAPed from the arrest and that sexylegs were going to be warning him for that. He leaves again while we are trying to talk with him. A few minutes he gets back on and I minge him because I know if I bring him anywhere he will LTAP and not listen to me. Once he is minged he starts to call staff with a bunch of messages, I go and explain why he is minged, than he proceeds to say the following in admin chat http://prntscr.com/j0kl0l  ( warning racism )  . I believe he fully deserved the ban and if not a longer ban and I will stand by my actions 100%.

~ Jack Black 

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-Major Support

Bud unfortunately I don’t think that 2 hours is long enough for what you said to the staff members. And man you slid by with a 1 day ban after that? Wait your time and learn your lesson.

I believe you were also perma banned by toxic a while back for almost the exact same thing and got ban appealed. You were told to watch your actions and you continue to make mistakes.



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Though out the day I had multiple situations with him starting with shooting police vehicles for no reason other than getting in a police chase, I gave him a warning for Copbait and Fail RP. A few hours pass have not had any other problems with him until he calls staff for RDA, sexylegs responds and starts hearing both sides of the story and from what sexylegs had it was clear the police had evidence of illegal things in his possession to arrest him. He did not like that decision so he left then soon after rejoining the server. I bring him and tell him that he LTAPed from the arrest and that sexylegs were going to be warning him for that. He leaves again while we are trying to talk with him. A few minutes he gets back on and I minge him because I know if I bring him anywhere he will LTAP and not listen to me. Once he is minged he starts to call staff with a bunch of messages, I go and explain why he is minged, than he proceeds to say the following in admin chat http://prntscr.com/j0kl0l  ( warning racism )  . I believe he fully deserved the ban and if not a longer ban and I will stand by my actions 100%.

~ Jack Black 

oh my god, how is this dude not permed yet.  Being extremely racist certainly in Admin chat is really immature and childish. 

Deserves a perm tbh 

Definitively -Support of me. 

Edited by Will Newel
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When you ltap you make the punishment worse

Former Police Deputy Commissioner and supervisor of Departments

Retired Police RP Head Of Staff

Military RP US CORE S-Colonel  

I can do what you can not, you can do what i cannot, together we can do great things - Mother Teresa

If you give up easily how are you supposed to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and victory as well as fulfillment, If you give up then it will never lead way for improvement so don't give up keep swimming little fish - NoOne Yukiteru 2K18





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