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Naby admin abuse report


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Your In-Game Name: Nimo

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94107053

Staff member's In-Game Name: Naby Steamid: STEAM_0:1:196498317

What did they do? Naby warned a player off duty for FailRP and FailRP needs a sit Naby did not get on duty and warn him instead he warned him without a sit and warned him off duty and he always uses soundboards in TS without permission of a Super Admin+ or aloud to DJ description and its not the first time he used a soundboard in TS

Evidence (REQUIRED): http://prntscr.com/imqbfi (I don't have the proof for the soundboard since I cannot record in TS)

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? I think he should he should get a strike because he did Breach the Staff Handbook and (No Offence Naby) but he also is rude to players and it says in the Staff Handbook "you need to be kind to players" http://prntscr.com/imqdn8 

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

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A little bit earlier in the day there was one staff on for 38 players and Naby asked a moderator to get on, The mod said I will get on if there are more staff calls coming in. Then Naby and Cravplay started calling staff them selfs for no reason other than to make more staff calls. http://prntscr.com/imqham  I think that was very rude and unprofessional however the moderator did get on duty. 

Now for this incident, I think that the warning should have gone to a sit, I was currently on staff and open to taking a sit but Naby warned off duty to another staff. Now, I do not know if the "Staff handbook is out of date" like Naby said, But it currently says that "Staff is not to warn other staff members or issue punishment to them without a Super Admin+ Approval." That is how I read it and that is what I am going by. It also says "You can Warn Other staff however you can only warn your rank and below" So now I stand confused.

Edited by Jack Black
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A little bit earlier in the day there was one staff on for 38 players and Naby asked a moderator to get on, The mod said I will get on if there are more staff calls coming in. Then Naby and Cravplay started calling staff them selfs for no reason other than to make more staff calls. http://prntscr.com/imqham  I think that was very rude and unprofessional however the moderator did get on duty. 

Now for this incident, I think that the warning should have gone to a sit, I was currently on staff and open to taking a sit but Naby warned off duty to another staff. Now, I do not know if the "Staff handbook is out of date" like Naby said, But it currently says that "Staff are not to warn other staff members or issue punishment to them without a Super Admin+ Approval." That is how I read it and that is what I am going by.

+ Support 

I do not agree with the original post as admins are allowed to warn off duty, but I do not think that spamming admin chat is very professional.

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Here is what I mean

  • 'Required to be Administration job to use any staffing powers or administrate a sit
    • With the exception of warning for obvious rule infractions that do not require a sit (Intentional RDM/RDA, NLR)
  • There to help out lower ranks if they need it.
  • Trusted member of staff.'


It Doesn't Say FailRP though

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

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It is an example eg I can Warn for obvious enfricrions e.g cop bait fear rp

My report is about You warning off duty for FailRP

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

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Honestly I see no need to set staff on duty.

Why don’t you just be a better person and get on duty yourself as an admin.

Edit: Posted this in the wrong report woops.

Edited by Gaur



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A little bit earlier in the day there was one staff on for 38 players and Naby asked a moderator to get on, The mod said I will get on if there are more staff calls coming in. Then Naby and Cravplay started calling staff them selfs for no reason other than to make more staff calls. http://prntscr.com/imqham  I think that was very rude and unprofessional however the moderator did get on duty. 

Very unprofessional and not conduct expected from trusted staff. Other than that I have no opinion on the report.

SCPRP Head of Staff

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A little bit earlier in the day there was one staff on for 38 players and Naby asked a moderator to get on, The mod said I will get on if there are more staff calls coming in. Then Naby and Cravplay started calling staff them selfs for no reason other than to make more staff calls. http://prntscr.com/imqham  I think that was very rude and unprofessional however the moderator did get on duty. 

Now for this incident, I think that the warning should have gone to a sit, I was currently on staff and open to taking a sit but Naby warned off duty to another staff. Now, I do not know if the "Staff handbook is out of date" like Naby said, But it currently says that "Staff is not to warn other staff members or issue punishment to them without a Super Admin+ Approval." That is how I read it and that is what I am going by. It also says "You can Warn Other staff however you can only warn your rank and below" So now I stand confused.

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You two need to stop arguing its immature and in getting tired of it. Hes alowed to warn for obvious reasons and honestly it seems you are picking on Naby this needs to stop. 

You need more evidence than provided 

Former Police Deputy Commissioner and supervisor of Departments

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- Naby is an admin and doesn't require to Always be on duty or Always be next in line.

- Should've listened to an admin

- If he had to go down this route to try and get you on that's sad

- The people that didn't get on staff is at fault

- 1/20 Ratio rule is still in place (Wanna keep it 1/20 Keep the ratio no matter what get on duty)


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The infractions that are stated in the handbook are just examples. He can warn for other small infractions

As for the soundboards. you have no evidence for this claim.

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