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Favourite After School Snacks


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Alright, so this is mainly directed at those students in the education system if you're a big boy now feel free to look back on your past and share with us.


After a day at school, a lecture, exam, any of that jazz... What do or did you enjoy eating when you returned home from a long day at school? Something warm? Cool? Spicy? Sour?


Personally, in primary school (elementary for the US) I enjoyed stopping by at milk bars (intense and small convenience stores run by your neighbourhood Asian) and eating as much sweet crap as possible. Spent my daily allowance of 5 dollars in about 15 seconds and ate it in milliseconds. 


Let me know about your favourite after-school nibbles... Maybe even nibble on Nobby's Nuts (Australia's best nuts).

Brian Finch  
Ex-Moderator | Police Lieutenant | Head Dispatcher 
EMS Lieutenant 
| State Trooper | NSA Operative

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2 chocolate digestive biscuits

you are the most English kiddo I know on gaming light. You’ve beaten every Brit.. digestives are lit as **** thooo do you like milk or dark choc?

Brian Finch  
Ex-Moderator | Police Lieutenant | Head Dispatcher 
EMS Lieutenant 
| State Trooper | NSA Operative

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