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Injoker - Abuse report

Not Daft

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Your In-game: Daft Punk Trump
Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:60544212
The player's name in-game: ARU MSGT Injoker TR*2 numbers*
The player's steam name (If you know it): Injoker probably
What did the player do: RDM me as mayor which is 1. Treason 2. Police Corruption. 
Evidence (REQUIRED):  I know this isnt the actual log but if you cant trust your mods then who can you trust https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/919168432844856907/8AF7D109B54BC34C84132DB3D4D2F3AEE3B4C798/
What do you believe should happen to the player: Kicked out of ARU at the most because how is murdering mayor ok?
Any extra information: His excuse will be " he was failrping" I honestly dont know how he got ARU if he doesnt know the rules. What happened is I first spawned in and told my SS to meet at DOC, the most secure place for a FOB so people dont find me and RDM me, and I was in the parking lot WAITING and the ARU threatens to kill me if I dont leave (Treason and telling me he would RDM), then I left with my SS once he got there and we went to the Mayors mansion. Someone was shooting and it was a total mess of bullets everywhere. I pulled out my gun to shoot at him and then, the most BAFFLEING thing happened. HE told me that my life was indanger then pulled out a AWP and shot me point blank. I survived but was baffled why a ARU would attempt RDM. Then as me and my SS were leaving due to you know not wanting to be mass rdmed by ARU. Then we decided to look for my stolen car. We found it driving and pulled it over. He pulled out a gun and adverted assasination and shot me and my SS up. We survived but ARU arrived, Saw his dead body, and then pulled out a AWP and killed me. He claimed Staff gave him permission and kept calling me a corrupt mayor in OOC and saying i was severely minging. I was in no way corrupt (Corrupt being making false laws [abusive laws], breaking role play rules, (Bitminers, wrong gun, illegal stuff), and abusing powers). I did not do ANY of those and overall he is unfit for ARU
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1. For the 10th time Staff authorized me killing you for corruption 

1.5) You are not PD and cannot be in PD only areas this is a rule that has always been in place and I don’t know why you believe you are an acception to it   

2. I should’ve blown your head off when you were in doc but I gave you a chance 

3. You showed up to an active crime scene and shot both Pd and the perpetrator WHILE PD ARU AND STATE WERE ACTIVITY HANDLING THE SITUATION. 

4. You continually minged while on the President job

5. You did not value your life at all... you think if the president knows there is a shooting he is going to actively drive there, get out of the car, and spray and pray duel berettas causing pd to be shot by you? Or would the president drive away.


ARU FBI and some Pd all wanted you killed for corruption btw. 


You were corrupt. You went in areas you do not have access to (DOC). You went to an active crime scene. You shot both Pd and a perpetrator at an active crime scene. All of which makes you kos for corruption. You also had your secret service agent intentionally pit our aru car. 


Technically aru can’t commit treason as we are UK  


Also you do not own the mansion. It does not say “Owned by President” on the door. You cannot force someone off their base so you can have mansion. 


Edited by Injoker
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1. For the 10th time Staff authorized me killing you for corruption 

1.5) You are not PD and cannot be in PD only areas this is a rule that has always been in place and I don’t know why you believe you are an acception to it   

2. I should’ve blown your head off when you were in doc but I gave you a chance 

3. You showed up to an active crime scene and shot both Pd and the perpetrator WHILE PD ARU AND STATE WERE ACTIVITY HANDLING THE SITUATION. 

4. You continually minged while on the President job

5. You did not value your life at all... you think if the president knows there is a shooting he is going to actively drive there, get out of the car, and spray and pray duel berettas causing pd to be shot by you? Or would the president drive away.


ARU FBI and some Pd all wanted you killed for corruption btw. 


You were corrupt. You went in areas you do not have access to (DOC). You went to an active crime scene. You shot both Pd and a perpetrator at an active crime scene. All of which makes you kos for corruption. You also had your secret service agent intentionally pit our aru car. 


Technically aru can’t commit treason as we are UK  


Also you do not own the mansion. It does not say “Owned by President” on the door. You cannot force someone off their base so you can have mansion. 


nothing wrong i think, i agreed, i was there.

-Colonel Noot-     -support

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1. For the 10th time Staff authorized me killing you for corruption 

1.5) You are not PD and cannot be in PD only areas this is a rule that has always been in place and I don’t know why you believe you are an acception to it   

2. I should’ve blown your head off when you were in doc but I gave you a chance 

3. You showed up to an active crime scene and shot both Pd and the perpetrator WHILE PD ARU AND STATE WERE ACTIVITY HANDLING THE SITUATION. 

4. You continually minged while on the President job

5. You did not value your life at all... you think if the president knows there is a shooting he is going to actively drive there, get out of the car, and spray and pray duel berettas causing pd to be shot by you? Or would the president drive away.


ARU FBI and some Pd all wanted you killed for corruption btw. 


You were corrupt. You went in areas you do not have access to (DOC). You went to an active crime scene. You shot both Pd and a perpetrator at an active crime scene. All of which makes you kos for corruption. You also had your secret service agent intentionally pit our aru car. 


Technically aru can’t commit treason as we are UK  


Also you do not own the mansion. It does not say “Owned by President” on the door. You cannot force someone off their base so you can have mansion. 


better if there was more proof, like a video. But injoker is a good for. He is fun. But i know he wouldn't

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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1. The current evidence provided only shows that you killed me as president. You havent presented any evidence besides you claiming I was corrupt

2. Corrupt is me making abusive laws like "All hobos are KOS " or "everyone is AOS", or me executing citizens and demoting police. what YOU did was corrupt as you RDMed me for protecting myself against a assassin. Your  a high ranking PD and should know basic rules, and honestly how hostile you are to me is making me feel unwelcome and harassed.

3. Your accusing me of corruption for being in the DOC parking lot which is actually allowed since im meeting my SS in a secure location. You then threaten my life and pull out a gun, which normally no matter the rank or branch would get you court martialed IRL. If i pulled this crap when I was ARU i wouldve gotten a strike right away with no sit.

4. I was shooting at the criminal from behind a car because I had a pistol and needed to defend myself. You then said my life was under threat AND HEAD SHOTTED ME POINT-BLANK WITH A AWP. Thats 1.Treason/corruption 2. AttemptedRDM 3. Failrp

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... the screenshot I provided was of staff authorizing me to kill you. 

You cannot be in doc end of story 

you admitted to both being in doc and showing up and shooting pd and a perpetrator at mayors mansion in your original post so why would I need to provide proof

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- Final reply till a staff member asks a question/ makes a decision because I am sick of this back and fourth denial. Also sorry in advance the text size is so large, I wrote it on phone notes and it defaulted to that when I copied and pasted it-

Anyways I will stop replying to this as it is literally you trying to argue a loosing battle. You admitted to all 3 reasons you were killed for, staff in game told you it was allowed just stop...

admitting to being in DOC as non Pd-


“I was in the parking lot WAITING and the ARU threatens to kill me if I dont leave “


“being in the DOC parking lot which is actually allowed”

(It isn’t same reason why you aren’t allowed in pd and aru/swat base you are not pd I don’t know why this is so hard for you to understand)


You admitted to showing up at an active crime scene and shooting people-


“I was shooting at the criminal from behind a car because I had a pistol and needed to defend myself.” 

(Also this is not true you rushed in with your duels and sprayed everywhere)


“I left with my SS once he got there and we went to the Mayors mansion. Someone was shooting and it was a total mess of bullets everywhere”


Also don’t lie...

“ I was shooting at the criminal from behind a car because I had a pistol and needed to defend myself. You then said my life was under threat AND HEAD SHOTTED ME POINT-BLANK WITH A AWP. Thats 1.Treason/corruption 2. AttemptedRDM 3. Failrp”


You rushed in with no regard for your life, you actively went to a scene you knew was a shooting. Then you shot pd. Want to talk about attempted rdm I know myself and an snr got hit by you spraying duel berettas. Want to talk about failrp you actively went to panic buttons and assisted pd...


I pmed your secret service agent saying this is staff authorized pmed him the same screenshot above, told him the reason for your death and shot you for it. I have no idea what/why you are taking about a carjacking


(things have definitely changed since you played 4-5 months ago what might have been allowed back then isn’t now and vice versa)

Edited by Injoker
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Ill stop replying too but if your reason for me not being the parking lot is it daying PD only your not PD your ARU. so technically all the ARU and FBI were KOS 

And the carjacking was because, Someone stole my car, so my SS pitting him and then the criminal got out and shot us, he got shot back, then you arrived on scene and RDMed me for standing there

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I did ask you to leave and you argued with me so then I told you to leave in 10 seconds or you will be killed since you are not allowed in doc 

Who told you I pit  maneuvered your car? I Did pit the presidents stolen car which was there BEFORE aru came and you told me to let the prez die in pms.

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“being in the DOC parking lot which is actually allowed”

(It isn’t same reason why you aren’t allowed in pd and aru/swat base you are not pd I don’t know why this is so hard for you to understand)

actually the president can go into pd and DOC if the DOC there is fine with it. He can go into aru/swat base as well ONLY if aru/swat authorize it. In fact the president used to spawn in the pd as long as he doesn't stay long-term. Something like meeting up with SS is an acceptable reason to go into those places temporarily or if there's a serious threat to the president's life SS can take him there for safety until the threat is neutralized. Now in regards to him going into an active shooting that is fear rp as he should value his life. And the staff did say you could so I don't see this getting far.

Edited by Ryan The Epic Guy
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President is not allowed in DOC or PD no matter what, people abused it as a way to never be assasinated so now he cant be in there period.

actually the president can go into pd and DOC if the DOC there is fine with it. He can go into aru/swat base as well ONLY if aru/swat authorize it. In fact the president used to spawn in the pd as long as he doesn't stay long-term. Something like meeting up with SS is an acceptable reason to go into those places temporarily or if there's a serious threat to the president's life SS can take him there for safety until the threat is neutralized. Now in regards to him going into an active shooting that is fear rp as he should value his life. And the staff did say you could so I don't see this getting far.

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President is not allowed in DOC or PD no matter what, people abused it as a way to never be assasinated so now he cant be in there period.


I mean you wanna test that theory with me on ?



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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I would love too given this rule was implemented by Executive management team

xD see ya later tonight 



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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