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Steeley's IC VCMDR Sev Application- Denied


Should Steeley be Sev  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Steeley be Sev

    • Yes (please give reason)
    • No (please give reason)

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :


2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Imperial Commandos

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I have only been in Imperial Commandos a short amount of time but have already developed a passion for it. Currently Imperial Commandos has 2 vice-commanders, but 1 is currently dealing with IRL stuff & the other live in the land down under (Australia), so I think it would be beneficial if we had another member of the command team who can be active when the others cannot. Also IC currently isn't doing great and I know it could do better, so as a result I desire to be a member of the command team to increase activity of the entire battalion and bring a bit of life back to it. We also currently have a few things that need to be updated and changed, for example the addition of hazmat has made it so roster sub branch needs to be changed, hazmat try-out needs to be corrected, hazmat guidelines need to be corrected. This is a lot of work for just 1 commander to be doing, so I feel it would be beneficial if he had someone to support him and assist in fixing all these issues. Also to make sure all new (and old) members of the battalion feel welcome and heard within the battalion/community, so this would involve answering questions, helping people with problems, sorting out issues within the battalion, making sure people are conforming to the correct standards and if they aren't, making sure they don't go unnoticed. On top of all this I just want to be able to support my fellow Imperial Commandos, people pay money to join our battalion so they deserve the best experience the server offers.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

1,582 Hours

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of a member of the command team is to oversee the entire battalion and the people within it. A member of the command team should be one of the people that the battalion members come and speak to if they are experiencing any issues, e.g a dispute with a fellow member, as a command member you should be trying to make sure everyone has the most enjoyable experience as possible, this will involve dealing with unpleasant situations like removals or demotions. Command members also have the responsibility of keeping the roster up to date, making sure documents are up to scratch and accepting/denying applications within the battalion. Command team members are also there to be the battalions liaison with high command, to communicate issues or bring up suggestions for high command to review. Command members should also be requesting changes to their battalion if needed or creating new sub-branches for the people in their battalion to enjoy.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :
I have a large amount of experience on this server, mainly spent in officer positions or command positions. I brought Star Fighters back to life a while back when there was just 1 Vice-Marshal and barely any officers, it then became an extremely active battalion on the server with a fairly good reputation ( as good it could be lmao ). I have all the experience needed to carry out the duties of a Vice-commander within imperial commandos. I also have never experienced any major issues within a battalion, I was striked once but it was removed just 4 days later. I also have a good track record when it comes to people on the server, I rarely get into arguments or heated convocations with anyone and manage to keep my cool all the time. Overall I have held 7 officer positions and 1 command position in my entire gaminglight life & only ever received 1 strike, I would like to say I also have great activity where I'm on every single day for at least 5 hours.

7. How often can you be Online? :
7 days a week, 5+ hours Daily

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
RDM - 2021
RDM - 2022


Edited by Steeley

Retired: Star Fighter Group Captain Chief Aviation Officer Inferno Squad Lead | Naval Senior Officer x3 |
Imperial Staff Member

Current: Imperial Commando Officer | 501st Officer | First Ever IC Hazmat LeadImperial Senior Moderator | 
Forum Diplomat

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+Major support

-Extremely active
-Always completing quota
-Good sense of right & wrong
-A very good amount of experience

I couldn't say anything bad about steeley, he was amazing in Naval before his transfer to IC & has continued to impress everyone with his activity & competence. I have worked with him in 2 battalions now and he has the best attitude I have seen on the server, he knows when to have fun but also when to knuckle down and do his job. Some people may say he's "Rude" or "Sarcastic" But I just think it's him being outspoken and not afraid to share his opinions ( he's also British lmao ). Overall Steeley is a great choice for IC command team and we do need support in the command team.

Edited by JerryTHEman
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- Active
- Gets work done
- Has a lot of experience in commanding roles
- Always does quota 

Steeley in every battalion always puts a lot of work in, and I don't see that changing if he were to get IC VCMDR. He's competent, knows how to keep people entertained, and wanting to come back. He's not afraid to share his opinion, and that's something we need more of on the server. Easily one of the best options for IC Command.

Current: Purge CPT | ST SPC
Former: Grand Inquisitor | Shadow Guard Lead | Sovereign Protector

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- Active
- Gets work done
- Has a lot of experience in commanding roles
- Always does quota 

Steeley in every battalion always puts a lot of work in, and I don't see that changing if he were to get IC VCMDR. He's competent, knows how to keep people entertained, and wanting to come back. He's not afraid to share his opinion, and that's something we need more of on the server. Easily one of the best options for IC Command.

Former: Grand Inquisitor   Lead Admin
sasuke GIF

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+Support active from what I can tell has past expernce of command. 

Does want to help IC

Hopefuly get more IC squads filled with this position.

Also has put in work into IC

 Wants to rank up to benefit the battalion and just not power 

Edited by Johan

Forner Senior Commander
Former Sovereign Better than Zabuza
Creater of Saber Guard
Creator of Fleet Intel

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- Very active

- Dedicated

- Passionate

- Excellent RP

- Previous leadership experience

Having previously served with Steeley in the Navy, I can personally vouch for his skills as a leader and his dedication to his regiment. During our time in the Navy, Steeley was one of the only people that went above and beyond to help his regiment and while I'd like to think I did just as much, if I'm honest, he did even more. He was always willing to help enlisted and NCOs with making sure they new their jobs and was an absolute tryout machine. Show me anyone on the server who hosts as many tryouts as this man and I will eat my hat. Aside from just total dedication to the regiment he is in, Steeley is a genuinely nice person and is not afraid to speak his mind when he disagrees with something and, if he does feel he needs to speak up about something, then it is a good idea to listen to what he has to say because he seldom makes a fuss without good reason. I have Zero doubts that Steeley would be anything less that excellent as Sev and if anyone might say otherwise they are, quite frankly, one thousand percent wrong. 


  • Like 1

Purge Commander Crazy

Former FS1

Agent Kayvel

Former Sub-Lieutenant Yorn

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- Easy to Work With
- Friendly 
- Has Leadership Experience 
- Active
- Dedicated to IC

Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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- Very active

- Dedicated

- Passionate

- Excellent RP

- Previous leadership experience

Having previously served with Steeley in the Navy, I can personally vouch for his skills as a leader and his dedication to his regiment. During our time in the Navy, Steeley was one of the only people that went above and beyond to help his regiment and while I'd like to think I did just as much, if I'm honest, he did even more. He was always willing to help enlisted and NCOs with making sure they new their jobs and was an absolute tryout machine. Show me anyone on the server who hosts as many tryouts as this man and I will eat my hat. Aside from just total dedication to the regiment he is in, Steeley is a genuinely nice person and is not afraid to speak his mind when he disagrees with something and, if he does feel he needs to speak up about something, then it is a good idea to listen to what he has to say because he seldom makes a fuss without good reason. I have Zero doubts that Steeley would be anything less that excellent as Sev and if anyone might say otherwise they are, quite frankly, one thousand percent wrong. 


I can say this aswell but quoting Yorn

〖  ImperialRP 〗  BigBoy 

〖Ex:〗ISB Junior Operative | Sub Lieutenant BigBoy | DT CPL HE3 | Senior Security Officer | Aviation Officer | Shock 2LT | 501ST 2LT | Senior Officer (Police RP) 



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+ Major Support

+ Active

+ Respeftul

+ Amazing application


In my opinion, Steeley is a good candidate to become VCMDR, he always works together and works very hard so I believe he deserves it! Good luck!

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+1 lad is goateed with Imperial Rp knowledge he's also shows how dedicated he is to the server the past couple of weeks rising though the ranks of IC very fast and is now doing his best to make IC really proactive 

"when in doubt give steeley a shout"

Edited by Maximus.20
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+ support


- Active

-good at RP

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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+Major Support

I truly believe that Steeley is good enough to become Sev because he is a trusted brother and he knows alot of stuff since he has alot of experience.He is professional in doing his duties and is a very fun person to talk to.He is an interesting Person that helps out others when needed and is also very active and has good communication abilities in events and etc.I belive he can improve The Battalion alot when he becomes a VCMDR.



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Thank you for your interest in joining the Army Command Team.
You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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