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I know how late I am I was trying to perfect it and find clips to add but unfortunately dont got premium to upload all but got some.. I hope you's enjoy ❤️ 

I know I'm not the newest or the longest serving member... but I still feel I owe it to all those I've impacted on here (and probably wasted the time of on here lol) - Stole Fruitt's sentence lolol

But I am not fully resigning. I am going on a Temporary Leave as I am joining the Military - Air Force for Officer - Flying jets etc or . If those don't work out then I will do Armored Division in the Army for Tanks or to work with Apache's (AH's). Won't know my MOS until further down the road. But this was a choice on my end for me to secure my Life, My future, and my Families future.. I hate to leave ya such small notice but I have been debating on it for a minute (1 Week) Thought about it since High School. I love you all and hope you all love my notes below :

Weiss: Ohhhhh Weiss ... You my friend have taught me certain things if not how to be patient. I will always be happy to call you a brother. You have made nights bareable and made me laugh on multiple accounts. I would sometimes wait till 2 or 1 AM EST to just RP with you if you weren't tired and I would respect why fr. I know how it can be.. But my friend I pray and hope to god you go where you want to be you truly deserve it. I will never forget such an amazing JMT like you. 

Ozzie: YOU my friend was the best and funniest person to be around and to hangout with when you aren't busy doing JMT things lol. When you would mess with Silence and I would sit there guarding my VIP and I hear the screams of terror in his voice lol. You were and always will be the best DOTF/Site Admin in my eyes and hopefully soon O5. (o7)

Spixe: lol I would remember of me snitching on Fruitt everytime he said "Oh my god, the Director Of Loosers is on." N you would go for him lol, but fr you deserve every minute of where you are at and there is nothing that can deter that position from you. I have high faith in your progression and I ❤️  u my guy. 

Crimson: You have pushed me , taught me the ropes and made my experience better than any server I have joined. The feeling of being welcomed and shown me that the branch was family when I came around, bringing me into the family itself, I can't explain the feeling it brought over me it was warming. You are the pure definition of a true Leader -> Friend -> Family. I hope that I see you eventually in the future wherever I go.

Fruitt: Well.. There is a LOT to say about you lol. From when I would be sacrificed for an SCP to being thrown over the rails of the acid pits for being a traitor (When I wasn't), you brought life to the server everyday. I enjoyed the RP we had and enjoyed the times we had interrogating together. "Manager of Interrogations" " Manager Of Kissing Dudes" Those were the two names we all or most knew you by. You my friend are family, and are another light who taught me the ropes after Crimson leaving. You made my experience a handful of enjoyment EVERY second to EVERY minute.  

Laggy: You.... Jeeeeesus you...... You always trolled me to hop on RRH n then hopped on Research CMD just to mess with me to hopping on PZ (Project Zomboid) to get me to play because you only wanted to do that and prevent me from getting activity logs in (Not Fr lol) but I will say you brought the most enjoyment when it came to being out of Delta-5 (RRH)(SCPs). I remember when we met you as Research and me as Delta-5 Officer/G9, the struggle to get you a D Class was in-Measureable in toxicity. You will be forever in my head for the amount of fun we had. Also you got me and everyone including dutch Captured by Foxley 🙂

CLIP!!!! https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/11cMzp4PXd88lU/d1337w5uQ2kr?invite=cr-MSxObkIsMTY5ODI2NjU4LA

Rektify: My guy its been fun playing with you around even if its a short time. Shit was funny especially when you jumpscared me and Took pictures of me as A-1. BUT DONT THINK YOU ARE FREE!!!!

CLIP!!!!!!!!: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/15dQsPXmLhjv5f/nTjAorb86gmW?invite=cr-MSwyTUQsMTY5ODI2NjU4LA

Lava: You always bullied me in the beginning via fighting me (Not Legit Arguments) but always finding a way to get me arrested lol. I will always remember you for being the best there is in Delta-5. You shown so much commitment and love to this branch there isn't anyone better to choose for leadership in the future. Always pushed me in the right direction and ain't guide no one in the wrong direction. (Past notes Look at you now as Head of G9 , I am proud of you. You completely deserve it.)

Crimson: You my friend was and will forever be a backbone to this branch. To see you leave really crushed me inside but it only made me stronger by surpassing you and hitting CPT and seeing and hearing how proud you are really made me push harder and not let you leave affect me as I know you wouldn't want that to happen. You were goofy just like fruitt and I always enjoyed being around you both specifically back when i was a PVT till I believe when I was a SGT is when you left.  

Fenrir/Mary: There are no words to describe you two. You both made me laugh, cry from the manipulation of your CCs and just all in all, the best people to play with/ RP with. You both have pushed me to stay and it unfortunately came to be something I cannot prevent.. Fenrir now that you are CMD I expect to see great things from you. I hope to see you flourish the way I did up to CPT or even surpass me fr. Mary you have been a blessing to me you have kept it real (Both of yous have) and have the capability to be A-1 Sr.CMD fr and its just a blessing to see how far you both have come. You are the pure definition of a leader Mary. I seen it on CI , A1, and Nu7, during raids lowkey going for captures, to enforcing what I normally do, to being just all in all welcoming. Seen it on MTF as well when dealing with SCPs. I see a bright future coming your way. (Ya both still rats in my eyes for tryna plot on me for capture )

Heres a clip of fenrir getting mad at the cuff system xD https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/XAKAeIdiO0ymm/d1337EHd6Gm3?invite=cr-MSxSMDgsMTY5ODI2NjU4LA

Markus: You my friend made my life a total cluster , from finding out my identity is stolen to seeing you go high in the ranks respectfully so. I will appreciate everything you've done for this branch, the good laughs we all had and the good memories all in all. Regardless of what happened I can care less and enjoy only the good times we had. Aint no bad times at all that we had. I want to thank you for those times.

Proredfly: You and I was the ones who would always mess around until we both hit CMD and needed to take it seriously, we have had so many times together. I never had an issue with you and I would always try to get Human to capture you lol (im sorry </3) But I still  U. lol

Shadows: You my friend are the best there is for Delta-5 and really pray to god you get CMDR for Delta-5 eventually as you shown and dedicated yourself to this branch fr. Your aptitude for the branch outgoes anyone I have seen so far up there in HCMD (Excluding Trizi <3) But you have pushed me, taught me, laughed with me , I even remember DOMINATING you in MW. But I understand you would have differences towards that  You will forever be my favorite VCMDR between all branches. No one will ever take that spot and I hope for the best in your endavors. You will always be a brother to me and you've helped me out tremendously. I appreciate you in everything you do and I know you will be on my ass if I dont say none to you hufflepuff. ❤️ Ily brotha

CLIP!!!: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/11VqdHhmsOn5-a/d1337jjrVg90?invite=cr-MSxhRE8sMjc4NzA5OTEs

CLIP!!!! : https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ZPnzWV4aLLbl_/d1337k97D4Ap?invite=cr-MSxEVVQsNjQ2MTg2NzMs

Tazza: I'll always be watching over for your Chernobyl Babies. You Funny D Class Mobster Manipulator. From always wanting to capture me to wanting to just CoEs my ass into doing something wrong, you made me laugh and made me rage so many times lmao. Or tryna capture me as CI lol. You will forever be known as the Chernobyl Baby Maker 

Clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ZGsU6Ehkhq0dZ/d1337mhqLTm0?invite=cr-MSx5U1EsMTY5ODI2NjU4LA

Suwaa: You are like family fr, In my last moments you will always be the most loyal to me whenever I am on. Respect, Understanding and not questioning, never gave me a hard time. Remembering the times I thrown you off the bridge for shooting me to test those waters of how far you can run till Illinois Captures you for me. Best times fr. I also wanted to say that Me and Fruitt will demolish you in WoTs. I KNOW .. You upset bout this as u found out and was so mad but I love you my guy and keep the flame running , show me what D5 can fr be like with you up there. 

Giga: You've been a awesome friend. Even being off hours I always enjoyed raging when I play chess with you. (You Cheat A LOT) Nah u dead gucci at the game. I will always be thankful for the guidance you have provided me in staff even after being a Senior Admin. You deserve everything coming your way and I hope you get to wherever you want to be.

Lovelock/EEVEE: You guys have been a supportive group, to me and to anyone else that requires it. You have been there when shit went south and assured me. I will miss you guys and I will be back eventually. You guys best not step down for no reason, the littlest reasons.. But ya are close, and I appreciate everything. Also got you guys on blackmail, LOVELOCK is lucky.. For now...

Lovelocks CLIP https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/16QLB11kns5hhv/d1337tRsZOoI?invite=cr-MSxvSEksMTY5ODI2NjU4LA

Clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/Yk6ANgME2S1c5/d1337S1JZ7jA?invite=cr-MSxCRWgsMTY5ODI2NjU4LA

Reynosa, Warmug, My op: You my friend have blackmailed me in fruitts post and I shall do the same back here ❤️ You have been a huge help to a lot of things that have happened. You deserve where your at and I expect to see u surpass that level by getting higher than CPT. I love you my guy and when I do come back. BEST BELIEVE I am getting more shit on you 😭 

REYNOSA EXECUTION (Captured a G9) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/XALziv1BNrymA/d1337KiIkcs5?invite=cr-MSw4REksMTY5ODI2NjU4LA

Everyone else I didn't mention but have interacted with just know you mean a whole lot more to me than I could ever say fr. I pray my resignation does not push ya away from ya dreams within this branch or any other and you guys prove to me ya are strong fr. I understand this comes to a shock to most of you's considering I said I wouldn't make this post... But You guys are the best of the best. Delta-5 / A-1 will always be my family regardless of how this is taken. 

It has been a true Pleasure serving by everyone's side and making this life a blessing to see every one of you move up fr. Ya all make me proud for when I come back for ya to start the names ya wrote down lol. I know I am gonna get some names dont lie 😭❤️ 


Added Clip to Shadows
  • Gaminglight Love 2



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You are the goober marcus, good luck in the military

if i ever see you on the server i will terrorize you

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Maintenance > other branches

Retired Head of Maintenance and Engineering

Former D5 2LT | Formerly RRH Logistics "OL-13" | Former Alpha-1 Captain 'Antarctica' Vulcan Award Winner |

Former Senior Admin/Forum Diplomat, Former Event Team Member

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😞 hugs and kissis my man u are the amazing friend and we have so much laughs and u made u have ties 🙂 but u can do it  my man gl and remmber to never forget me ever XD huggys 🙂

  • Gaminglight Love 1


Always Loves the Huggs

Friendly and Nice 


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4 hours ago, ERWIN_TITAN said:

this did NOT happen, its a ruse made by the government to cover up him being assassinated

ill miss you marcus 😞

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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40 minutes ago, Leww said:

Its sad to see you leave man 


I will be back, I assure you. It's been a pleasure serving by your side at times of crisis lol and other times of joking around seeing you from a distance 😭 I will miss all of you. You deserve the positions you got or will be given. High faith in you. Keep up the good work brotha.




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Cap, I never 1 V 1'ed this man in MW. You better download it and stop playing world of war-tanks LMAO!!! I love you brotha and i wish you the best of luck in the military!!! #HufflepuffMain, #Skill_Issue, #WorldOfWarTanksNerd, #Brothers4Life ❤️


  • Gaminglight Love 1

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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2 minutes ago, ShadowRiders- said:

Cap, I never 1 V 1'ed this man in MW. You better download it and stop playing world of war-tanks LMAO!!! I love you brotha and i wish you the best of luck in the military!!! #HufflepuffMain, #Skill_Issue, #WorldOfWarTanksNerd, #Brothers4Life ❤️



LMAO 😭 Listen my guy you did call yourself a skill issue AND SAID WORLD OF WAR TANKS 😭 I remember that and will go down in history my guy. I gotchu.




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You were amazing marcus and I loved you. I hope all goes well for you and maybe one day me and you will be racing our planes over PA 


We will miss you and ill be right here waiting for you! 

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Current Ranks Chaos Insurgency CMDR Jrshafer | Security 2LT | Assistant Chief of EMS 

Former Ranks!
Former Alpha-1 Captain Former Physician Former Deputy Head of 
Security Armored Shield Former Member of the Community Blacklist Team

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Good luck getting into the air force 😙 I will miss you man, but here is a gift for you from me (; 


btw you still a stinky sweaty ass american goblin fr fr + war of tanks nerd so L + ratio bitch and also get good and don't have shitty vision

  • Skull 1

[ Delta-5 Colonel]     [ D5-SVFTO ]     [ Gamma-9 ' Forseti's Banamaðr ' ]     [ Director of The IAA ]   [Omega-1 Lieutenant]      [Alpha-1 SGT] 


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o7, best of luck to you!

  • Gaminglight Love 1


Former: Shadow Legacy Senior Command | S.W.A.T | PD Command | State Command | C.E.R.T Command | FBI | SRT | E.M.S Command

Former: Administrator for Police RP | Forums Diplomat

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2 hours ago, K I W I said:

Hey do you have a bachelors by chance?

Nah , I was gonna go for a Associates / or Bachelors but money.. I will after the military though if I don't already get qualified for the Air Force for Bombers I will do the army and get my tuition for College. ❤️ I still gotta pick your brain 🙂❤️

Nervous but excited, I am already working out for my ASVABs for 3 days straight n I am in intense pain all around. Here is what I currently am doing. Following a strict diet, No White Bread , Pasta, Pizza. I eat Fruits, Vegetables, Rice, Oats, Certain Meats/Proteins , Seafood.

10 Push Ups x4

5 Burpees x4

50 Jumping Jacks x4

25 Sit-ups x4

End off with a good run!!!!

^ Details me n my brother got from SGT.




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o7 good luck with the airforce and when your back I will always RDM fairly kill you.

  • Skull 1

SCPRP : CI LTCOL | H10 Warden X A1 SPC Frontier Nu-7 CPT Former:  MTF D5 VCMDR | RRH Guardian Alpha 12 O-1 PVT Frontier | G.O.C Lieutenant (rest in peace)
Imperial: N/A Former: 31st 2LT

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Safe travels my friend, thank you for the work and all the fun memories you put into the server while you were there. Stay safe on your future endeavors wherever you go

  • Gaminglight Love 1

|| Deputy Chief Of Security || Security OFTO || A1 LT WENDIGO || Former Delta-5 WO || Former Delta-5 DHRO || Former Delta-5 FTO || Former GT4 VALI || Former RRH Echo 45 || S.T.A.R.S || S.T.A.R.S  || Mr. Golf

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Resignation is too long for our criteria, you may re-resign again in 1 week. 

Gonna miss you lad

Edited by Curtis
  • Skull 1

 “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi 

Retired Director of Intelligence(2023) &  Former Epsilon-11 Commander (2020/2023)

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