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  1. tem#: SCP 294 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP 294 is kept in an empty metal room, with access restricted to level 2. Description: SCP 294 is a coffee machine that will make you any drink you want Lore Name: Irvan Kalashnikov Rank: AR SCP: 249 Question / Idea: MATERIAL ANALYSIS of the drink dispensed by the SCP subject from the input "PAIN", designated SCP-294-α. Prior testing has revealed that the subject will dispense the same orange liquid on every attempt. Observations (What Happened During Test): Together with Hazmat expert ZackMordon, AR Tuffy and AR Dutch we examined samples of SCP-294-α and found it to be an organic acid, primarily composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sulfur. These elements form long, chain-like molecules which rapidly break and reform, causing it to bubble at room temperature. Consumption of SCP-294-α causes erratic pain and subjects expire shortly after (30s - 15 min). Autopsy concluded with severe damage to the nervous system as the cause of death, other cells were unaffected Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-294 produced a acid specifically targeting cells of the human nervous system, and is therefor hypothesized to have a advanced understanding of human biology and psychology, as it has been able to transcribe an abstract human concept, "PAIN", into biochemical properties, "Damage to the nervous system".
  2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JNBhar6puqBsPKKknrPeQVux2byn0YFeiWXztY0pGI0/edit
  3. SCP-500 Object Class: Safe Description: SCP-500 is A red bottle of pills currently containing 47 pills, Designated SCP-500-1. SCP-500-1 are small, Red coloured pills, Which are 1x2 centimeters in size. When SCP-500-1 is swallowed, The subject is cured of all diseases and ailments. Depending on the severity of the ailment, It may take 5-120 minutes for the conditions to be cured. Despite extensive trials, SCP-500-1's ingredients cannot be replicated. Containment Procedures: SCP-500 is to be kept in a Type-B locker in Site-10, In most circumstances staff may not use SCP-500 outside of testing. Only level 4+ personnel may use SCP-500 without restriction, If level 3 personnel and lower wish to use SCP-500, They must get permission from 2 different command members. With supervision from 1 Safe Class Manager+. Depending on certain circumstances, I.E. a command with a fatal disease, Personnel may use 1 SCP-500-1 Freely. Re-Containment Procedures: Upon a SCP-500-1 being stolen, All personnel are to be questioned by MTF Sigma-66 for possible GOI spies, Whilst SCP-500's locker is to be monitored by Foundation Security for 2 days after the incident, All cameras are to be checked for possible suspects. Upon staff being caught stealing SCP-500-1, They are to be amnesticized and Demoted to Class-D Personnel. Any one suspected in helping the aforementioned staff are to be interrogated by Sigma-66 and if found guilty Demoted to Class-D Personnel. If any GOI spies are caught, They shall be interrogated by Sigma-66 and depending on the severity of their actions, May either kill or Amnesticize the personnel and use them as Class-D. Addendum-1: Dr. Gears has requested 1 SCP-500-1 for testing in SCP-914. Test Approved. Addendum-2: Dr. Jack Bright is no longer allowed contact with SCP-500. Yes, We agree that making A Medi-Gun from Team Fortress 2 in SCP-914 would be extremely useful for medical staff, But we can't lose another 4 pills for this. Addendum-3: One pill has been used with SCP-231-4, No staff are to talk about what happened on 2007-11-04. Addendum-4: After the events of Addendum-1, SCP-427 was created, It has been decided that SCP-500 should never be used in contact with SCP-914. Addendum-5: Upon incident 500-23-4 it has been decided that SCP-500 will be stored in a Type-E locker from now on, Along with constant surveillance and Level 3+ Access requirements. SCP-500-1 Pictured
  4. Level 2+ Access only Processing... Accepted! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IHI9K1hpAaNnoL0h9xeIpMrKKqDfwsCNpzvTP5OPyMU/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Lore Name: Darby Rank: Senior Researcher SCP: SCP-008, SCP-500 Question / Idea: How will SCP-008 pre, mid and post infection react to SCP-500? Background Research: Small sample of SCP-008 (Liquid Form) was put in a glass vial and SCP-500 was added. Specimen left for 12 hours in which when rechecked all infectious and lethal capabilities had been terminated. Hypothesis: That when SCP-008 is exposed to SCP-500 during/after infection growth it will cease or reverse all infection. Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-500 was collected in a small glass vial and placed into a Class A Mobile Biohazard Containment Box. 3 Class D personnel (D-173527, D-173837, D-145233) were escorted to SCP-008s CC and placed on the wall. Test 1- D-173527 was given SCP-500, SCP-500 was swallowed successfully without incident. After 5 minutes elapsed, D-173527 was taken into SCP-008s BHCC. D-173527 was instructed to open SCP-008s containment lid, and the lid opened successfully without incident. After 10 minutes elapsed no signs of early SCP-008 infection was present. D-173527 was instructed to close SCP-008s containment lid, lid closed successfully without incident. D-173527 was placed into a Class D Mobile Humanoid Biohazard Containment Chamber. Test 2- D-173837 was taken into SCP-008s BHCC. D-173837 was given SCP-500 and instructed to take it when instructed to. D-173837 was instructed to open SCP-008s containment lid, containment lid opened successfully without incident. After 5 minutes elapsed D-173837 was instructed to swallow SCP-500, SCP-500 swallowed successfully without incident. After 5 minutes elapsed D-173837 started showing symptoms of SCP-008, notably far more infectious, lethal and spreading faster. SCP-008s containment lid was closed remotely and D-173837 was terminated by security and placed into Class D Mobile Humanoid Biohazard Containment Chamber. Test 3- D-145233 was taken into SCP-008s BHCC. D-145233 was given SCP-500 and instructed to take it when instructed to. D-145233 was instructed to open SCP-008s containment lid, and the lid opened successfully without incident. After 5 minutes elapsed D-145233 was instructed to close SCP-008s containment lid, containment lid closed successfully without incident. D-145233 was instructed to take SCP-500. 5 minutes more elapsed and SCP-008s symptoms reversed rapidly and all injuries including scars healed. D-145233 was placed into a Class D Mobile Humanoid Biohazard Containment Chamber. Remaining Class-D and the Corpse of all 3 tests were incinerated without incident. It is suggested that if this test is repeated not take SCP-500 mid infection. If more SCP-500 are found or cloned it should be given to Mobile Task Forces in the case that an outbreak occurs where there are people who are not infected and people who are fully infected. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Below Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Chemicals being formed during contamination or SCP-008 eating the flesh of the D-Class mixing with SCP-500 and causing a Chemical Reaction. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Partially, Yes.
  6. Lore Name: Isaac Darby Rank: Senior Researcher Assistant/s: Researcher Tedy SCP: SCP-500 & SCP-035 Question / Idea: Will SCP-500 reverse the effects of SCP-035 corrosion and detach the mask from the subject. Background Research: SCP-500 is known to cure any disease and if under the right conditions can heal injuries so would SCP-500 be able to be able to heal corrosion caused. A small amount of HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) was placed into a petri dish and D-1637 was instructed to place his hand into the petri dish. D-1637 complained of severe burning of the hand, hand removed and showed severe chemical burns. D-1637 was instructed to take 1 SCP-500-1, D-1637 took SCP-500-1 and his chemical burns healed within 2 hours. This was also shown in a below SCP-008 & SCP-500 Cross Test, Test 3- https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/66072-associate-researcher-darbys-test-on-scp-008-scp-500/ Observations (What Happened During Test): D-1536 was instructed to take 1 SCP-500-1 and enter SCP-035s CC Airlock. D-1536 was then instructed to enter SCP-035s CC and open up the class case holding SCP-035. D-1536 then took SCP-035 off its stand and was warned multiple times, he screamed "It needs me, It is me" 4 times before SCP-035 was placed into the face. D-1536 now classified as SCP-035-1. When asked how he physically felt SCP-035-1 complained of a slight headache which should be expected due to the corrosion affect but nothing else. SCP-035 changed shape into a "Sad" face, SCP-035-1 then proceed to punch the viewing window, SCP-035-1 failed to break it and the SCP-035 CC Gas Valves were opened for 1 minute. 3 Minutes elapsed after the gas was turned off until SCP-035 fell slightly forward off of SCP-035-1s face. SCP-035-1 started screaming "IT... MU- MUST NOT... COME OFF!" and was frantically grabbing SCP-035 trying to keep it on. It was noticed that corroded soft tissue on the face and chest changed to a bright red color and started regenerating by roughly 1mm of soft tissue every 30 minutes. SCP-035 then slid off of SCP-035-1s face, 5 minutes elapsed of SCP-035 being off of SCP-035-1s face, SCP-035-1 collapsed and ceased life signed although soft tissue kept regenerating 12 hours after the test concluded. D-1536 being held in Cryo Chamber 81 in Site-10s Biohazard Wing 2. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Below Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Due to SCP-500s regenerative abilities SCP-035-1s soft tissue started regenerating, SCP-035 most likely fell off of SCP-035-1s face due to being pushed by the soft tissue being regenerated behind it. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes.
  7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18iwppjXSDEjdsvLoxbZA1XdPn7k5zjiVaVYHcrEpfJg/edit?usp=sharing
  8. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HrHxVCoBp22iZdNiURqC3w11haTJP4dbAsbvQZN5qmw/edit?usp=sharing Here is a version for if you are scared of needles: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O7agvIfYo6NGqpAdOhn1OGKUD2jVJ2HtS9pkNQRmekU/edit?usp=sharing Note: I am using the canon from the main 999 article along with all the tales.
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RzzpFr8nvOEy6oW_aaU7Fh0p0_e5tb6s4vRAfTBr9MU/edit?usp=sharing
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vu2swQLu0U81ue9g51cslDMSDx9fsnRQBjfy6SzJ0_I/edit
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UggnsHVGdhtOrwJOZ6cdETHh-MFq3V5c72d7sQCeVN4/edit
  12. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V8yin0YaVIfOtMN2sYpVV8VZ1-itS5eem0dTxox9O0Y/edit
  13. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bfwFWO9WoibyptWQTqk67mybVLPtTkgwTz0UQgvSYIg/edit?usp=sharing SCP-049 Official Wiki: http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-049 SCP-500 Official Wiki: http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-500
  14. Lore Name: Arthur Rank: Associate Researcher Background Research: SCP 131 A and B are famously known for having the ability of not blinking. Idea: What would happen if a blow dryer was used on SCP 131 - A's eye? Hypothesis: If a blow dryer is set in front of SCP 131 - A's eye then it might blink. Observations/What happened?: Setting; Low: The blow dryer has no effect on 131 - A. Setting; Medium: 131 - A's eye begins to water. Setting; High: 131 - A's vision begins to get blurry. Conclusion: SCP 131 - A does not have the ability to blink even when presented with the hot, fast air that the blow dryer gives off. Was your hypothesis correct?: No
  15. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jpgt02jIUqrPJSgYa7e4FjyOaCxHWJdTTn1HozEjKn0/edit
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pvfwr3XoxbfxnqrLE4MNa7TpBcxHwu0id-2gKPKAnMc/edit
  17. Lore Name: Associate Researcher Dr. Westings, MS PhD Rank: Associate Researcher of the Foundation Department of Research. SCP: SCP-343; Safe-Class Question / Idea: How does SCP-343 react to the deity paradox? Background Research: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omnipotence_paradox - https://www.sfu.ca/~swartz/kurtenbach/necessary_omnipotence.htm Hypothesis: SCP-343 will bend the laws of reality in order to sufficiently answer the paradox, or dissuade us from performing the test through anomalous means. Observations (What Happened During Test): I think SCP-343 answered the question but I can't remember what his answer was. It is possible that 343 is capable of answering the question but our minds aren't capable of comprehending the answer. Either that or 343 is extremely evasive and simply won't allow us to recall him potentially dodging the question entirely. In any case, I doubt we're going to get an answer from him. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Unfortunately, all recordings of the inquiry have seemingly gone missing. According to the Site-05 Archive Overseer, they were "misplaced by an inexperienced intern, who has been reprimanded accordingly." Moreover, no participants of the test remember what exactly happened following the postulation of the question to 343. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Have Caused The Results): 343 is either incapable of solving the paradox and doesn't want us to know, is capable of solving it and also doesn't want us to know, or is capable of solving the paradox but the very concept of the answer is incompatible with the human brain. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Unknown.
  18. Lore Name: Associate Researcher Dr. Westings, MS PhD Rank: Associate Researcher of the Foundation Department of Research. SCP: SCP-999; Safe-Class Question / Idea: Is the psychological reaction to SCP-999 exposure anomalous or biochemical in nature? Background Research: - https://www.healthline.com/health/eeg#uses "An EEG is used to detect ... electrical activity of the brain ..." - https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/pet-scan/about/pac-20385078 "Pictures from a PET scan display bright spots where the radioactive tracer collected. These spots reveal higher levels of chemical activity ..." - https://www.neuroscientificallychallenged.com/blog/2014/6/11/know-your-brain-nucleus-accumbens "The most widely recognized function of the nucleus accumbens is its role in the "reward circuit" of the brain. ..." Hypothesis: The neurological reaction to SCP-999 is rooted in currently-understood biochemistry, induced through an as-of-yet unknown means. Observations (What Happened During Test): One (1) Class-D was hooked up to EEG and CT-PET imaging devices and exposed to SCP-999. Data was downloaded onto a hard drive in real time and was analyzed by radiology certified medical personnel. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: CT-PET and EEG data is available for peer-review and additional study. Please notify Dr. Westings and contact Site-05 Archive staff for a full, detailed copy of the data and its analysis. Item ID: L2/999/R74AJ48H Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Have Caused The Results): Analysis of CT and EEG readouts showed increased activity specific to the nucleus accumbens, confirming that SCP-999's effect is indeed biochemical. Further research should be conducted to determine whether said neurological reaction is anomalously induced or an unknown but explainable biological reaction to SCP-999. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes, my hypothesis was indeed correct.
  19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KpjkmeWVANB6Ve1MlckyHYNtIpWvuKzSOgSWgdGEk38/edit
  20. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Eo0mh7hcYdhIat0NKcGXNgtgwaXGehu5D6jJecYC_jE/edit
  21. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BKvXeeJBxX6wlpuHcbS0lmps-2gQqgVjijy7XbdrwJw/edit this took me way to long lol
  22. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18JT5ZsIEbJnV43OrHrrc9AsyJ95qcGgrhBuOsDC-up8/edit
  23. SCP-131-B and threat recognition v https://docs.google.com/document/d/137m-bVOHVKP-m3Eh1zntoXMlJqRRJobZ8MMByzWXL10/edit
  24. SCP-999 and of mental illness v https://docs.google.com/document/d/10OjpFU-X-vFE20FW3tghYwgVi4URyEF1ibvJ579wYRs/edit
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