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  1. Link to new pack(s): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714564051 How would this benefit the server (will it help events or is it purely for decorations and how?): The traps and mines within this pack would bring a level of caution to events like never seen before. I can say from what I’ve seen that MANY people rush into buildings recklessly without any worry, however with the mines GMs may set up traps so that any careless trooper will be punished for recklessness. Although it benefits GMs a lot it could also benefit many battalions such as IC currently we have two sub battalions that would HIGHLY benefit from these whether it be placing traps within the Scout Snipers or defusing them while breaching with Epsilon Squad, but I see not only IC benefiting from this I see multiple other battalions being able to use this in the perfect way. Do you believe the benefits exceed the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?: This addon, although big for some battalions and GMs, is only a measly 13 KB in size meaning the impact on loading times and performance would be negligible. How would this benefit the server (will it help battalion/server activity and how?): In my opinion this would benefit many battalions as it would bring many more sims and trainings that can be done and allow for more sub batts/battalions much more RP during events and off maps. Battalion Name: Imperial Commandos Job name: Imperial Commando Scout Sniper - Current model: models/player/republiccommandosmp/rc_junglestriker.mdl - Current loadout: Keys, Cc2018_dc17m_red, cc2018_dc17ms_red, rw_sw_bino_white, alydus_fusioncutter, cross_arms_swep, cross_arms_infront_swep, salute_swep, com_dc15p_red_, dradio, activity_logger, bkeycard, zeus_flashbang Add: weapon_bouncerplacer, weapon_grenadeplacer, tripwireextender, cheapmine, kerosenetank, flarelaunchertrap, shrapnelmine, weapon_physcannon, alydus_fortificationbuildertablet. Remove: alydus_fusioncutter Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): These mines/traps make Scout Sniper able to do one of their main tasks, Guerrilla Warfare, currently Scout Sniper is just a job with a sniper giving them these make them rival Hazmat in complexity. The mines are not easy to set up and some require the help of certain fortifications, which will be the ONLY reason they are used. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: as stated above this would give Scout Sniper a tool to do one of their main tasks this would prevent Scout Sniper from being a basic Sniper subclass and make it into something more in depth. Job name: Imperial Commando Hazmat Senior Current model: models/player/republiccommandosmp/rc_urbanfighter.mdl - Current loadout: bkeycard, activity_logger, rw_sw_bino_white, cc2018_dc15p_red, cc2018_dc17m_red, keys, cc2018_dc17maa, datapad, cc2018_dc17msg_red, alydus_fusioncutter, rw_sw_nade_incendiary, rw_sw_nade_dioxis. Add: weapon_physcannon, phosgenegasdrum, tripwireincendiarygrenade. Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): Hazmat Senior by default has a dioxis grenade and an incendiary grenade. It makes sense for them to be able to use these types of bombs but still not have as many as Scout Sniper. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Hazmat is a CBRN Force defensively and offensively using dioxis and incendiary grenades this would give them just another way to use it plus similar to the current dioxis and incendiary grenades it has a low DMG rate. Job name: Epsilon Squad: Witt Current model: models/defcon/loudmantis/shadows/witt.mdl - Current loadout: Cc2018_dc17m_red, rw_sw_bino_white, alydus_fusioncutter, cross_arms_swep, cross_arms_infront_swep, salute_swep, com_dc15p_red_, dradio, activity_logger, bkeycard, zeus_flashbang, zeus_smokegrenade, cc2018_dc17msg_red, alydus_fortificationbuildertablet, and zeus_thermaldet. Add: weapon_bouncerplacer, weapon_grenadeplacer, tripwireextender, cheapmine, kerosenetank, flarelaunchertrap, shrapnelmine, weapon_physcannon, phosgenegasdrum, tripwireincendiarygrenade. Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):The Witt job at this current time has only engineering. We believe adding these trip mines would give Witt some extended weaponry while still following the unordinary weapon kits of Epsilon Squad. Witt’s current PVP potential is mediocre at best with only having the rifle at his disposal this would bring him something that would maximize his defensive capabilities. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Witt as it stands has the weakest kit within both the squads having him be the master trapper within IC would allow more combat opportunities for Witt to take part in while still making sense for a squad engineer.
  2. What do you want to see?: I would like to see an possible system for janitors and chefs, like chefs could cook food using rations and depending on how long it took to make it or how much rations it uses, it could have a varying effect, like a speed boost for 5 minutes. And for Janitors they could do something similar to what SCP did where there was trash/rubbish in areas that could be cleaned up for GC. Why should we add it?: It would add more uses towards the level jobs and could increase RP with the cantina and general unused areas around the ship What are the advantages of having this?: It gives GC for those who just want to do passive RP, gives much more uses towards the supply system, and could increase RP and use of those level jobs which are now barely touched. Who is it mainly for?: Everyone Links to any content: N/A
  3. Battalion Name: 501st Job Slots: 6 Job/Class Name: 501st Juggernaut [T4] (Level 3 Keycard) Scale: 1.12 Model: 501st Lieutenant (models/player/bunny/imperial_501_revision/501_lieutenant.mdl) Loadout: Binoculars (White) (rw_sw_bino_white), Keycard (CL3), Valken 38x (rw_sw_valken38x), Z-6 (rw_sw_z6), E-22 (rw_sw_e22), RK-3 Shielded (rw_sw_shield_imp_rk3), Attention special(garde_a_vousv1.1) Health: N/A New Health: 650 Armor: N/A New Armor: 225 Description (Optional): The Juggernaut, a specialized unit within Heavy put through extreme defensive training. The job of this unit is to provide additional protection while the regular Heavy’s focus on damage. The juggernaut is also equipped to deal large amounts of damage when necessary. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: yes i believe so because it would give the HVY sub battalion more and keep them from being overshadowed by ARC and PZ. This would also give us something that can keep up with other battalions that are strong.
  4. What would you like to see: I would like to see a hunger and thirst system to be implemented into the server, something that would utilize the canteens fully like a NPC that offers very shitty rations to eat but the chef job like a older post made offers better rations that give a slight boost along with the food item consumed for the player. This could also go with the Ration supply system. I think something like this shouldn't have to be done every 10 minutes but around 1 -2 hours you need to get some food for more immersion within the server. Now for the criminal side I would like to think that they would get a worse version of the Imperial Chef NPC and would have to sneak into the canteen to use that one as a balance for better rations. Buying rations would also provide more use for Galactic Credits within the server. Now the chef job would have to pay money to use their improved rations but could also charge players for it providing more use for it. How would it help the server and/or the player base: I believe adding a hunger & thirst like survival system would be beneficial for the server by offering more emersion within it maintaining your hunger & thirst just like any other being would have to do within the galaxy also add more use for Galactic Credits within the server. Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: Like I said adding a system like this would help by adding more immersion and adding further use for Galactic Credits having the need to buy rations every so often.
  5. Other Suggestion Format: What do you want to see?: a Fuel Cap limiting Jetpack flight to 15-20 seconds at a time, resetting every time you land. Why should we add it?: This will benefit PVP on the server, as it currently stands you can hover at the top of the map using your jetpack indefinitely leading to PVP that is just plain not fun. There have been a multitude of occasions where Myself and Pyke have just abandoned objectives and fights due to individuals hovering sky high at the top of the map firing away with their weapons, There is really no easy way to counter this other then attempting to stun gun them out out shoot them which you are not able to do purely because they have all the mobility while the people on the ground have little to none. Having it anywhere from 15-20 seconds of flight will still allow Jetpacks to be fully usable and viable for any need you may have, It will simply balance combat out and make it more interesting for both parties. What are the advantages of having this?: This will create a more balanced PVP and allow for actually fun fights rather then boring hovering at the top of the map fights and also add a sliver of realism and immersion by removing the ability to hover in the sky indefinitely. Who is it mainly for?: Any Whitelist with a Jetpack and anyone being shot by someone with a Jetpack.
  6. What do you want to see?: I would like to see the popular add-on PAC3 added to the server. Why should we add it?: I believe adding PAC3 will give our server a good boost of activity along with giving a proper incentive to donate to the server by tying access to PAC3 to T2 Donator Rank or higher. What are the advantages of having this?: PAC3 is a add-on that gives players the ability to customize their playermodel by adding decorative props to their model. Having PAC3 will enable our players to properly develop their character by e.g. adding cybernetics. PAC3 will also allow our players to express some bit of individuality along with being able to express themselves properly (all in accordance with our rules of course). PAC3 would also go hand in hand with some of the sweps we have, such as the Comlink SWEP for example. From personal experience I can say that PAC3 is a great add-on when it comes to customizing ones playermodel, I've seen people do actual magic with it, giving a proper boost to the servers immersion and I would love to see the same happen here. Who is it mainly for?: Everyone! Links to any content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=104691717
  7. Idea: Add buffs or debuffs to flags. Also, add another flag in the caves on Tatooine. Perhaps one gives an armor buff/debuff, one a health buff/debuff, and one a speed buff/debuff. If the prior buff/debuff ideas are decided against, some more ideas for buffs/debuffs would be damage, passive income, and jump height. I'm sure there are some others that players may like to have, but I can't think of any right now. Viewers, please add buff/debuff suggestions in the replies. If this is deemed unfair, then perhaps buffs/debuffs would only be applied if all flags are captured by one team. Another idea for this scenario is if all the flags are captured by criminals, then imperials lose health gradually. This obviously would be a tricky idea to implement due to new players having low health and old players having high regen. To combat the low health of new players, perhaps this gradual damage would only affect players above a certain level, such as 50. I do not believe that criminals should lose health if imperials own all flags due to imperials having more players than criminals. This would likely cause criminals to lose players as they'd likely get annoyed by it quickly. Why should we add it?: Currently, Tatooine has very little activity other than Pyke. Lothal City has a slight bit more activity, but not by a whole lot. This buff/debuff idea would cause both Imperials and Criminals actually to want to capture the flags. This would bring more activity to Tatooine and Lothal City, and even some fun competition between Criminals and Imperials other than raids. Money and XP will only incentivize people to a certain point. The current system of giving money and XP to the individuals who capture it is sadly not enough for people to want to capture the flags. Yes, people capture the flags from time to time, but rarely. Even rarer do people fight over them. What are the advantages of having this?: This would improve activity on Tatooine and Lothal City. Also, there would be more fun-fighting between Criminals and Imperials. People would form teams to fight over the flags. This also opens up opportunities for team activities against real players. Yes, we have missions for that, but that is typically only against AI, unless Pyke joins in (which doesn't always happen). Who is it mainly for?: Mainly for Imperials, but also helps Criminals. Links to any content: N/A Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax (OOGA) Former: Field Commander | Purge Commander
  8. Battalion name: Storm troopers Job name:31st Officer Model path: - Current model: models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_officer.mdl models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_commander.mdl models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_lieutenant.mdl Weapon kit: -Current loadout dradio keys wos_inventory activity_logger cross_arms_swep cross_arms_infront_swep bkeycard rw_sw_tl40 rw_sw_dlt19 rw_sw_dp23 ship_maintenance_tablet deployable_shield mortar_range_finder alydus_fusioncutter alydus_fortificationbuildertablet Ammo Dispencer Health: - Current: 500 Armor: - Current: 200 clearance level 3 Description (Optional): The 31st is an engineer branch of the Stormtrooper Corps and helps assist Tank and SF in repairs Job name:31st Enlisted Model path: - Current model: models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_trooper.mdl models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_sergeant.mdl models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_lieutenant.mdl Weapon kit: -Current loadout dradio keys wos_inventory cross_arms_swep bkeycard rw_sw_e11t rw_sw_dlt19 rw_sw_huntershotgun ship_maintenance_tablet mortar_range_finder deployable_shield alydus_fusioncutter alydus_fortificationbuildertablet Ammo Dispencer Health: - Current: 400 Armor: - Current: 100 clearance level 2 Description (Optional): The 31st is an engineer branch of the Stormtrooper Corps and helps assist Tank and SF in repairs
  9. What do you want to see?: 1. Add expiration time limits to ID's. Example, when you join the sever your ID card will have an hour or so before it expires, if it is expired it will read as an invalid ID. 2. A section in the datapad for Shock to issue new ID's after a troopers' ID expires. 3. A tool or datapad section that would allow a shock trooper to scan a players ID showing either Valid or Invalid weather it is expired or a fake ID. 4. Ways for pyke to purchase an fake Imperial IDs or ship boarding passes that would show up in the Imperial ID system as valid. Why should we add it?: This adds more RP to ID checks and prevents innocent troopers from being harassed just because a shock trooper rolled a low number in an ID check. What are the advantages of having this?: As I said it adds more RP and gives a real reason for pyke to be afraid of ID checks as well as other criminals Who is it mainly for?: The whole server really but Shock, ISB:IA, SO and Criminals Links to any content: N/A
  10. What would you like to see: I would like to suggest the addition of a Teamspeak channel, or multiple channels, for joint operations. How would it help the server and/or the player base: It would be used for regimental missions that require the use of other assisting regiments. It would provide an IC channel for regiments involved in a joint operation to gather instead of having to use either an OOC lounge channel or having to drag multiple people into a channel that is password locked. This channel could also be utilized during events for when multiple units are assigned to a common task, which would make communication between said units easier than having to type in chat. It would also, in my opinion, be preferable to having to change to a seperate radio frequency, this way ground command can still communicate with them and they won't miss any orders given on the standard frequency while they are on their own. Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: I think it would help the server as a whole, as it would make communicating during certain missions and events a little easier in my opinion, for the reasons stated above
  11. What do you want to see?: I would love to see a tool that would allow Shock to breathalyze troopers showing their level of intoxication. This would show if the trooper was on spice or other substances. It would work by allowing the user to click on a trooper and after a period of time it would return a value of how intoxicated a trooper was. We would add illegal limits to server guidelines so that if a trooper is over the limit they would be subject to arrest for intoxication while on duty. Why should we add it?: This would be a definitive way for Shock or ISB:IA to tell if troopers were on spice and take the guess work out of enforcing the law. What are the advantages of having this?: This would give shock more roleplay opportunities for things such as drug raid and intoxication checkpoints. Who is it mainly for?: Shock, ISB:IA Links to any content: N/A
  12. Battalion Name: Purge Workshop link for Purge Enlisted-Commander: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2944071652&searchtext=purge+trooper Workshop link for FS: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3158171907&searchtext=clone+paratrooper Purge Enlisted Model Path: - Current model: models/player/sample/purge/trooper/trooper.mdl - New model: models/nada/purgetrooperphase2baton.mdl Purge Heavy Model Path: - Current model: models/nada/purgetrooperelectrohammer.mdl - New model: models/nada/purgetrooperphase2hammer.mdl Purge Brawler Model Path: - Current model: models/player/sample/purge/sgt/sgt.mdl - New model: models/nada/purgetrooperphase2staff.mdl Purge Officer Model Path: - Current model: models/player/sample/purge/officer/officer.mdl - New model: models/nada/purgetrooperphase2staff.mdl Purge Commander Model Path: - Current model: models/player/sample/purge/commander/commander.mdl - New model: models/nada/purgetrooperphase2commander.mdl Fireteam Spectre Model Path: - Current model: models/player/spectre/spectre.mdl - New model: models/napixel/custom/airborn/tearsunitgreaser/tearsunitgreaser.mdl Inquisitorious Trooper Model Path: - Current model: models/nada/purgetrooperphase2.mdl - New model: models/player/sample/purge/sgt/sgt.mdl Reason for change: The purge models that we have right now have been with the sever for a long time and we thought this would be an appropriate time to finally give Purge a fresh new look. The models that we want to replace our current ones with would make Purge stand out more and FS would have a better more professional look since they are a spec ops unit for Purge. The model pack also has different models for our sub branches so it is the best choice. Now since there was no officer model we decided let both the Brawler and Officer jobs have the same model since before this suggestions they already looked similar anyway. I believe these model changes would help bring in new and old players alike because they would see a brand new Purge battalion. These models would also give Purge troopers a more intimidating appearance. Now the Inquisitorious trooper already has a Phase 2 model set so we decided to use the Combat Specialist model as it's replacement so that it would not be confused with any of the other jobs. Removal of a Job Job/Class Name: Combat Specialist [T2] Reason for change: Since the addition the the Inquisitorious trooper to the IQ branch job listings we decided to go ahead and suggest removing the Combat Specialist job since no one ever gets on it. The Inquisitorious trooper is a level job so it is free to everyone as long as they hit the level requirement, and it just outshines the Combat Specialist because it basically gets the same weapons but with more health and armor and the ability to spawn in an ammo dispenser.
  13. What would you like to see: A New Rebel Attack force role where it works kind of Like Raids but they don't have access to black-market weapons the Job/Role is mainly to help keep the player base active as we get to see the ISD Attacked by Rebel forces more offten there probly be some rules set for the job on the MOTD. How would it help the server and/or the player base: Will help the player base mostly on the IMP Side as eather the Base or ISD Will be attacked by rebel forces when events are not happening. Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: Yes I Think it will.
  14. Battalion Name: Pyke (Saboteur branch specifically) Job/Class Name: Cad Bane Model: New Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=602612697 Loadout: New Loadout: rw_sw_bino_dark, dradio, sw_pyke_a180s_s, rw_sw_dlt20a_s, rw_sw_dual_ll30, disguise_swep, starwars_jetpack, Inv_pickup, Crafting Storage. Health: New Health: 750 Armor: New Armor: 225 Description (Optional): For being the sub branch lead as well as a lore character, he would have slightly more health and armor than normal saboteurs, and have his signature dual ll30s as well as the rest of the Saboteur loadout and a jetpack (he had rocket boots in all other sources) and would be the only criminal job that would have a jetpack. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: I believe this adds an extra layer to Saboteur as it will allow one more person to be on the job as well as give Pyke a lore character to increase RP. This job could potentially also have the bounty hunter feature as Cad Bane was a bounty hunter. It makes sense for him to be a Pyke job since Cad Bane worked very closely with the Pyke in lore, with them consistently hiring him for sabotage and hits to support their criminal empire. Personally I am extremely excited at the potential for Cad Bane. Cad Bane would be responsible for training the Pyke's Saboteurs and showing them how to fight, Who better to train a clandestine group then literally the greatest bounty hunter of all time(At the current Moment Cad Bane would be above Boba Fett considering the events from the movie haven't happened.) There are plenty of items from his kit we decided to look over for the sake of making it not a super crazy class, such as his classic Wrist Flames and Stun Gauntlets that he used plenty of times to subdue Jedi. For anyone who knows about the Duel LL-30, If this suggestion is accepted we are looking for suggestions on what the stats of the Duel LL-30 should be as it has never been seriously used therefore its stats are slightly skewed but the end goal is to have it near where the current A240 is. Also the LL-30 is an Admin Gun, However the Duel LL-30 is not. We checked to make sure of this so no need to fear Cad Bane will not get a funny admin gun. Cad Bane would be only available to the Grand Saboteur.
  15. What do you want to see?: The addition of the chromium NPC spawner tool. Why should we add it?: It's NPC spawn platforms, but advanced. With a lot more customizable values, and eliminating multiple problems that the NPC spawn platforms would have. What are the advantages of having this?: Better events and less strain on GMs during events. Who is it mainly for?: GMs or Any JMT/SMT wanting to use it. Links to any content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2520292228&searchtext=chromium+npc+spawner
  16. What do you want to see?:The standard Rebel Job (not the donator ones) Becoming a thing that anyone can join outside of Events instead of it being Event only Why should we add it?:Tatooine Town has been lacking in RP and reasons to go down there, you pretty much only go down there to deal with Pyke or ride speeders (at least as the imps, the Pyke only stay down there when they are not allowed on ship) Changing the standard Rebel job to be available to anyone would allow for more scenarios to happen down on Tatooine, you could have miniature wars in town for dominance, have civilians shelter rebels or be the middle ground for the Pyke and Rebels, Give imperials a reason to go down to tat town for anti insurgency ops and patrols, Give Pyke some actual combat in town or allow them to do joint raids and diplomacy, The possibilities are endless when you put your mind to it and it would only require the job to be available outside of events (technically it is but you need gm permission currently) What are the advantages of having this?:More RP opportunities, Simple to add, a third “faction for people to play, more reasons to be in tat town, allow imps and Pyke to have more things to do, give more fun interactions to the civilians and other criminal jobs, no need to make a new ranking structure as its purely a RP job not a new regiment (similar to how the criminal jobs work) Who is it mainly for?:Rebels/Tat Town RP Links to any content: none it's just a playstyle change/ requirement change
  17. This post was made within the last five months of being on the server, taking multiple suggested ideas and combining them into one; this would obviously be refined into something more or greater. What do you want to see? Government Branch [RP Sector for Imperial and Criminals] Drop-down Menus for Battalions Why should we add it? Imperial Government Sector So, for the "Government Branch," or the RP Sector, this will add new jobs into this section, like Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, Armand Isard, Mara Jade, Govenor Pryce, and Veris Hydan. Now, the reason for this is for roleplay purposes. These jobs can be applied through forms, with maybe certain restrictions on the jobs—being an officer or possibly having high command experience for Amedda or Pryce. Why? These jobs wouldn't need to be under the umbrella of quota, rather as ways to increase the amount of Passive RP. With Mas Amedda being the Grand Vizier and personal right hand of Palpatine during the reign of the Empire, he served as his advisor on matters. This job would be overseen by HCOM on the other RP Sector Jobs. Mara Jade, before she went with Luke Skywalker. He was the 'Right Hand' of Emperor Palpatine as an enforcer and assassin. Armand Isard is the Director of Security. Governor Pryce before she was sent to Lothal, had been governor of Imperial Worlds, freeing up a High Command Slot. (More information later.) Veris Hydan was a minister and Palpatine artifact collector; he was given special permission to head to highly classified sights to collect information. Why add these positions? To increase the amount of freedom for the lower ranks to have, these positions would be applications for Officer+, a reward for getting to a rank which is entrusted to help the Enlisted and NCOs. Bringing the Government Branch in combinations of GMs, where events surrounding certain jobs like Veris Hydan and Jedi Sights or Armand Isard having information with the ISB:IA and Fleet Intel. Govenor Pryce could enforce certain sanctions on planets where the Imperials go; the Grand Vizier would be given information from these different RP jobs and would present it to Palpatine. Or, on different deployments, certain orders can be given. Drop-Down Menus Simple. When pressing F4 > Characters, loading all the models and placing a drop-down menu for every battalion would help newer players and returning players find, say, the 501st, Death Troopers, or Government Branch. Criminal HCOM With the additions of the Pyke Syndicate, what is suggested above—taking the Governor job away from HCOM and placing more into a roleplay form—what would Pyke have? Pyke Council and Pyke Leader. The Pyke Counciler would replace the Governor's job; their duties would include working with crew deals and bribing the Imperial Governor for access. Pyke Leader would be the 'General' of the faction, overseeing the entire faction of the Pyke Syndicate. This position won't be protected by their rank, and they can be kidnapped by the Imperial Special Forces as a way to deal with the Pykes. Something to level the playing feel. This post was kind of made in between the months, so hopefully this will gain some traction towards the passive and aggressive RP factors of Imperial RP. Thank you for reading! Leave some suggestions to maybe bring this into light.
  18. What do you want to see?: I would the SOC room's sign changed to KOS Why should we add it?: This only makes sense SOC has redacted information that isn't meant to be seen by other parties. Currently Spec Ops cant kill anybody who enters as its AOS By the time shock gets there 1 the party could of already escaped 2 Even if the party who entered gets arrested they still have that knowledge of what they saw and could spread it the moment they get out of jail. What are the advantages of having this?: There aren't really any advantages besides it helping with a more immersive roleplay experience and making it make sense. Who is it mainly for?:Spec Ops
  19. What do you want to see?: A new arrest baton that stuns people. Why should we add it?:I beleive I speak on behalf of all battalions with a arrest baton. THe current one is atrocious and really annoying to use. You have to practically be inside of somebody for it to register and even then it doesn't. This addon will solve the hassle of being a Shock and chasing people with a AOS on them What are the advantages of having this?: This will improve the QOL with all battalion's with a rrest batona nd make there job much easier. This baton will add a lot more immersion to being arrested and would practically make the arrest baton useful for also detaining people due to its stun feature. The stun feature and arrest baton time should be configurable in its config. Who is it mainly for?: Shock ISB and Naval as well as HC Links to any content:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2968431446
  20. What do you want to see?: Mainly a rework to something that is a major In Character issue. The Clearance Cards as well as the power that they hold aboard The Consilio and Lothal Base. Why should we add it?: Solely from an In Character standpoint, there are multiple issues caused by clearance cards. It is nonsensical as to why Cards are the same through almost all of Naval, I myself as Ship Captain have the exact same clearance card/level as a Naval Crewman as well as the same Card levels as trooper enlisted men. I say that there needs to be some degree of change in that. As it is from an In Character view, the Captain of The Vessel should be able to go to The Brig and other area's of great importance to vessel. I'd like to add, the ranks that do have CL-4 do not make sense as much as it does for others, such as how The Captain of his own vessel, has CL-3. But a ARC trooper has CL-4, or how The Captain has the same clearance as all other Naval including INTEL, SO, and regular Crew. To counter the argument of "If you want CL-4 get a CL-4 rank," why is the Highest Non-Command ranked individual in the Navy not CL-4 seeing as how a Naval Captain is equivalent to an Army Colonel? What are the advantages of having this?: I believe it would aide In Character interaction better as it would allow those of Higher Clearance the ability to go to a wider range of locations aboard The Consilio and Lothal Base, thus leading to better/more consistent roleplay in area's that tend to go unused due to such high security clearances or lack of people with clearance to enter them. Who is it mainly for?: Officers and NCO's. Links to any content: N/A
  21. What do you want to see?: Improvement to the crafting system, adding some systems for the passive level jobs we have so players have more of a reason to use them and level up to use them, and ultimate weapons/gears. Why should we add it?: It would add more things to do passively on the server when not mining, training, or in events. The ultimate gear and weapons would be something for players to work on acquiring and also with how the doc I'm submitting suggest we could get an inventory system that then opens up for new gameplay options depending on how we would like to do it. What are the advantages of having this?: Adds more things to do on the server Who is it mainly for?: Players both new and old Links to any content: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hQmEzUc-x7M5FgvLLt4FP32ow5iUsuCotXDPzlKBU2k/edit?usp=sharing I have not thought of every little thing perfectly and balanced but I tried. This can be expanded if needed in by developers and SMT.
  22. What do you want to see?: I am unsure if this is possible, but it would be nice to be able to organize crafting inventory Why should we add it?: Currently, it is sorted by crafted order. That doesn't sound bad at first until you craft a bunch of random stuff and can't really move things around in the future and how it doesn't work really with normal inventory. I find it really annoying to scroll past rocket ammo, ARC-170s, AT-RTs and other random stuff just to see AHA! bacta nades. What are the advantages of having this?: Being able to find things in the crafting inventory and sort it the way I want to without scrolling around to find what I frequently use. Who is it mainly for?: Crim jobs/civilian jobs (technically imperials that craft) Links to any content: N/A Criticism 1: Just craft the order you want to use stuff headass - How can you predict when you need to craft certain items in what order? Sounds great until you have a giant inventory Criticism 2: Just craft a few things you use in a set pattern and do that repeatedly - Okay what if I need more rocket ammo, more ARC-170s than usual recently and messes up my order Criticism 3: Just use what you need or craft on a needs basis - What's the point of a crafting inventory, if you can't store organize or use it the way it was meant to be? I am unsure if the add-on was made that way, so fair enough if you guys can't change it, but thought the idea would be out there.
  23. What do you want to see?: I think for a month or so, we should go back to how it was in the past, on the Old ISD, To have nostalgia kick in from when we started to how far we have gone Why should we add it?: It could make for a Cool month of nostalgic Roleplays, and might make some old people play on the server. What are the advantages of having this?: More people might join, Old people might come back, fun things like events ect. Who is it mainly for?: Whole server Links to any content: IDK, You might have it saved
  24. What do you want to see?: In the Inventory either like a delete all that deletes all of them and you don't have to select it and delete or like you hover your mouse over the ones they select and you can delete them Why should we add it?: Much easier to get rid of the gear we don't want. What are the advantages of having this?: Better access to doing this so people don't miss out on getting better gear. Who is it mainly for?: Everyone Links to any content: N/A
  25. What do you want to see?: 1. I want to see the Targeting system while holding E when using a force power added back as now you cant see who it is targetng and it makes some of the force powers accidentaly hit other people than thoose you want 2. Improving the parry, so when having your saber ignited and holding ALT + Mouse1, when someone hits you it parries them, before it used to make it so they couldnt move, however now you can move while you are stunned, my suggestion is to make the wiondow for how long you are stunned longer with 1 second and make it so you cant move- Why should we add it?: The targeting system with force powers is a quality of life feature, it will lessen accidental attacks towards people who the attacks are not intended for. The parry system would open up more skill within dueling, it is not a mecanich that is heavily used as it right now isnt viable, making it better and more viable would be great to increase the amount of utility being able to be used while dueling What are the advantages of having this?: Could be good to increase the activity within IQ, having more possibillities is always nice and it will deffinitly spice up the dueling. And being able to see who you are targeting is a necessity for Shadow Guard who do kill orders Who is it mainly for?: IQ and RG
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