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Everything posted by andrewchynd

  1. and saw it? if so evidence? XD dont need to show evidence that I did something right, u need to prove I did something wrong.. simples
  2. thank you, but were you there big man?
  3. evidence? and I waited 10, which is what I was trained to
  4. Rhenic thinks u can heal in bank after 15 seconds though
  5. Your In-game: Andrew Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80806137 The admin's name in-game: Maral The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: Combat Heal Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1609920600 Why do you think this warn was false: Well, for a multitude of reasons. Many people know on the server that combat heal is not allowed. Some people still do it, but some do abide by the rules and don't do it. I am one of those people. I've been in ARU for quite a while now and have gotten used to the classes I use, Breacher and Medic, now this incident occured while I was on Medic. I had been trained by the very trusty Bronze Command at the time and was sure I was ready to go out there and save lives. That turned to something quite different today though when I turn up to bank and see SWAT officers getting killed. I call one over, (they shall remain unnamed) and tell them to take cover behind me as we walk back towards the other door. I get my medical supplies out and wait until a cease fire. Which there was, I waited 10 seconds, which, by the way, was how long I was trained to wait by ARU command and knew I had to wait from being on the server for almost 3 years now, and healed him, up to around 86HP and then an awp shot came down range and I cancelled the treatment. It was at this point the King family thought I combat healed becaused they heard the delay from shooting and healing and decided it would be ok to combat heal themselves, including Rhenic and Steve. I was later pulled to and admin sit and warned immediatly after Rhenic had his input. I then spoke to Maral about this and not much guidence was given on the time apart from him thinking it was meant to be 15 seconds. I then checked the MOTD to find out where it said no combat healing and lo and behold there it is. But with no time next to it. " No combat healing/reviving" So what I think is that people are trained to different standards and to very specific ones too. A 5 second gap in thoughts and for some there are warns on the end of it. Some are trying to be their favourite job on the server and doing as told to do by there command members and obeying the rules set out which was a 10 second wait period to heal. Overall there is no guidence on how long to wait and so is very confusing, people are told different thing and nothing is in black and white so why be warned for something so vauge and ambigous. Any extra information: Quotes - Tom Brown - "I'm pretty sure it's 10, that's what I heard when getting trained in ARU" No one in bank can give evidence
  6. Ok, we don't need to know what's up Jack haha. Have a good Christmas tho!
  7. Name: Andrew SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80806137 Current rank: SM How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : 6 months Rank Wanted: LT How many warns do you have? 3 Do you have a Working mic? yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/A Why should you be promoted? : I have been a SM for a very long time now, been through thick and thin with the SWAT department, learnt more skills than I can count, made so many friends and built people up to be amazing members of the PD. I feel I am a natural leader and am ready for this next position. I have been in the ARU for almost 2 weeks now and have learnt even more breaching skills, teamwork skills and leadership qualities. I feel I would excel as a Low Command member that can lead people in a situation that requires it. I can think fast on my feet and make the correct decisions when needed. In the team I am with now I have been in many shootouts and bank robberies and from watching from Low Command members and High Command members I have seen that all the qualities needed to be a leader in that position, I have. I am a friendly, helpful person too that has helped anyone I can in the PD or ARU when I can. This new postion will allow me to continue what I do best and give me that position in the situations where the team may need me the most. Unfortunately a few minges slip through the first line of defence and make it even up to LCPL. I have dealt with many OFC's and up in this postions to better the department and its about time we clamp down on this and again I am the one person you need to strengthen the force. You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes
  8. Cancelling my LOA short, back today
  9. Name: Andrew Rank: Assistant Director LOA Time: 11/23/18 - 11/25/18 (inclusive) Reason (Private if needed) Out of town
  10. Accepted 13 November ~ Drago come speak with myself, LordInsider, Hotcher or Ziege for your interview. If you weren't accepted is was mainly down to word count. Just up that next time and we will see what you have to offer.
  11. thats a good point, normally in admin sits, evidence should be shown to the staff member in charge of the sit (Phil) no evidence was shown as to what i allegedly did wrong
  12. at no point does it say I need proof and phil wasnt there but Bryce was, i dont contradict anything Phil says. Bryce also told me I wasn't allowed a witness to the situation but he is allowed an asset (logan) whom was there in this situation]
  13. Your In-game: Andrew Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80806137 The admin's name in-game: Phil The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: Failrp/Metagame Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1558516589 Why do you think this warn was false: Long story short, I was partaking in a drugs bust next to the BSI base. The building was owned by members of the King family. We entered and detained around 4 men and killed 2 that attempted and succeding in killing 3 officers. Therefore I understand that anyone in the King family is dangerous, very dangerous. I ran the names of the people I detained on the gang database and lo and behold they are in the King family. A few minutes later, just as we are getting ready to transport them to jail, a strange blue man comes up to us, jumps onto one of our cars and asks, "are you arresting my family members?", immediatly shock runs through my veins as I remember what happened to us when the family tried to fight back and how aggressive they were. I remembered they were all in the King FAMILY as well. It is only natural to think, this man is with them and probably very deadly, so I must question him. Due to the fact many officers were killed I decide to protect the ones remaining and myself by attempting to detain the man for questioning and interference with an investigation. He starts to resist and I decide to tase him, but my taser wasn't loaded, the man (Bryce) turns and pulls a negev from nowhere and tries to kill myself, but to no luck. I was told I metagamed to think he was in the same family but really if someone asks the question "are you arresting my family members" surely you should find out if they are in the same family as well. The only reason I didnt ask for ID is because of the mass shootouts involved beforehand. I don't think this deserved a warn and I have been on the wrong side of the King's for a long time. Any extra information: N/A
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