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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. How about a scp rp server? How about a scp rp server?
  2. finch you don't know that you can't use panics to relieve nlr according to what Nolan posted before
  3. Also does anyone know him? From a long time ago he says he was staff before and that he can tell me what to do. Also he was failrp by running away. Rhenic can confirm
  4. Also, after that last picture I stopped and then the sit ended and me and him went our own separate ways after I jailed him.
  5. I was talking. He started to talk. So I was doing that to tell him to stop cause I was talking
  6. Naby, I was in a sit with him. I was grabbing him so he would know to stop talking because I needed to say stuff but he was talking over me. also, @ rhenic was here. I was needing to talk to rhenic at the time. So I grabbed him and it was a sit do it was out of RP
  7. Chief_

    Ladder Dupe

    I am happy and not happy. Happy that it is now clarified. But not happy that I can't use it to climb over fences.
  8. Chief_

    Naby Staff Report

    If ratio is gone you should quit rp and get on staff. Unless you are in another staff sit
  9. #overruled Accepted. Meme king derps orders.
  10. What is your in-game name?: Chief What is your steam name?:[GL] Chief What is your steam ID?:STEAM_1:0:105726197 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes. I have staffed 2 times on both servers before. What date did you start playing in the community? (roughly) around 2016 What date did you make your forums account? around 2016 Current rank on the server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not an RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? 9 warns Have you donated? Yes What rank are you applying for? T-Mod Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: PST Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) When I join the server in the morning I usually see minges. I want to go and stop them so that other people who want to RP can. I am active almost all day on the weekends. Sometimes during the week. But I have handled this stuff before and I want to be a staff member who will do their best to make the ratio correct (Get on). So I will make sure when I am on, that if there isn't enough staff on to get on. Even if I have staffed for about 3 hours already. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would tell them to stop. If they don't then I will gag them(same if they spam it in the chat but mute them) Then minge them for 300 seconds if they make me have to mute them by voice and ingame. Or if they just try to leave the sit. Then warn them for staff dis.
  11. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Alyssa. Hair birthday to you. ? ???????????????
  12. I was attached to a spider web by Alton (with perm) and he attached my car and attached me. Will upload pic when I get home
  13. i know. They use to climb over the fence in the old map. Not ya just tactical units.
  14. All pd use to have the climb sweep
  15. This coated 2k https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS740US741&hl=en-US&biw=375&bih=591&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=MmO-Wsm1J4b2jwPV957QDg&q=+bad+computer+setup&oq=+bad+computer+setup&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..0.5924.21410..21802...5....825.7980.2-1j4j4j5j2..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-img.....3..35i39j0i67j0i24j0i30j0i8i30j0i13.cfFvC%2FEmISI%3D#imgrc=A9MWtvAMICPESM:
  16. Chief_

    Chiefs Loa

    Please Create a new thread with the following format. Name: chief Rank: LT LOA Time: until Friday or Saturday. Or for 1 whole month Reason (Private if needed): grounded
  17. I played gamingLight for 3 months then roblox for 8 months
  18. Please post old link. NVM http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/19208-kraz3d4073s-ban-appeal Valk didn't say when it would be over. So o fits its true. Can someone Ivan him? +Support
  19. are people able to join? Cause if so. Sign me up.I shall Fight for the army Sign me up.I shall Fight for the army
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