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Everything posted by Tablestand

  1. + SUPPORT - The time I was playing gaming light Blackout has shown dedication and the skills to get Storm Trooper back on its boots, along with his past experience and his current position as Storm Commando Lead.
  2. -Support Certain ranks can only be on the radio, if this was a new player I would agree that they would need to tell them, but you are not a new player and should know this rule. I dont feel like Clarence did anything wrong in this scenario.
  3. +SUPPORT - Wants to help Tank. - Has experience
  4. +Support! - Active, always see him around - Helpful, to my ST Brothers - No bad encounters with him
  5. - Support After reading and seeing the other reply above, im going to be (-) supporting this
  6. +Support Matrix is a very active man Never had a bad experience with matrix Happy Birthday Matrix!
  7. +support Good man have had nothing but good encounters with him Think would help a lot if promoted ok I go now.
  8. + Support Have seen Suki around and have had nothing but good encounters with him (especially the two times I accidently rammed him with my speeder)
  9. +Support Like Gum said even though you are new, I can tell you are dedicated to helping the STs activity and I personally think we do need more officers in STs.
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