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Everything posted by Antonio

  1. +Support I am one of the people who got bored of this map fairly quickly. It is a good map, but others, in my opinion are much better like True North or Rockford, or as others said we could do map rotations.
  2. +Support There is no gov cap and correct me if l am wrong but trial mod can't just no clip in building and destroy an entity as it is a breach of staff handbook.
  3. +Support Sigh, yet another day Will getting butthurt and warning someone for no reason or proof; it is pretty normal behavior from him.
  4. How dare they bro demoted them fr
  5. +Support Dedicated staff member: I think he would be a great event team member.
  6. Damn things just got exciting. Blaze Family is with you guys May the best Family win.
  7. Soup bro, o7 man and here I thought where you went .
  8. +Support I dislike this map too. It is relatively small compared to other maps, so the police chases don't last long. I would be happy if we went back to Evocity or truenorth.
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