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Everything posted by Noshow

  1. +Support - Decreased the Size A Bit - Adds a Red Helmet without the Camo - Models look Nicer
  2. Application Accepted. Please reach out to a Gamemaster V+ to get trained. Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  3. + Support - Respect & Professional - Helpful & Friendly - Professional every time I've seen him on PRP - Very Active
  4. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Mission Transmission Mission 1 Overview Mission 2 Overview
  5. + Support Caidon is a Super Friendly guy and easy to work with which is something you need to be as a command member. He is extremely active and during all of those hours he is professional, he understands when there is a time to be serious and mess around which he barely ever messes around and thats good for a command member. With Caidon in DT & Working with him during some of my events he has been a great person to work with and fun to work with. I think he would make a perfect ISB:IA Vice Commander and 1000% deserves the role.
  6. + Support - Shock & 501st Heavy should be the Same - Minigun is Already CQC So a Shotgun would be Nice
  7. + Support on the Different Times I think the Different Timed arrest for the Severity of the Crimes or Maybe even for Their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Arrest is really cool and will help with a lot less Minging as the Time for Large Mingey crimes like Murder/RDM could be 15 Minutes and trespassing could be 5 Minutes. - Support on the 2 Part System I think if you want to do a 2 part arrest system it would be much better off for all arrests to be done with cuffs as if you are arresting a Pyke trespassing in caves as a brand new Shock Enlisted you aren't going to have the time get there and actually arrest them for what they are being arrested for, and if the time is increased a 5 Minute Arrest could turn into 10 minutes which 5 of those minutes would just be waiting.
  8. o7 Way better IQ High Command than Osiris
  9. Application Accepted. Please reach out to a Gamemaster V+ to get trained. Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  10. 501st Commander Monarch, 501st Vice-Comamnder Mox, and General SeniorDeer Gave me Permission to Apply for 501st Officer. What is your Ingame name? 501st ARCTRN 1SGT Noshow 58 What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:496055290 How Long Have You Been In 501st? I have been in the 501st since 05/19/2024 5:22 PM EST Why Do You Want to Become an Officer? Why I want to become a 501st Officer is for a multitude of reasons, those reasons are to continue on in the 501st, assist the current Command Team with whatever task they have, assisting in growing the 501st, being a role-model, rewarding lower-ranks. Firstly, to continue on in the 501st, I have enjoyed my time in 501st and that can be showed by how much I play on it. I really enjoy 501st and especially being in ARC and want to continue the enjoyment, currently I have 2 ranks after this and then I would be stuck for a little bit and I believe that I am ready for Officer so I put up this application. Secondly and probably most Importantly assisting 501st Command with normal battalion operations as I have stated in this application this could be doing flag-ups to getting more 501st members on Job, hosting simulations to entertain the current battalion members and advertise the 501st, do tryouts to attempt to get more members inside of the 501st, and basically anything that they ask me to do. Assisting in the growing the battalion I could do this by doing simulation which would advertise the Equipment and things that the 501st Legion does, this could be done through tryouts, joint-missions to improve battalion relations and show people another friendly battalion that they can explore on Gaminglight. Being a role-model is another reason that I want to become a officer of the 501st Legion, a role-model should be a good public-image and way to act and preform as that respective battalion and higher rank which lower ranks look up to their higher ranks and act like their higher ranks as that has clearly gotten them somewhere. Finally I would like to become a 501st Officer to reward the enlisted, this could be by promotions, money, recommendations and things of those sorts to keep them enjoying the battalion and engaged. How could you assist the 501st Command with this rank? How I could assist the 501st Command team is by doing flag-ups, doing the officer duties that have been assigned to me, and assisting them with whatever they need which could range from hosting a battalion simulation to improve the 501st members skills, doing a Flag-Up when there is a low pop on, and doing rosters updates so they can focus on things that Command members do like Battalion Changes. That is just a few ways that I could assist the 501st Command, but I'm willing to assist 501st Command with anything they ask me to do which my guidelines. How many strikes do you have? I currently have 0 strikes within the 501st Legion or Any Battalion I am in. What Qualifications could you bring to the 501st Officer Team? The Qualifications that I could bring to the 501st Officer Team is activity, leadership, and being a role-model. To begin with Activity it is currently summer time for me so I am able to be on the server every single day, while being on the server I would be able to host Simulations for 501st and players on the server. As well I could conduct tryouts to get new people within the battalion which I have already been doing constantly hitting quota every week and most of the times going over my quota which I have recruited two people the 501st with my efforts. The second thing is leadership firstly I can assist people with improving for example if someone wants to become and ARC-Trooper I could assist them with trainings and simulations to become one if they are having troubles are practicing things makes you better. I could also lead the 501st in Missions, Events, and Simulations where a leadership role is required. Finally I could be a role-model a officer is a mid-ranking position and take a bit of effort to making it to that position, so officers would be looked upon by lower ranks highly and be the public-image for the battalion. I understand when there is a time to mess around and there is a time to be serious and actively be serious when its required and follow the guidelines given to me. Have you had any previous experience has an Officer? I have a ton of previous experience with being an battalion officer or battalion officer equivalent ranging in multiple games. To begin with Garrys Mod I have been a Warrant Officer 3rd Class and Kit Fisto of Dooms Unit on a Clone Wars Server ranging from 60-80 people daily. On their 2.0 version I was the Commander of the 17th Battle Logistics which could be compared to a Base Operations/Naval Battalion and it averaged 40 - 50 people online. On Gaminglight I have been Shadow Guard Officer Senior Honor Guard Vacander Jax in 2022 under Zabuza, Heda, and Icey. This year I was Death Trooper Lieutenant Colonel Seeker Vice-Lead SV02 under Salt & Shadow. Finally for Garrys Mod I was Imperial Commandos Vice Commander 1207 Sev under Rasputin. In FiveM I have been the Fire Department Chief on a server that averaged 100 - 120 people and had 239 people in the Department. On another server I was the Blaine County Sheriff's Office Sheriff which averaged 80-100 people and had 150 people in the department. That is all of the Officer/Commander experience that I have had within the past 4 years. What is the purpose/duty of an Officer? The purpose and duty of an Officer is to assist members of Battalion Commander, The High Command Overseer and doing their Officer Duties. Some officer duties could be doing flag-ups, making sure activity is enforced, making sure battalion SOP and rules are enforced, hosting simulations to keep members engaged with the server and the battalion and rewarding enlisted that are doing well. The duty of an officer is to lead that battalion in the absence of the command members which happens sometimes. This could be during events, missions, joint-simulations and anything that requires and leadership role and that is already not being filled. This could also be achieved through ground-command on a server-wide scale which officers are tasked with.
  11. + Support - Helps With Location - Helps With Communication - Super Cool
  12. Application Accepted. Please reach out to a Gamemaster V+ to get trained. Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  13. + Support - I think Protection Detail for Pyke Would be Cool - A Close Quarters Job with a Powerful Weapon could Mostly Replace the Broken T-4 as there is chance of backfiring
  14. - Support - A Lore Character in a Battalion that T4 Suicide Bombs wont make Sense - Completely Breaks the Timeline more than it already is - He was a Bounty Hunter and worked with Pyke for a fee which he also worked with the Empire for a fee
  15. Basic Information This Imperial Operation will be held on the Planet of Neimoidia, also known as Pure Neimoidia, was a planet centrally located in the galaxy's Colonies region, and was situated along the Trellen Trade Route. It was the homeworld of the Neimoidian species and was near a string of wealthy "Purse Worlds" settled by Neimoidians, including Cato Neimoidia. Operation Stages Disclaimer - All Things Below Are Imperial Knowledge and Not 100% Going to Happen, their Will be the Same Amount of Stages With Small Time Adjustments. Stage 1 - Imperial Crescent | 5:00 PM EST | SAT The Imperial Battle Group Consilio will find themself over the planet Neimoidia, The Imperial Battle Group Consilio will face against the Rebel Alliance Neimoidia Defense Fleet. This Battle Will consist of Action Only On the ISD Consilio and other Neimoidia Defense Fleet Ships. Stage 2 - Imperial Fist | 6:00 PM EST | SAT Stage 2 of this Imperial Operation will be the ISD Consilio and its Escort Ships fighting through the remaining Rebel Alliance Neimoidia Defense Fleet Ships in Neimoidia's Low Orbit. This Battle Will Take Place mainly on the Ground. Stage 3 - Koto Si Occupation | 8:00 PM EST | SAT Stage 3 Will be a Full Forward Imperial Assault on the Ground with Imperial Infantry, Light Armor, Heavy Armor, and Orbital Support. Koto Si is the Capital City of Neimoidia and is our Target. The Imperial Battle Group Consilio Will Clash with the Rebel Alliance Infantry Forces on the Surface of Neimoidia and Wipe out all of the Rebel Outposts. Stage 4 - Neimoidia Out-Skirts | 5:00 PM EST | SUN Stage 4 Will be the After Math of the Imperial Foward Assault, With the Main Imperial Operations Base Being Set as the Captured Rebel Base. Infantry Forces of the ISD Consilio will begin to wipe-out Rebel Outposts in the Nearby Areas. These Outposts will be Stripped of their Weapons, Vehicles, and Supplies for Imperial Use. Prisoners will be taken and these prisoners will help in the build up of the New Imperial Forward Operation Base. Stage 5 - The Mighty Fall | 6:00 PM EST | SUN Stage 5 The Might Fall, The Rebel Command Has Now Collapsed with the Might Fall of the Rebel Alliance Occupation on the Planet of Neimoidia. This is when complete Imperial Occupation will occur on Neimoidia, Prisoners will be transported to coruscant to face their trials. Stage 6 - The Rise of Skywalker | 7:30 PM EST | SUN Stage 6 We have a Special Guest Coming to Support the Rebel Alliance, We intercepted from Rebel Alliance Comms that General Skywalker is on his way to this Rebel Alliance Sector the day of our Assault, but this Assault can not be delayed or early we must strike in 8 Rotations. Stage 7 - The Pursuit | 9:00 PM EST | SUN Stage 7 Luke Skywalker is known as a Coward of a General, he will run when he sees us. When Luke Skywalker runs from us we will chase after him and hand him over to Lord Vader and Emperor Palpatine. Luke Skywalker is not to be harmed under any circumstances and is only to be captured and directly delivered to Lord Vader and Emperor Palpatine through the Royal Guards.
  16. Application Accepted. Please reach out to a Gamemaster V+ to get trained. Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  17. Unfortunately at this time you have been denied. Thank you for your interest in applying. You may reapply in 2 weeks.
  18. Unfortunately at this time you have been denied. Thank you for your interest in applying. You may reapply in 2 weeks.
  19. + Support - With Two Variants of Blue/501st Models you could differentiate Normal ARC Troopers and Command Possibly - ARC Troopers normally looked Thicker as they had Armor Plating for Extra Armor - The Models Look Nice - Look a Little Better than Current Models - Would Give ARC New Things
  20. Link to new pack(s): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3045798546 | Star Wars: Imperial Prefab Base Props | 80.636 MB Me and Resin made a Picture to Save Time and Allow Everyone to Check Out The Props | Link How would this benefit the server (will it help events or is it purely for decorations and how?): This would benefit the server for Simulations, Missions, and Events. The way that IMP Prefabs Base Props could be used are to Build Imperial Bases, Ships, Maybe Events Rebel Bases & Ships, or Even More of the Wide Range of Star Wars Factions. This Prop Pack contains all the Modules you could possibly need to make your Star Wars Themed Dupes which could be for Events, Simulations, Off-Maps, and More. The props in the pack are the following, a Base Entrance which Gamemasters could use to allow an Entrance and Exit Point to their Dupe. There are Cross Split Hallways you can use, T Split Hallways to add multiple Corders to your base and not just one straight hallway. L Bend Hallways you could use to Hide what's past the Turn. Dead-end Hallways to end your Dupe or just make Rooms/Dead Ends. Straight Hallways with Windows, Check Points, Doors, Doors. There is also a Stair Module that allows you to add a Second Floor to your Dupe and open Layouts for the GM's Ideas that they have and aren't in the Dupe. They have Barracks that would save Gamemasters SO many props (around 20-30), 2 Command Centers/Bridge Looking, and Finally Office Rooms that are decorated. Also, the Prop Pack comes with a Separate Single Door, A Separate Blast Door & The Frame, Each of the Building Modules has 4 Skins. - Skin 0: Skin 0 looks at the Current ISD, Dark Floors, Like Walls, Lights, Pipes, and a Graded Roof. - Skin 1: Skin 1 is a Rusted Base, the Likes are Now Off and all of the Medal is Rusted. - Skin 2: Skin 2 is like the Current Medbay, the Floor Stays Dark, and Almost all of the Medals have been painted, White. - Skin 3: Skin 3 is Almost the Same as Skin 1 and the Current ISD, but the Floor is a Greener Medal Color like the Walls. Do you believe the benefits exceed the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?: I 100% Believe this exceeds the risk of adding more contact to the Server. Adding this prop pack to the server would save a ton of time for Gamemasters. This would also improve the performance of the server as the dupes would requires less Welding and Less Props would Collide with each other. I think at most this would be a few extra seconds of Loading and 100% worth those extra few seconds of loading in as the benefits of the pack are amazing.
  21. Link to new pack(s): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1617968275 | [GG] Prop Pack | 192.414 MB I made a Document That Previews all of the Props in the Pack | Link How would this benefit the server (will it help events or is it purely for decorations and how?): This prop would benefit the server in both Events, Simulations, and Decorations. The Prop is a variety of things, There are modular hallways that could save many Props and overall reduce the lag of dupes Containing Hallways. The Hallways save 8-20 Props depending on how detailed the Dupe Maker builds them, more things that would pertain to events and Missions are the wide variety of War-Time props. There are things Like Medical Tents that can actually be distinguished from a normal tent. Barricades That vary in size unlike the few we have on the server are almost all the same. The Barricades Vary from small waist-high ones to whole Module Walls and Gates that Look better than the current ones on the Server. Many things like Console have different skins to show Downloading, Downloaded, Failed, and Hackable. It has Interactive Holocrons that are animated and move, it also Contains Props that are Trenches which would be very useful for all kinds of events. There are things like Smaller Landing Things that fit Transports and VTOLs which would be used for SF Bouncing off the Skybox Floor and the Current Ones are Absolutely Huge. Finally, it has some Barracks and other unique barricades. 27/78 of the Props are walls that look a little cool, but normal GMod walls and Plates could be used to Lower the Size of the Prop Pack. Do you believe the benefits exceed the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?: I Believe the benefits of this prop pack highly exceed the risk of adding more content to the Server. The reason why I believe this is it would help with the prop count and allow fewer Entities to Collide with each other. It would also GMs to utilize more Props to add a Better Environment to their Events. Overall this would be an amazing addition to the GM resources for events and would definitely exceed the risk of adding more Content to the Server, and if it's too much those 27 Building props could easily be removed as they all have 12 skins which are majority of the space.
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