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RussTime last won the day on September 24

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About RussTime

  • Birthday 06/24/2006

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  1. https://gaminglight.com/forums/knowledge-base/general/in-game-support/ go through these
  2. Have you tried going into our official discord and making a ticket there and asking for support
  3. + Support 1 small mistake shouldn't mean a ban and such. Even though I don't know about the words that were said, I doubt they were that bad to warrant a ban.
  4. + support Has tons of command knowledge, would be great to be in the VCMDR spot
  5. RIP bozo, I think you lasted like a month as EMS Chief if that so you get the "Shortest time as EMS Chief" award. Thx for the giving me the nice words tho, I had my eye on you in EMS pretty much since you joined so
  6. + Support Great staff member, command member, cool off-ship event idea, would be great for GM
  7. + Support Active, good NCO, although people might say you could use more text on some answers, its still a good officer app
  8. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): ERUL CPT RussTime (or as of this month, "SpookTime" 2. What Regiment are you applying for?: Shock 3. Why do you want to be a vice commander of this branch?: I want to be a vice commander of shock for a few reasons. The first reason being that currently shock is in a sort of "state of emergency" and there isn't many active people to help guide us through this moment. Yes, we do have 2 VCMDRs however they are both busy with their own lives and are sometimes not available (not meaning this in a rude way). I feel that if I were to be brought into command for shock, I could not only help it get back to what it used to be, but possibly even better. Another reason why I want to be a VCMDR is that currently I feel as if Shock doesn't have a current leader and I feel with my past experience and knowledge, I could be that leader that we need so badly. Finally I want to become VCMDR to help actually make some of these docs right and have actual english (once again no offense lol also knowing this isn't that big of a reason). 4. How much game time do you have on the server?: TAB menu says 8 weeks however I've been around for longer than 2 years 5. What is the Main Purpose of a vice commander for a branch?: To takeover whenever a CMDR is either on LOA, or nonexistent; To be there to maintain overview of officers and make sure they are doing their jobs; Finally, to organize things for their battalion to do (missions, mass trainings, etc.) 6. Why should we trust you to be a vice commander?: Well currently I hold a JMT position that if I were to do something bad (such as leak docs or just turn against HC) I could very easily get it removed, I also hold DT CPT, F16, IC MSGT, IC Riggs, and a IQ rank of which none I want to lose. Also to add on, in the past I was a MC VCMDR, and a DT VCMDR so I still know what I'm somewhat allowed to do and what not to do. 7. How often can you be Online?: Most likely around bi-daily but I'm almost always available in discord or TS unless stated otherwise (LOA and such) 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?): 1 from PoliceRP for "Mass Copbait" that was from June 4th, 2023
  9. I mean you got off in a way kinda lucky with just a discord server ban. Ive seen people get banned for SMT diss for the exact thing your doing. Also to add on, you were pretty rude to a GM just doing their job, Frog was right in saying that the channels for "constructive feedback" not a "this GM is doing this bad" and not give an actual way to fix that problem besides with another insult. Maybe a little in the future you could get the unban but I think as of rn it should stick for a bit. - Support
  10. Would be really cool to see new things to these jobs and would def make them stand out more than the other jobs with the same guns + Support
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