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Everything posted by K I W I

  1. -Support plus this would just make D-Class even weaker than they already are, the only class that is somewhat reasonable is the diamond+ job and even then it's very weak and needs to get all the way through the facility in bright orange jumpsuit with just dual pistols, also one MTF can mow down a crowd of D-Class anyways.
  2. + Support These are all a step in a good direction, no reason for you to be allowed to use riot while cloaked as you already have one automatic advantage in combat by being invisible, A lot of peoples points for cloaking classes end up devolving into a completely subjective view I.E. "I can take care of cloakers, so you can too" which really has nothing to do with the point, or it's simply situational and which they can be valid sometimes but usually don't tackle the problem head on. It also makes sense to be allowed to bring thermals to those raids as it simply makes sense for both sides to be prepared for cloakers, and it's tedious to buy thermals after a cloaker has been called out during these raids. I also see only positive interaction with them using melee as it's a niche thing that no one really uses in combat (aside from classes that have to use melee), forcing them to actually be stealthy, and there is plenty of risk and reward in it. These changes seem plenty reasonable and perfect for the server.
  3. But you have to know the cloaker exists to do this, while I do agree with the rest of what you said, blind firing into rooms just creates a bunch of sit problems for meta game, and while you may be proven the correct one in the sit, it's still tedious to do so, it's the same reason why 096 isn't played often at all cause everyone makes sits over the rule of having to face your body away from them. However these can't /really/ be proven since it's more or les what I've seen, non the less thanks for your time
  4. I mean you have to wait 20 minutes to buy them again, atop of that they only last 10 minutes, I can't really imagine a single person timing their thermals to when they can buy them again so they can use them at all times. It's more of a quality of life thing since this server has so many rules, this one rule just seems redundant since the metagame aspect of it could never be proven anyways. I also don't think people will stop playing cloaker classes just because they're still powerful and a lotta people can't buy thermals as it is. Yeah this could be a better change than my idea, Just looking for others opinions on the idea, my suggestion was just the best I had thought of at the time
  5. Well for clarity sake I meant all cloak classes aside from the ones stated
  6. Seems like you guys didn't read much of this and figured that it was just a "get rid of cloakers" suggestion, as I clearly stated to change the ability to use thermals whenever you want and not absolutely have to have a Cloaker called out so you can't be called for meta gaming. Thanks for the input none the less, I'll probably close the discussion or just let it be denied and change the suggestion to just about thermals since that seems like the smartest and best option in improving the server since the comments seem to agree.
  7. Nerfing invisible SCPs makes no sense, I mentioned every donator class by saying 'cloakers', RRH can only use it under a specific protocol, and the RND Ghost unit is passive anyways so why nerf them, what do you mean 'biased'.
  8. What are you suggesting? - Allowing thermals to be used at any time, as their purpose is useful outside of spotting invisible things, this way people can use thermals at their own will for any scenario and don't get called out for metagaming, plus it makes it more of a passive system than simply just 'anti invisible players'. Outside of the potential for metagame, it's really pointless to buy thermals by the time a Infill is called out as either you run into the cloakers, you're without thermals in the first place or by the time it's called out the cloaker is either dead or gone and won't effect anything, also it'd seem standard issue that both CI and MTF would have Thermals on standby since they're an all around useful tool. How would this change better the server? - Allows the thermal system to be used more often, makes combat on the surface more interesting and open, giving more opportunities for using the surface as well as combat on the surface. Creates less issues with sits and specifics on whether or not someone is metagaming because in the end it's going to be impossible to find a persons intent in buying the thermals. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Infills classes will get spotted more often. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Combat classes that can purchase thermals
  9. What are you suggesting? - Change the rules around classes that have the Cloak Sweep, or remove the sniper from Cloak Classes (Aside from SCPs, RRH, RnD's Ghost Unit). 1: Removal of snipers from Infill classes. 2: Rule change, make it to where only under specific reasons can they go invisible. 3: Up the timer on when they shoot/get shot so they're exposed more Or 4: remove the fact that you can only put on Thermals if a Infill is called out, as thermals are still good in combat outside of hunting for Invisible things. How would this change better the server? - Makes combat much more enjoyable, so doesn't interrupt the flow of the server as far as the rules are on combat, it's not enjoyable for any party to be insta-killed by someone they couldn't see. Much less people will be complaining about P2W as infills are really the only thing right now (aside from a few SCPs) that are blatantly OP, also why do wardens have cloak? To counter D-Class and capture SCP's? Makes no sense and is blatantly op. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Platinum+ Players will probably be upset that one of the classes under their package has been nerfed. Who would this change mostly benefit? - All branches involved in combat
  10. +Support Best late night event hosts, deserves to be put back on ET to keep up that late night activity!
  11. -support If Rp is the backing on why utility needs it's uniqueness then how about giving maintenance more roleplay related stuff to do rather than stripping other branches parts away, plus I don't really see how running to a broken door and calling an admin to roll "Rp", other than handing our armor that's maintenances goto is fixing stuff, I know it's kinda up to the player to create the Rp but with the way the server is set up right now you have to do things as quick as you can or you might get killed/caught by CI while repairing a door or a SCP could come around the corner and instakill you. Maybe a good suggestion would have something to do with changing the way combat is on the server or allowing SCP's to communicate with humans without it being 'teaming', like people playing as SCPs have to genuinely act like SCP's as in 049 or 079 trying to interact with humans other than following their MOTD to a tee, or CI trying to get information out of someone on the go instead of cuffing them and dragging them along for 30 minutes, seems like everyone is super stiff on the rules and is too scared/lazy to seek out Rp in terms of beating the bottom line of what the rules say. Not saying breaking the rules but maybe laying off the bare minimum of what you're allowed to do, just some thoughts.
  12. + Support + Fits perfectly into the analyst position + Good ranks + Reasonable and respectful person ~Kilo 2
  13. + Support + Great Maitnenance and Security Command + Smart and collected, knows what he's doing - Not as active as of late, Application could be a bit more filled out + Perfect fit for RRH ~Kilo 2
  14. + Support + Great D5 Command + Great former ranks + Smart, calm and collected, knows what he's doing
  15. + Support + Very active and relaxed + Great Maintenance command + Perfect fit for Engineer
  16. + Support + One of the great D5 members with great activity + Great application + Former Command member
  17. + Support + Great ranks + Great Special forces in E11 + Fantastic pick for RRH ~ Kilo 2
  18. All the way baby +Support ~Kilo 2
  19. Your In-game: Kiwi Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98059290 The admin's name in-game: Caroline The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Caroline What did the admin do: Abused their powers off duty Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/lqW8F_QFUx8KP/d13374NGW1HR?invite=cr-MSwybk0sMTY4OTYwOTAs https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/lqVPElppXeQEz/d1337BUX3IUh?invite=cr-MSxmQTUsMTY4OTYwOTAs What do you believe should happen to the admin: Removal Any extra information: Not the first time this has occurred, back when we were doing trainings for D5 he used his power to pull a trainee to his side of the armory and pushed me away when I wasn't a moderator to take away my trainee so they could get SVFTO, also did this to another player named Ozzie during his training. This is the only evidence but it happens often.
  20. I agree with a lotta the things said above, mostly the negative supports as yeah they're only a minor problem, my suggestion was mainly just meant to put it out there that sarkic might need a slight restriction when it comes to the larger Rp scenarios in the server, with how mingey the class is allowed to be I think small restrictions that don't overall nerf the class really just benefits everyone.
  21. +Support 008 has no purpose outside Researchers doing Rp and rare 008 events, doesn't make sense to have it's own whole containment cell if it doesn't absolutely nothing that isn't implied
  22. EOI add a lot of Rp and have a lot of restrictions, making their lifes a little easier positively effects everyone I mean realistically we'd lock D-Class behind a cell door to prevent escape but it's not really fun for anyone like that
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