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Sammy Sprinkler

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About Sammy Sprinkler

  • Birthday June 2

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  1. think made an extremely sarcastic comment and i responded with his quote this might be the worst suggestion ever hard -support
  2. bofa called, he wants to let you know that you need to talk to candace ASAP
  3. im not saying get rid of the tablet, i think it's great, just the ticket book is easier to use and much more convienent
  4. What you want to see? - The old ticket book being brought back, not saying delete the tablet, I think having both would be great Why should we add it? - It is 10x easier to use, it automatically makes people who deny it wanted, you can actually ticket cars, and there are actual repercussions for denying a fine. What are the advantages of having this? - Convienence, gameplay, realism Who is it mainly for? - Gov Links to any content - N/A hopefully is already on the server
  5. +support it doesnt have to be as fast as a normal gov member, it needs to be faster than walking speed, ive had crim walk away from me before on heavy all i ask for is basic run speed
  6. +support i would much rather have the department name be SS over PPD
  7. Your in game name: Sammy The player's in game name: Antonio Blaze The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:474418508 What did the player do: Failbase Evidence (required): https://gyazo.com/af77ebac1edc84e4d6f183eeccb9c4f9 Quite clearly 1 wide https://gyazo.com/3cb18413aa5b9f22ac8f077991c6ea8e Not see-through fence props, once again and quite clearly not able fit 2 people What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn Any extra information:
  8. SMT you can feel free to deny this, if I get the clip within 3 months I'll make another one
  9. once again, hoping someone is able to check logs/render or send in the clip, i don't know if they can be checked because i'm not staff. probably going to get denied as i have asked for the clip many times.
  10. yea that's why i said hopefully the clip gets posted or someone is able to check logs from yesterday (if they are still there I don't know I'm not staff)
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