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Everything posted by v0y4g3r666

  2. You have the right to remain silent ; Anything you say can and WILL be used against you in the court of law, You have the right to have an attorney present now and during any future questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you at no cost
  3. can we get a new zefer update im getting worried
  4. i think name should be thrown in federal prison personally, capital punishment.
  5. grand general actually, you mook!
  6. -Support I personally feel there are better options for the Position at this current moment in time. The Role of a VCMDR is to purely oversight and deal with higher level problems, While you are on Site most of the time to deal with it you shouldn't be directly dealing with it as that is the job of a Officer unless it is something out of said officers hand then it is brought up the Chain to the VCMDRs. "And show everyone how its done" I feel like this could rub some people the wrong way. As a VCMDR you dont wanna act like a know it all, you are still Learning how to be Command and command effectively. Once again it should be your Officers showing the Lower ranks how its done and you should restrict yourself to be purely Oversight for said Sub-Regiment or Regiment as a whole. When you were in Medical it was known to everyone in High Command and everyone in your Battalions Command I believe, that you were only there to Reach a High Officer rank and then immediately go into Reserves. Which is why we were hesitant on your Promotions, and the main reason why you didn't go up the Officer ranks as much. You were dedicated but in my personal opinion and the opinion of Past High Command you didn't really do anything except checkups. "I make sure my Officers feel heard when there are issues" Anyone can hear a issue its weather or not your willing to go through all the way and deal with it. This is a test of your merit and your ability's to be a successful Command member. Your current rank in Shock is "Lieutenant Colonel" You said that during events you let your Officers take charge, but while yes you are a Senior Officer it is your responsibility to be the helping hand and assist them when Leading the Regiment through a encounter. "One of the Strongest Sub Battalions on the ISD." No offence but this is just not true whatsoever. I take personal offence to this remark as, yes a Sub-Battalion with 14 members would be considered "Strong" its not about the Numbers, its about the Activity, the Maturity of said Sub-Regiment. Along with the Professionalism of that said Regiment. Lets take a Look at some Sub-Regiments. DeathTroopers https://gyazo.com/585cee9578d0c01fc120750c41ae0463 Seeker was my child, This is what I formed when DT was at a low point, and with its Formation I had hoped for a Small, Platoon of members with strong bonds. In which this was Created. During my reign they were all very active, respectable, Mature and had held there role to High Standards and this is what made them small, selective but great. TI-23 Another creation of mine, these 4 people are probably the most active and I would say some of the Strongest members of the Server when it comes to combat which is why they are in said sub-regiment. Though you have to realize that every Battalion has its Strengths and Weaknesses in which why not one Sub-Regiment can be the So called "Strongest" Same goes for all the Other SubRegiments such as.. 501st Heavy Sorta like Shock Heavy actually pretty Identical except for their Respective responsibilities on their Battalions Objectives. IQ IC ST Shock They all work in different and unique ways which is what makes them great because if they all operated the same what would be the intriguing thing that made people join the Battalion? That is why not one "SubRegiment" like Heavy.. can be the Strongest on the ISD or the Server for that.. In no way am I picking on you in any of this. All of that was said above is my personal opinion. Do with that what you will, If my opinion even matters at that.
  7. does anyone know crazy dave?
  8. i cannot wait for the book of darth zefer
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